About me

In 2016, Sebastião Pais started his academic career at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) and develops his research activities at the NOVA LINCS (Portugal) and the CNRS GREYC UMR 6072 Laboratory (France). His research interests include Statistical Natural Language Processing, Statistical Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Lexical Semantics, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Social Network Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Data Science and Data Mining. Sebastião Pais received his PhD in Computer Science from the MINES ParisTech (France) and the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) in 2013. Sebastião Pais received in 2017 the qualification of Maître de Conférences (MCF) in Computer Science, by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation, of the French Republic.
