Pedro R. M. Inácio

Pedro R. M. Inácio

Associate Professor @ Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)
Researcher @ Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)
Coordinator of the sins-lab, home to the nas-cv Group

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
IEEE Senior Member, ACM Professional Member
Senior Editor for IEEE Access
Associado Qualificado AP2SI
Elected Member of EURASIP BForSec TAC

Centro de Competências em Cibersegurança da Região Centro
Leader of A4 | More in the website and twitter.
Project started in 1 July 2024 and ends in March 2026.

 S E C U R   I o T  E S I G N 
Towards the assurance of SECURity by dESIGN of the IoT
Project Leader | More in the website, twitter and research gate.
Project started in 1 July 2018 and (officially) ended in January 2022, but we are still working on it!

ARES 2024

The 19th International Conference on Availability,
Reliability and Security |
TPC Member | More in here.


The 8th International Workshop on Security and
Forensics of IoT |
Track Chair | More in here.


IEEE International Conference on
Cyber Security and Resilience

TPC member | More in here.

NCA 2024

The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Network
Computing and Applications |
TPC Member | More in here.

TrustCom 2024

The 23st International Conference on Trust, Security and
Privacy in Computing and Communications

TPC Member | More in here.

ACM SAC 2025

The 40th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing
Track on Computer Networking
| TPC member | More in here.

ORCID Profile SCOPUS Profile Web of Science Profile DBLP Record Semantic Scholar Record Departamento de Informática Universidade da Beira Interior Instituto de Telecomunicações
11:48 am, 27 July 2024
Updated on 3 February 2024
Copyright Pedro R. M. Inácio