padLeft(String, int) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Transforms a string into one with a given length, by filling its left hand side with spaces.
padRight(String, int) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Transforms a string into one with a given length, by filling its right hand side with spaces.
ParaphAlignPair - Class in hultig.sumo
This class represents an aligned paraphrase pair, that is a paraphrasic sentence pair having their common and similar words aligned.
ParaphAlignPair(String, String) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
The default constructor is based on the two sentence strings.
ParaphAlignPair(String, String, OpenNLPKit) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
A more general constructor where a language model is taken to be used for shallow parsing.
parentise - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
The set of text delimiters.
parse(String) - Static method in enum hultig.sumo.ChunkTag
parse(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
Fully parses a sentence contained in a string.
parseConditionString(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Rule
Parses a string containing a sentence reduction rule.
PARSER - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
The parser reference code.
passfilter(String) - Method in class hultig.io.FileNewsCluster
Defines a filter to be applied to the text, preventing certain exotic or uninteresting strings to be rejected, as for example lines with less than 5 characters, or sentences with less than three words.
passfilter(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.NewsClusterList
Define a filter to apply on the text.
pause() - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Makes a pause in the standard output flow, waiting for the user to hit the RETURN key.
pause(String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Makes a pause in the standard output flow, waiting for the user to hit the RETURN key, and prompting him with a message.
pontuacao - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
The set of punctuation marks.
PONTUACAO - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
pop() - Method in class hultig.sumo.NGramsV
POS() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ChunkMark
Gives the chunk tag of this mark.
pos_instance(int, POSType, int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
Devolve a bolha em forma de instância.
posLabel(POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Word
posLabel(POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
posLabel(POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
posLabel() - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
POST - Variable in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
postag(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
Process the Part-of-Speech tagging for a given textual string.
postag(Sentence) - Method in class hultig.sumo.OpenNLPKit
Process the Part-of-Speech tagging for a given Sentence.
POSType - Class in hultig.sumo
POSType() - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.POSType
POSType(String[][]) - Constructor for class hultig.sumo.POSType
posUndefined() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ChunkMark
Tests whether this chunk mark is labeled or not.
PP - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.ChunkType
The code representing a Prepositional Phrase.
print(String[]) - Static method in class hultig.io.FileIN
Output a static array of strings.
print(String) - Method in class hultig.io.FileOUT
A shortcut for standard print.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.NGramsV
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
A shortcut for the print(int level) method, with level equal to 3.
print(int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Outputs this alignment.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.POSType
Prints the list of part-of-speech tags.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.RuleList
Outputs the whole list of sentence reduction rules.
print(int, int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Outputs the words of this sentence, between two positions.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Outputs the string representing this sentence.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
Outputs the text sentences, one sentence per line.
print(String, String, boolean) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
Outputs the text sentences, one sentence per line.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
Output da bolha.
print() - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
print(String) - Method in class hultig.util.BasicStats
Outputs the main statistic parameters.
print() - Method in class hultig.util.HashStr
Imprime ordenadamente a tabela de Hash.
print(String, String) - Method in class hultig.util.HashStr
Imprime ordenadamente a tabela de Hash.
print(String) - Method in class hultig.util.MatrixT
print(String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
A shortcut for the standard print.
print(String[], boolean) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs a static array of strings.
print(String[]) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs a static array of strings.
print(int[]) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs an array of integer values.
print(double[]) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs an array of double values.
print_ILP_instance(int, POSType, PrintStream) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
Atalho, para bolhas com qualquer comprimento.
print_ILP_instance(int, POSType, PrintStream, int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
Imprime a bolha no formato adequado ao Aleph.
print_instance(int, POSType, int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
print_instances(int, PrintStream) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
Output instance set in various formats: ARFF, C5, ILP.
print_neg_instance(String, POSType) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubble
print_pos() - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
printAlignmentH(int) - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
printAlignments() - Method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
Output the local alignments with the maximum score.
printAlignmentV() - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
printAllSentences(OpenNLPKit) - Method in class hultig.sumo.NewsClusterList
printArgs() - Method in class hultig.util.OSArguments
Outputs both argument types: positionals and labeled.
printArrayWords() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ChunkedSentence
This method is a default shortcut for printArrayWords(java.lang.String), with label = null.
printArrayWords(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.ChunkedSentence
Outputs the sequence of words in this shallow parsed sentence with their corresponding lexico-syntactic codes.
printDict(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Prints the corpus index in a text file (see printDict(PrintStream)).
printDict(PrintStream) - Method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Prints the corpus index in a text file.
printDPMatrix() - Method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
print the dynmaic programming matrix
printEntailments() - Method in class hultig.sumo.RuleList
printf(String, Object...) - Method in class hultig.io.FileOUT
My printf function, similar to the C function.
printf(String, Object...) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
A shortcut for the printf function.
printfPT(String, Object...) - Method in class hultig.io.FileOUT
My printf function, similar to the C function.
printHelp() - Static method in class hultig.sumo.CorpusIndex
Prints the set of arguments that can be passed through the command line (main).
printHistogram(int[], int) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs the histogram corresponding to a given array of integers.
printInstancesILP(PrintStream, int) - Method in class hultig.sumo.XBubbleList
Novo método para escrita de bolhas para o Aleph.
println(String) - Method in class hultig.io.FileOUT
shortcut for standard println.
println() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Sentence
Outputs all words from this sentence, one word per line.
println(String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
A shortcut for the standard println.
printLowerMatrix(double[], int) - Static method in class hultig.align.SimpleChaining
System out the input array as an strict lower diagonal matrix
printMatrix() - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
printMatrixLatex() - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
Print the alignment matrix to be used in Latex.
printParaAligns(Text) - Static method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
printParaAlignsHoriz(Text) - Static method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
Introduced by JPC
printParaAlignsHoriz(int[], int[], CorpusIndex) - Static method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
Introduced by JPC
printVector(String, int[]) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Outputs an array of integers.
printvectors() - Method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
printVocabulary() - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
printWithColors() - Method in class hultig.sumo.ParaphAlignPair
Outputs this alignment marked with XML chromatic tags.
prob(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.HNgram
The estimated probability of a given n-gram, for the data in this table.
prob(String[]) - Method in class hultig.sumo.HNgram
The estimated probability of a given n-gram, for the data in this table.
prob(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.Text
prob(String) - Method in class hultig.util.HashStr
Probabilidade estimada da string "key", na estrutura.
probabilidade(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.HNgram
Computes the log-likelihood of a given word sequence, based on the n-gram model stored in this object.
probability(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.HNgram
Computes the likelihood of a given word sequence, based on the n-gram model stored in this object.
probBeText() - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
probBeText(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
probGoodText(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
Estimates the probability of s to be "good text".
probGoodText(String) - Static method in class hultig.util.Toolkit
Computes the likelihood to have text, for a given string.
process(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
A shortcut for the process/2 method.
process(String, String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
Process a file by applying a set of filtering rules.
processFile(String) - Method in class hultig.util.HashStr
Similar to the method with two arguments.
processFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hultig.util.HashStr
Read the text from a file and incrementally setup the hashtable.
processParaFile(String) - Static method in class hultig.align.NWunsch
To process a paraphrase file.
processParaFile(String) - Static method in class hultig.align.SWaterman
procstr(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
Processes a string and setup a bunch of state variables, like number of characters, number of upper and lower characters, probability to be a "good text", etc.
procWords(String) - Method in class hultig.sumo.TxtFilter
PRT - Static variable in class hultig.sumo.ChunkType
The code representing a particle.