(* TD 3 - unificação e algoritmo W -- versão com unificação destructiva *)

(* tipos e variáveis de tipo são definidas por recursividade mútua *)

type typ =
  | Tint
  | Tarrow of typ * typ
  | Tproduct of typ * typ
  | Tvar of tvar

and tvar =
  { id : int;
    mutable def : typ option }

(* módulo V para as variáveis de tipo *)

module V = struct
  type t = tvar
  let compare v1 v2 = Pervasives.compare v1.id v2.id
  let equal v1 v2 = v1.id = v2.id
  let create = let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; { id = !r; def = None }

(* redução em cabeça de um tipo (a compressão de caminho é possível) *)
let rec head = function
  | Tvar { def = Some t } -> head t
  | t -> t

(* forma canónica de um tipo = aplica-se head recursivamente *)
let rec canon t = match head t with
  | Tvar _ | Tint as t -> t
  | Tarrow (t1, t2) -> Tarrow (canon t1, canon t2)
  | Tproduct (t1, t2) -> Tproduct (canon t1, canon t2)

(* testes *)
let rec print fmt = function
  | Tint -> Format.fprintf fmt "int"
  | Tarrow (ty1, ty2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a ->@ %a)" print ty1 print ty2
  | Tproduct (ty1, ty2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a,@ %a)" print ty1 print ty2
  | Tvar v -> print_tvar fmt v
and print_tvar fmt v =
  Format.fprintf fmt "'%d" v.id;
  match v.def with None -> () | Some ty -> Format.fprintf fmt "[:=%a]" print ty

let () =
  let a = V.create () in
  let b = V.create () in
  let ta = Tvar a in
  let tb = Tvar b in
  assert (head ta == ta);
  assert (head tb == tb);
  let ty = Tarrow (ta, tb) in
  a.def <- Some tb;
  assert (head ta == tb);
  assert (head tb == tb);
  b.def <- Some Tint;
  assert (head ta = Tint);
  assert (head tb = Tint);
  assert (canon ta = Tint);
  assert (canon tb = Tint);
  assert (canon ty = Tarrow (Tint, Tint))

(* unificação *)

exception UnificationFailure of typ * typ

let unification_error t1 t2 = raise (UnificationFailure (canon t1, canon t2))

let rec occur v t = match head t with
  | Tvar w -> V.equal v w
  | Tarrow (t1, t2) | Tproduct (t1, t2) -> occur v t1 || occur v t2
  | Tint -> false

let rec unify t1 t2 = match head t1, head t2 with
  | Tint, Tint ->
  | Tvar v1, Tvar v2 when V.equal v1 v2 ->
  | Tvar v1 as t1, t2 ->
      if occur v1 t2 then unification_error t1 t2;
      assert (v1.def = None);
      v1.def <- Some t2
  | t1, Tvar v2 ->
      unify t2 t1
  | Tarrow (t11, t12), Tarrow (t21, t22)
  | Tproduct (t11, t12), Tproduct (t21, t22) ->
      unify t11 t21; unify t12 t22
  | t1, t2 ->
      unification_error t1 t2

let () =
  let a = V.create () in
  let b = V.create () in
  let ta = Tvar a in
  let tb = Tvar b in
  assert (occur a ta);
  assert (occur b tb);
  assert (not (occur a tb));
  let ty = Tarrow (ta, tb) in
  assert (occur a ty);
  assert (occur b ty);
  (* unifica 'a-> 'b e int->int *)
  unify ty (Tarrow (Tint, Tint));
  assert (canon ta = Tint);
  assert (canon ty = Tarrow (Tint, Tint));
  (* unifica 'c e int->int *)
  let c = V.create () in
  let tc = Tvar c in
  unify tc ty;
  assert (canon tc = Tarrow (Tint, Tint))

let cant_unify ty1 ty2 =
  try let _ = unify ty1 ty2 in false with UnificationFailure _ -> true

let () =
  assert (cant_unify Tint (Tarrow (Tint, Tint)));
  assert (cant_unify Tint (Tproduct (Tint, Tint)));
  let a = V.create () in
  let ta = Tvar a in
  unify ta (Tarrow (Tint, Tint));
  assert (cant_unify ta Tint)

(* esquema de tipo *)

module Vset = Set.Make(V)

type schema = { vars : Vset.t; typ : typ }

(* variáveis livres *)

let rec fvars t = match head t with
  | Tint -> Vset.empty
  | Tarrow (t1, t2) | Tproduct (t1, t2) -> Vset.union (fvars t1) (fvars t2)
  | Tvar v -> Vset.singleton v

let norm_varset s =
  Vset.fold (fun v s -> Vset.union (fvars (Tvar v)) s) s Vset.empty

let () =
  assert (Vset.is_empty (fvars (Tarrow (Tint, Tint))));
  let a = V.create () in
  let ta = Tvar a in
  let ty = Tarrow (ta, ta) in
  assert (Vset.equal (fvars ty) (Vset.singleton a));
  unify ty (Tarrow (Tint, Tint));
  assert (Vset.is_empty (fvars ty))

(* ambiente : é uma tabela de ligações (string -> schema),
   e un conjunto de variáveis de tipo livres *)

module Smap = Map.Make(String)

type env = { bindings : schema Smap.t; fvars : Vset.t }

let empty = { bindings = Smap.empty; fvars = Vset.empty }

let add gen x t env =
  let vt = fvars t in
  let s, fvars =
    if gen then
      let env_fvars = norm_varset env.fvars in
      { vars = Vset.diff vt env_fvars; typ = t }, env.fvars
      { vars = Vset.empty; typ = t }, Vset.union env.fvars vt
  { bindings = Smap.add x s env.bindings; fvars = fvars }

module Vmap = Map.Make(V)

(* find x env devolve uma instância fresca de env(x) *)
let find x env =
  let tx = Smap.find x env.bindings in
  let s =
    Vset.fold (fun v s -> Vmap.add v (Tvar (V.create ())) s)
      tx.vars Vmap.empty
  let rec subst t = match head t with
    | Tvar x as t -> (try Vmap.find x s with Not_found -> t)
    | Tint -> Tint
    | Tarrow (t1, t2) -> Tarrow (subst t1, subst t2)
    | Tproduct (t1, t2) -> Tproduct (subst t1, subst t2)
  subst tx.typ

(* sintaxe abstracta dos programas *)
type expression =
  | Var of string
  | Const of int
  | Op of string
  | Fun of string * expression
  | App of expression * expression
  | Pair of expression * expression
  | Let of string * expression * expression

(* o algoritmo W *)
let rec w env = function
  | Var x ->
      find x env
  | Const _ ->
  | Op "+" ->
      Tarrow (Tproduct (Tint, Tint), Tint)
  | Op op ->
      failwith ("no operator as " ^ op)
  | Pair (e1, e2) ->
      let t1 = w env e1 in
      let t2 = w env e2 in
      Tproduct (t1, t2)
  | Fun (x, e1) ->
      let v = Tvar (V.create ()) in
      let env = add false x v env in
      let t1 = w env e1 in
      Tarrow (v, t1)
  | App (e1, e2) ->
      let t1 = w env e1 in
      let t2 = w env e2 in
      let v = Tvar (V.create ()) in
      unify t1 (Tarrow (t2, v));
  | Let (x, e1, e2) ->
      let t1 = w env e1 in
      let env = add true x t1 env in
      w env e2

(* testes *)

let typeof e = canon (w empty e)

(* positivos *)

(* 1 : int *)
let () = assert (typeof (Const 1) = Tint)

(* fun x -> x : 'a -> 'a *)
let () = assert (match typeof (Fun ("x", Var "x")) with
  | Tarrow (Tvar v1, Tvar v2) -> V.equal v1 v2
  | _ -> false)

(* fun x -> x+1 : int -> int *)
let () = assert (typeof (Fun ("x", App (Op "+", Pair (Var "x", Const 1))))
                 = Tarrow (Tint, Tint))

(* fun x -> x+x : int -> int *)
let () = assert (typeof (Fun ("x", App (Op "+", Pair (Var "x", Var "x"))))
                 = Tarrow (Tint, Tint))

(* let x = 1 in x+x : int *)
let () =
  assert (typeof (Let ("x", Const 1, App (Op "+", Pair (Var "x", Var "x"))))
          = Tint)

(* let id = fun x -> x in id 1 *)
let () =
  assert (typeof (Let ("id", Fun ("x", Var "x"), App (Var "id", Const 1)))
          = Tint)

(* let id = fun x -> x in id id 1 *)
let () =
  assert (typeof (Let ("id", Fun ("x", Var "x"),
                       App (App (Var "id", Var "id"), Const 1)))
          = Tint)

(* let id = fun x -> x in (id 1, id (1,2)) : int * (int * int) *)
let () =
  assert (typeof (Let ("id", Fun ("x", Var "x"),
                       Pair (App (Var "id", Const 1),
                             App (Var "id", Pair (Const 1, Const 2)))))
          = Tproduct (Tint, Tproduct (Tint, Tint)))

(* app = fun f x -> let y = f x in y : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b *)
let () =
  let ty =
    typeof (Fun ("f", Fun ("x", Let ("y", App (Var "f", Var "x"), Var "y"))))
  assert (match ty with
    | Tarrow (Tarrow (Tvar v1, Tvar v2), Tarrow (Tvar v3, Tvar v4)) ->
        V.equal v1 v3 && V.equal v2 v4
    | _ -> false)

(* négativos *)

let cant_type e =
  try let _ = typeof e in false with UnificationFailure _ -> true

(* 1 2 *)
let () = assert (cant_type (App (Const 1, Const 2)))

(* fun x -> x x *)
let () = assert (cant_type (Fun ("x", App (Var "x", Var "x"))))

(* (fun f -> +(f 1)) (fun x -> x) *)
let () = assert (cant_type
                   (App (Fun ("f", App (Op "+", App (Var "f", Const 1))),
                         Fun ("x", Var "x"))))

(* fun x -> (x 1, x (1,2)) *)
let () = assert (cant_type
                   (Fun ("x", Pair (App (Var "x", Const 1),
                                    App (Var "x", Pair (Const 1, Const 2))))))

(* fun x -> let z = x in (z 1, z (1,2)) *)
let () = assert (cant_type
                   (Fun ("x",
                         Let ("z", Var "x",
                              Pair (App (Var "z", Const 1),
                                    App (Var "z", Pair (Const 1, Const 2)))))))

(* let distr_pair = fun f -> (f 1, f (1,2)) in distr_pair (fun x -> x) *)
let () =
  assert (cant_type
            (Let ("distr_pair",
                  Fun ("f", Pair (App (Var "f", Const 1),
                                  App (Var "f", Pair (Const 1, Const 2)))),
                  App (Var "distr_pair", (Fun ("x", Var "x"))))))

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