Uses of Class

Packages that use OpenNLPKit
hultig.sumo This is the library's core package, containing the fundamental classes for handling text, namely Word, Sentence, and Text

Uses of OpenNLPKit in hultig.sumo

Methods in hultig.sumo with parameters of type OpenNLPKit
 boolean Text.add(String stxt, OpenNLPKit onlpk)
          Add all the sentences contained in the readLn string to this file.
static void NewsClusterList.gerar_pos_corpus(OpenNLPKit model, String foutname)
 void NewsClusterList.printAllSentences(OpenNLPKit model)

Constructors in hultig.sumo with parameters of type OpenNLPKit
ChunkedSentence(Sentence s, OpenNLPKit model)
          This constructor receives a sentence and a language model, and creates an instance of a chunked sentence.
ChunkedSentence(String s, OpenNLPKit model)
          This constructor receives a string and a language model, and creates a chunked sentence.
ParaphAlignPair(String sa, String sb, OpenNLPKit model)
          A more general constructor where a language model is taken to be used for shallow parsing.
Text(String s, OpenNLPKit onlpk)
          Creates a new text from a given string.