Your Name

João Cordeiro


I am an Assistant Professor at the Informatics Department from the University of Beira Interior (UBI). I am also a member of the Centre for Human Language Technology and Bioinformatics (HULTIG), at UBI, and a research colaborator in NOVA LINCS (Lisbon).

I am a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Beira Interior, since 2011 [thesis]. In 2003 I obtained my M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Computation, from the Science Faculty of the University of Porto [thesis], and back in 1998, I concluded my B.Sc. 5 year degree in Mathematics/Informatics, from the University of Beira Interior.

I have more than 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience in a wide range of knowledge from Computer Science and Engineering. I have had the privilege to participate in the education of several student generations, where many have become key figures, either in the industry or by following academic careers. I love teaching! Seeing the growth and maturation of human intellect is something unique and wonderful!

I like to develop my research work in collaboration with other colleagues, which makes me involved in various networks and research projects, mainly within the scope of Computational Linguistics.


Teaching computer and technology subjects is a special challenge, considering their continuous evolution. Everything that involves information technology is subject to continuous change, requiring constant updating by a teacher. It is a stiff challenge but also very rewarding, for those who love to learn and teach, as is my case. Here is a list of courses I have taught over the past 20 years:


In particular, my main research interests lay in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining, including subjects like Sentiment Analysis, Machine Linguistic Study, Text Knowledge Extraction and Summarization, and Text Characterization.

In addition to these main topics, I also like to get involved in topics related to Machine Learning and Web Mining, always being attentive to new sub-areas that emerge as knowledge advances.

Research Word Cloud


I present here a list of recent and selected publications. Essentially, this list contains what I consider most relevant and what best reflects my research work. For a complete view you can access one of the conventional scientific platforms, such as ORCID or Google Scholar.

Muetunda, F., Sabry, S., Jamil, M. L., Pais, S., Dias, G., & Cordeiro, J. (2024). AI-assisted Diagnosing, Monitoring, and Treatment of Mental Disorders: A Survey. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare.

Cordeiro, J. P., Silvano, P. M., Leal, A., & Pais, S. (2024, May). TELP – Text Extraction with Linguistic Patterns. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages@ LREC-COLING 2024 (pp. 337-344).    [TELP access]

Muetunda, F., Sabry, S., Pais, S., Dias, G., Cordeiro, J., Pombo, N. (2023). Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health. International Workshop on Data Mining for Mental Disorders (DMMD) associated to 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Shangai, China.

Muetunda, F., Sabry, S., Pais, S., Dias, G., Cordeiro, J., Pombo, N. (2023). Improving Mental Disorder Predictions using Feature-Based Machine Learning Techniques. International Workshop on Data Mining for Mental Disorders (DMMD) associated to 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Shangai, China.

Jamil, M. L., Pais, S., Pombo, N., Cordeiro, J., Neves, P. (2023). Challenges of Profiling Offenders for Recidivism Risk. The 2nd International Workshop on Legal Intelligence. International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).

Jamil, M. L., Pais, S., Cordeiro, J., Dias, G., & Pombo, N. (2023, October). An Approach for Detecting Dangerous Events from Online Text Using Transformers. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) (pp. 256-262). IEEE.

Silvano, M. D. P., Cordeiro, J., Leal, A., & Pais, S. (2023). DRIPPS: a Corpus with Discourse Relations in Perfect Participial Sentences. In Language, Data and Knowledge 2023 (LDK 2023): Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge.    [DRIPPS access]

Jamil, M. L., Pais, S., Cordeiro, J. (2022). Detection of dangerous events on social media: a critical review. Social Network Analysis and Mining 12, 154.

Pais, S., Cordeiro, J., Jamil, M. L. (2022). NLP-based platform as a service: a brief review. Journal of Big Data 9, 54.

Brazdil, P., Muhammad, SH., Oliveira, F., Cordeiro, J., Silva, F., Silvano, P., Leal, A. (2022). Semi- Automatic Approaches for Exploiting Shifter Patterns in Domain-Specific Sentiment Analysis. Mathematics, 10(18):3232.

Jamil, M. L., Pais, S., Cordeiro, J. (2022) Detection of extreme sentiments on social networks with BERT. Social Networks Analysis and Mining. 12, 55.

Lopes, V., Gaspar, A., Alexandre, L.A., and Cordeiro, J. (2021). An AutoML-based Approach to Multimodal Image Sentiment Analysis, Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2021), Shenzhen, China, July 18–22, 2021.

Pais, S., Tanoli, I. K., Albardeiro, M., and Cordeiro, J. (2020). Unsupervised Approach to Detect Extreme Sentiments on Social Networks. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020), pp. 651–658.

Leal, A., Silvano, P., and Cordeiro, J. (2020). On adverbial perfect participial clauses in Portuguese varieties and British English. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 31. Amsterdam, Holand: John Benjamins, 2020. (Book Chapter)

Pais, S., Cordeiro, J., Martins, R., and Albardeiro, M. (2019). SocialNetCrawler -- Online Social Network Crawler. MEDES19 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, pp. 16–22, ACM 2019.

Moutinho, V.; Brazdil, P. and Cordeiro, J. (2019). Association and Temporality between News and Tweets. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management – Volume 1: KDIR, ISBN 978-989-758-382-7, pp. 500–507.

Cordeiro, J., Brazdil, P. & Leal, A. 2018. Empirical study of verbs and prepositions in European Portuguese with recourse to Web/Text Minning. Leal, A. (Ed.). Verbs, movement and prepositions. Porto: CLUP/FLUP, 103-122.

Abrantes, D., Cordeiro, J. (2018). Extracting adverse drug effects from user experiences: A baseline. 2018 IEEE 31th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pp. 405--410, IEEE Conferences.

Cordeiro, J., Inácio, P., Fernandes, D. (2015). Fractal Beauty in Text. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 17th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2015, LNAI, Springer Verlag.

Felipe, B., Cordeiro, J. (2015). Deteção Automática de Plágio em Dois Atos. Simpósio de Informática — INForum 2015. Veiga, L. & Rocha, R., Editores. Covilhã, setembro de 2015. ISBN: 978-989-654-248-1

Brazdil, P., Trigo, L., Cordeiro, J., Sarmento, R., & Valizadeh, M. (2015). Affinity mining of documents sets via network analysis, keywords and summaries. Oslo Studies in Language, 7(1).

Cordeiro, J.P., Dias, G., Brazdil, P., (2013). Rule Induction for Sentence Reduction. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2013, LNAI 8154, pp. 528--539, Springer Verlag 2013.

Dias, G., Moraliyski, R., Cordeiro, J.P., Doucet, A., Ahonen-Myka, H. (2010). Automatic Discovery of Word Semantic Relations using Paraphrase Alignment and Distributional Lexical Semantics Analysis. In Journal of Natural Language Engineering. Special Issue on Distributional Lexical Semantics. (Guest Eds) Roberto Basisli Marco Pennacchiotti. Volume 16, issue 04, pp. 439-467. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 1351-3249.

Grigonyté, G., Cordeiro, J.P., Moraliyski, R., Dias, G., Brazdil, P. (2010). A Paraphrase Alignment for Synonym Evidence Discovery. 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010). Beijing, China, August 23-27.

Cordeiro, J.P., Dias, G. Brazdil, P. (2009). Unsupervised Induction of Sentence Compression Rules. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Generation and Summarization associated to the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (ACL/IJCNLP 2009). Singapore, Singapore, August 6.

Cordeiro, J.P., Dias, G. Cleuziou G. Brazdil P. (2007). New Functions for Unsupervised Asymmetrical Paraphrase Detection. In Journal of Software. Volume:2, Issue:4, Page(s): 12-23. Academy Publisher. Finland. ISSN: 1796-217X. October 2007.

Cordeiro, J.P., Dias, G. Cleuziou G. (2007). Biology Based Alignments of Paraphrases for Sentence Compression. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing (ACL-PASCAL / ACL2007). Prague, Czech Republic.

Cordeiro, J.P., Dias, G. Brazdil, P. (2007). Learning Paraphrases from WNS Corpora. 20th International FLAIRS Conference. AAAI Press. Key West, Florida, USA.

Cordeiro and Brazdil (2004). Learning Text Extraction Rules Without Ignoring Stop Words. 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (PRIS 2004). Porto, Portugal.

Cordeiro, João Paulo da Costa. Extracção de elementos relevantes em texto-páginas da World Wide Web [Texto policopiado] / João Paulo da Costa Cordeiro. - Porto : [s.n.], 2003. - 174 p. : il. ; 30 cm - Bibliografia, f. 149-153. - Tese mestr. Inteligência Artificial e Computação, Univ. do Porto, 2003 (BND 1290590)