Uses of Class

Packages that use Sentence
hultig.align This package gathers the sequence alignment algorithms used in other classes, specially those in the hultig.sumo package. This package contains several "tools" for easing the file input/output processes, which in Java is a bit "bureaucratic". 
hultig.sumo This is the library's core package, containing the fundamental classes for handling text, namely Word, Sentence, and Text

Uses of Sentence in hultig.align

Constructors in hultig.align with parameters of type Sentence
NWunsch(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)

Uses of Sentence in

Methods in that return Sentence
 Sentence[] FileNewsCluster.getNewsClusterSentences(int index)
          Gives the set of sentences contained in the i-th news cluster, from this object.
 Sentence[] FileNewsCluster.loadAllSentences()

Uses of Sentence in hultig.sumo

Subclasses of Sentence in hultig.sumo
 class ChunkedSentence
          A specialization of the Sentence class, for handling shallow parsed sentences in a more efficient way.

Methods in hultig.sumo that return Sentence
static Sentence NewsCluster.cleanSentence(Sentence stc)
          Clean a sentence from extra and meta simbols, like HTML/XML tags.
 Sentence[] NewsCluster.getCleanSentences()
          Clean the whole set of sentences in the news cluster.
 Sentence Text.getSentence(int index)
          Gives the i-th sentence from this text.
 Sentence[] NewsCluster.getSentences()
 Sentence[] Text.getSentences()
          Gives an array with all the sentences from this text.
 Sentence Sentence.mutation(int n)
          Produces a given number of random "mutations" in this sentence.
 Sentence OpenNLPKit.postag(Sentence stc)
          Process the Part-of-Speech tagging for a given Sentence.
 Sentence[] Sentence.splitPunct()
          Split a sentence based on the punctuations found.
 Sentence Sentence.subs(int a, int b)
          Gives a sub-sentence from this sentence, between positions a and b, which should be valid.

Methods in hultig.sumo with parameters of type Sentence
 void CorpusIndex.add(Sentence stc)
          Incrementally adds the words of a given Sentence to this corpora index.
 boolean Text.add(Sentence s)
          Adds a sentence to this text, by inserting it at the end of the list (appending a sentence).
 void CorpusIndex.add(Sentence[] vs)
          Adds the words contained in an array os sentences to this corpus index.
 String OpenNLPKit.chunk(Sentence stc)
          Gives the shallow parsed string from an already marked sentence.
static Sentence NewsCluster.cleanSentence(Sentence stc)
          Clean a sentence from extra and meta simbols, like HTML/XML tags.
static void Sentence.codify(Sentence... vs)
          Static method to codify a bunch of sentences.
 void CorpusIndex.codify(Sentence[] vs)
          Codifies any "Word" contained in an array of Sentences, according to this dictionary.
static CorpusIndex CorpusIndex.codifyOnFly(Sentence... sentences)
          Codification "on the fly" for a given array of sentences.
static int Sentence.countIntersectLinks(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Counts te number of link intersections existing between the two sentences.
static int Sentence.countMatchNGram(int N, Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Counts the number of exclusive n-gram matches, between two sentences.
static double Sentence.countNormIntersectLinks(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Percentage of link intersections existing between the two sentences.
static int Sentence.ctMatchNGram(int N, Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Counts the number of n-grams match between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dgauss(Sentence other)
          A simple version of the gaussian similarity between twon sentences.
 double Sentence.dgauss(Sentence other, double p0, double r0, double sp0, double sr0)
          The gaussian similarity between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dLinear(Sentence other)
          The linear similarity metric between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dParabolic(Sentence other)
          The parabolic sentence similarity metric.
static double Sentence.dsBLEU(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Computes the BLEU metric between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dsEntropy(Sentence other)
          The "entropy metric" for calculating the similarity between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dSin(Sentence other)
          The trignometric function for calculating the similarity between two sentences.
 int Sentence.dsLevenshtein(Sentence other)
          This method applies the Edit Distance (ED) metric to compare this sentence with another one.
static double Sentence.dsNgram(int N, Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Computes the simple n-gram overlap between two sentences, considering a maximum number of n-grams.
static double Sentence.dsNgram(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          Computes the simple n-gram overlap between two sentences, with 4 as the maximum n-gram counted.
static double Sentence.dsuffixArrays(Sentence sa, Sentence sb)
          A metric for calculating sentence proximity, based on suffix arrays comparisons of n-grams, as defined by Church and Yamamoto.
 double Sentence.dsumo(Sentence other)
          The "sumo metric" for calculating the similarity between two sentences.
 double Sentence.dsumoWSize(Sentence other)
          A different version of the sumo function for calculating sentence similarity between two sentences.
static void Sentence.ensureCodification(Sentence... sentences)
          Ensures that a given set of sentences is codified, which means that their words have been marked with a word indexer (a CorpusIndex object).
 Sentence OpenNLPKit.postag(Sentence stc)
          Process the Part-of-Speech tagging for a given Sentence.
 int[][] Sentence.readLinks(Sentence other)
          Returns the set of links between two sentences: A = {a1,a2,} where ak = (k1, k2) is an integer pair representing the link between word in position k1, in one sentence, and k2 the k2-th word in the other sentence.
 void Sentence.reload(Sentence s)
          Recreate this sentence from another one.
 double Sentence.similarity(Sentence other)
          Compute the similarity metric between two sentences.
 double Sentence.similarity(Sentence other, String metric)
          Calculates the similarity between two sentences using a given similarity function.

Constructors in hultig.sumo with parameters of type Sentence
ChunkedSentence(Sentence s, OpenNLPKit model)
          This constructor receives a sentence and a language model, and creates an instance of a chunked sentence.