C45 - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
chaining(List, boolean) - Static method in class hultig.align.SimpleChaining
Identify the best chain from given list of match
charAt(int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Word
Access a word character at a given position.
chtag - Variable in class hultig.sumo.ChunkMark
The chunk's part-of-speech label.
CHTAG - Variable in class hultig.sumo.Word
Chunk - Class in hultig.sumo
This class represents a phrasal chunk from a sentence.
Chunk(ChunkedSentence, ChunkMark) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.Chunk
This constructor requires a ChunkedSentence, which is a sentence marked with chunk positions through an array of ChunkMark objects.
chunk(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
This method shallow parses a given sentence string.
chunk(Sentence) - Method in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
Gives the shallow parsed string from an already marked sentence.
ChunkedSentence - Class in hultig.sumo
A specialization of the Sentence class, for handling shallow parsed sentences in a more efficient way.
ChunkedSentence() - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkedSentence
The default constructor, which invokes several default settings, including the definition of chunk values.
ChunkedSentence(String, OpenNLPKit) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkedSentence
This constructor receives a string and a language model, and creates a chunked sentence.
ChunkedSentence(Sentence, OpenNLPKit) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkedSentence
This constructor receives a sentence and a language model, and creates an instance of a chunked sentence.
CHUNKER - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
The chunker reference code.
ChunkMark - Class in hultig.sumo
This class represents a phrase chunk, by storing only the chunk limits and its POS label.
ChunkMark(int, int, String) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkMark
The constructor involves the chunk part-of-speech label and two integers representing a sentence interval, from one word (first index) to the other one (second index).
ChunkMark(int, int, ChunkTag) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkMark
ChunkTag - Enum in hultig.sumo
Represents the Penn Treebank tags at a phrase level, on a shallow parsed sentence.
ChunkType - Class in hultig.sumo
Represents a chunk type obtained from a shallow parser.
ChunkType() - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ChunkType
cleanSentence(String) - Static method in class hultig.io.FileNewsCluster
Cleans a sentence string from certain extra/meta symbols, like HTML/XML tags.
cleanSentence(Sentence) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.NewsCluster
Clean a sentence from extra and meta simbols, like HTML/XML tags.
cleanSentence(String) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.NewsClusterList
Clean a sentence from extra and meta simbols, like HTML/XML tags.
clearHash() - Method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Recreates the current index main table hstab.
close() - Method in class hultig.io.FileIN
Close the current file
close() - Method in class hultig.io.FileOUT
Close this file.
cod - Variable in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
A sentence index, used in news clustering.
cod2str(int) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.ChunkType
Giving the tag codes defined in this class (static fields), converts a tag code into its corresponding string.
cod2str(int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.POSType
codeFile(String, String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Codifies a file according to the loaded dictionary.
codes2str(int[]) - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
codify(Sentence[]) - Method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Codifies any "Word" contained in an array of Sentences, according to this dictionary.
codify(CorpusIndex) - Method in class hultig.sumo.NewsCluster
codify(CorpusIndex) - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Codifies the aligned sentences according to a given corpus index.
codify(CorpusIndex) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Codifies this sentence according to a given previously processed dictionary.
codify(Sentence...) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Static method to codify a bunch of sentences.
codify(CorpusIndex) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
Codifies every word from this text uppon a given corpus index (CorpusIndex).
codify() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
Codifies this text according to the corpus index referenced by CINDEX.
codifyChunks(POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Codifies the chunks of the aligned sentences according to a given part-of-speech tag set.
codifyOnFly(Sentence...) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Codification "on the fly" for a given array of sentences.
codifyOnFly(ChunkedSentence[]) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Codification "on the fly" for an array of chunked sentences.
cods - Variable in class hultig.sumo.Word
Introduced later, in June 2008.
colorizedChunks() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Gives the string pair containing this alignment, marked with XML chromatic tags.
colorizedChunks(POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Gives the string pair containing this alignment, marked with XML chromatic tags.
compare(Rule, Rule) - Method in class hultig.sumo.RuleList
Compare two rules based on their coverage values.
compare(XBubble, XBubble) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
A ordenação baseia-se na ordem vectorial númerica, definida pelos XBubble.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class hultig.util.MatrixItem
The comparator used for sorting.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
compute() - Method in class hultig.sumo.NGramsV
Compute all n-grams
compute_df() - Method in class hultig.sumo.NGramsV
computeAlignOut(Text, int) - Static method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
connection(Chunk) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Chunk
This function computes the connection strength between two chunks, measured in terms of a numeric value.
connectProb(Word) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Word
Similar to costAlign but inverted and normalized in the [0, 1] interval.
contains(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Chunk
Test if a tagged word occurs in this chunk.
contains(String) - Method in class hultig.util.OSArguments
Test if some argument exists, labeled or not
corpus - Variable in class hultig.sumo.NGramsV
CorpusIndex - Class in hultig.sumo
Represents a corpora lexical index, by associating a unique number, the index, to each word.
CorpusIndex() - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
The default constructor initializes the class main properties and components, by also calling the clearHash() method.
CorpusIndex(int) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Provides the main initializations on this class, by also calling the clearHash() method, and sets the word truncation value.
costAlign(Word) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Word
Cost of aligning two words.
COUNTER - Variable in class hultig.sumo.Rule
Used for calculating the frequency of rule applicability in a set of sentences (2012/01/05).
countIntersectLinks(Sentence, Sentence) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Counts te number of link intersections existing between the two sentences.
countLines(String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Counts the number of lines in a given file.
countMatch(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
countMatchNGram(int, Sentence, Sentence) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Counts the number of exclusive n-gram matches, between two sentences.
countNGram(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.HNgram
countNormIntersectLinks(Sentence, Sentence) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Percentage of link intersections existing between the two sentences.
countNotMatch(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Counts the number of words from this sentence that do not match a given regular expression.
countNumLines() - Method in class hultig.io.FileIN
Count the number of lines in this file.
countNumWords() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Counts the number of words in this sentence.
countPattern(String, String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Counts the occurrence of a regular expression in a given text file.
createRandomSample(int, int) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Creates an ordered random sample of integers, between 0 and max, uniformly distributed.
CronoSensor - Class in hultig.util
A time sensor for counting execution times Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006 Company: UBI - HULTIG
CronoSensor() - Constructor for class hultig.util.CronoSensor
Create current object and set time zero - start time
ctMatchNGram(int, Sentence, Sentence) - Static method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Counts the number of n-grams match between two sentences.
cutIfLessThan(int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
Eliminate all sentences having less words than a given minimum number.