Sentence Compression Test

File Input: /a/news@google/n20081208-04h.xml
Platform: Mac OS X (i386)
Moment: 2009/04/15 21:45:29:158

    Context color       Target color      

ID:   1   ID(stc):   5   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   later, at a news conference in chicago, illinois, said in his recent meetings with the national conference of governors, there was a" strong bipartisan" consensus that" we 've got to get people working on some key projects that have been sitting there for a long time."
   advp:{later/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt news/nn conference/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{chicago/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{illinois/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ recent/jj meetings/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt national/jj conference/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{governors/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a"/dt strong/jj bipartisan/jj "/`` consensus/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp got/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{working/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{some/dt key/jj projects/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn sitting/vbg}:vp    advp:{there/rb}:advp    pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt long/jj time/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:   2   ID(stc):  14   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   but he said generally that" if this management team that 's currently in place does n't understand the urgency of the situation and is not willing to make the tough choices and adapt to these new circumstances, then they should go."
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp    advp:{generally/rb}:advp    pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{"/``}:np   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{this/dt management/nn team/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   advp:{currently/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{place/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb understand/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt urgency/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{willing/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to make/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt tough/jj choices/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{adapt/vbp}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{these/dt new/jj circumstances/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{should/md go/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:   3   ID(stc):  21   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   despite the nation 's massive debt, obama said he wo n't be focusing on building a balanced budget at the start of his administration.
   pp:{despite/in}:pp   np:{the/dt nation/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos massive/jj debt/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{wo/md n't/rb be/vb focusing/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{building/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt balanced/jj budget/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt start/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ administration/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:   4   ID(stc):  23   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   and that means that we ca n't worry short term about the deficit.
   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{means/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{ca/md n't/rb worry/vb}:vp   np:{short/jj term/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt deficit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:   5   ID(stc):  28   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   asked whether that is still his plan, obama said" we do n't yet know what the best approach is going to be."
   vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    np:{his/prp$ plan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb yet/rb know/vb}:vp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{the/dt best/jjs approach/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to be/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:   6   ID(stc):  37   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " to allow the auto industry in the to collapse precisely at a time when we 're already seeing record joblessness is unacceptable," he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{to/to allow/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt}:np   vp:{to/to collapse/vb}:vp    advp:{precisely/rb}:advp    pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt time/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'re/vbp already/rb seeing/vbg}:vp   np:{record/nn joblessness/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{unacceptable/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:   7   ID(stc):  41   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   " i 'm disappointed that we have n't seen quicker movement on this issue by the administration," he said on nbc, calling a moratorium on foreclosures an" important tool," along with pushing banks to renegotiate with struggling homeowners.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{'m/vbp}:vp    adjp:{disappointed/vbn}:adjp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp n't/rb seen/vbn}:vp   np:{quicker/jjr movement/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{this/dt issue/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt administration/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{calling/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt moratorium/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{foreclosures/nns}:np   np:{an/dt "/'' important/jj tool/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{along/in}:advp   pp:{with/in}:pp   vp:{pushing/vbg}:vp   np:{banks/nns}:np   vp:{to/to renegotiate/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{struggling/vbg homeowners/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:   8   ID(stc):  45   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   he also repeated his warning that the economy will get worse before it gets better.
   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{repeated/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ warning/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{will/md get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{gets/vbz}:vp   adjp:{better/jjr}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:   9   ID(stc):  48   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   after dropping his kids off at school, obama jets to d.c. to meet with president bush for the first time since the election.
   pp:{after/in}:pp   vp:{dropping/vbg}:vp   np:{his/prp$ kids/nns}:np   pp:{off/rp}:pp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{school/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nn jets/nns}:np   vp:{to/to d.c./vb}:vp   vp:{to/to meet/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{president/nn bush/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt first/jj time/nn}:np    pp:{since/in}:pp    np:{the/dt election/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  10   ID(stc):  50   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   from the' fist bump,' to tender kisses, take a look at the future first couple 's intimate moments on the trail.
   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt '/pos fist/nn bump/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{'/''}:undef   vp:{to/to tender/vb}:vp   np:{kisses/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{take/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt look/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt future/nn first/jj couple/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos intimate/jj moments/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt trail/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  11   ID(stc):  51   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   from a tot in hawaii to the president of the harvard law review - a look back at barack obama 's youth.
   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{a/dt tot/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{hawaii/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt harvard/nn law/nn review/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{a/dt look/nn}:np   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos youth/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  12   ID(stc):  54   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   take a look at the president-elect 's family tree.
   vp:{take/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt look/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos family/nn tree/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  13   ID(stc):  57   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   michelle obama - wife, mother and successful career woman - makes an impression on the campaign trail.
   np:{michelle/jj obama/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{wife/nn ,/, mother/nn and/cc successful/jj career/nn woman/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{makes/vbz}:vp   np:{an/dt impression/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt campaign/nn trail/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  14   ID(stc):  58   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   papers around the world celebrated the election of the nited states' first black president, barack obama.
   np:{papers/nns}:np    pp:{around/in}:pp    np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   vp:{celebrated/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt election/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt nited/jj states/nns}:np   np:{'/pos first/jj black/jj president/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  15   ID(stc):  63   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he was the officer who told congress that hundreds of thousands more. s. troops would be needed for victory in iraq before the bush administration decided it needed more troops in iraq, though not hundreds of thousands.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt officer/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{congress/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{hundreds/nns of/in thousands/nns more/rbr}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{troops/nns}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb needed/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{victory/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   vp:{decided/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{needed/vbd}:vp    np:{more/rbr troops/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{though/in}:sbar   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{hundreds/nns of/in thousands/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  16   ID(stc):  67   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the 47-year-old father of two who will start living there next month as the 44th president said the building would stay smoke-free.
   np:{the/dt 47-year-old/jj father/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{two/cd}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{will/md start/vb living/vbg}:vp    np:{there/rb next/jj month/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 44th/jj president/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt building/nn}:np   vp:{would/md stay/vb}:vp   adjp:{smoke-free/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  17   ID(stc):  70   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   two more videos and the transcript below; please click on the" read more" line.
   np:{two/cd more/jjr videos/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt transcript/nn}:np   pp:{below/in}:pp   undef:{;/:}:undef   np:{please/vb click/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt "/``}:np   vp:{read/vb}:vp   np:{more/rbr "/`` line/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  18   ID(stc):  73   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   " when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before the financial crisis, this is a big problem, and it 's going to get worse," obama told cbs '" meet the press" program.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{about/in the/dt structural/jj problems/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{had/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{cbs/nns}:np   vp:{'"/to meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn "/`` program/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  19   ID(stc):  79   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " the president-elect is it seems to me much more hands-on, talking more about the future policies that in the past incoming presidents would have," stuart rothenberg, editor of the rothenberg political report, told abc news.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{seems/vbz}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{me/prp}:np   advp:{much/rb}:advp   adjp:{more/rbr hands-on/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{talking/vbg}:vp    advp:{more/rbr}:advp    pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt future/jj policies/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt past/jj incoming/jj presidents/nns}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{stuart/nn rothenberg/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{editor/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt rothenberg/jj political/jj report/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{abc/jj news/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  20   ID(stc):  80   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " he is sounding much more as if he were president than george bush is president.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz sounding/vbg}:vp    advp:{much/rb more/jjr}:advp    sbar:{as/in if/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{president/nn}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{george/nn bush/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{president/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  21   ID(stc):  82   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama even took the unusual step of criticizing the outgoing president, saying," we have not seen the kind of aggressive steps in the housing market to stem foreclosure that i would like to see if it is not done during the transition, it will be done by me."
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{even/rb}:advp    vp:{took/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt unusual/jj step/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{criticizing/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt outgoing/jj president/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb seen/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt kind/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{aggressive/jj steps/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt housing/nn market/nn}:np   vp:{to/to stem/vb}:vp   np:{foreclosure/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{would/md like/vb to/to see/vb}:vp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb done/vbn}:vp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt transition/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb done/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:  22   ID(stc):  83   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   even his announcement today of his new choice for veteran 's affairs secretary was a stark repudiation of president bush 's approach to the iraq war.
   advp:{even/rb}:advp   np:{his/prp$ announcement/nn today/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ new/jj choice/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{veteran/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos affairs/nns secretary/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt stark/jj repudiation/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{president/nn bush/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos approach/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt iraq/jj war/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  23   ID(stc):  85   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   president-elect barack obama said on sunday he would put strong financial regulation at the center of his economic recovery program to force more accountability on the banking industry.
   np:{president-elect/nn barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{would/md put/vb}:vp   np:{strong/jj financial/jj regulation/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt center/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ economic/jj recovery/nn program/nn}:np   vp:{to/to force/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr accountability/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt banking/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  24   ID(stc):  96   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   a central element of his economic stimulus plan would be a strong set of financial regulations to encourage banks, rating agencies and mortgage brokers to act more responsibly and to ensure they were held accountable for their actions, he said.
   np:{a/dt central/jj element/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ economic/jj stimulus/nn plan/nn}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt strong/jj set/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{financial/jj regulations/nns}:np   vp:{to/to encourage/vb}:vp   np:{banks/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{rating/nn agencies/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{mortgage/nn brokers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to act/vb}:vp    advp:{more/rbr responsibly/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd held/vbn}:vp   adjp:{accountable/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ actions/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  25   ID(stc):  98   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama was disappointed that. s. moves to avert a deeper crisis have so far done little to help average homeowners, and said he still regarded a possible moratorium on home foreclosures as an important policy tool.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{was/vbd disappointed/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{./.

 s/vbz}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{moves/nns to/to avert/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt deeper/jjr crisis/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp so/rb far/rb done/vbn}:vp   adjp:{little/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to help/vb}:vp   np:{average/jj homeowners/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{still/rb}:advp    vp:{regarded/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt possible/jj moratorium/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{home/nn foreclosures/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt important/jj policy/nn tool/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  26   ID(stc): 111   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   ? when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before we the financial crisis, this is a big problem.
   advp:{?/.}:advp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{about/in the/dt structural/jj problems/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{had/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  27   ID(stc): 113   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   when the federal reserve meets on dec.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt federal/jj reserve/nn}:np   vp:{meets/vbz}:vp    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{dec./nn}:np

ID:  28   ID(stc): 115   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   foreign central banks are also likely to cut interest rates.
   np:{foreign/jj central/jj banks/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to cut/vb}:vp   np:{interest/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  29   ID(stc): 116   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   when the federal reserve meets on dec.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt federal/jj reserve/nn}:np   vp:{meets/vbz}:vp    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{dec./nn}:np

ID:  30   ID(stc): 118   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   foreign central banks are also likely to cut interest rates.
   np:{foreign/jj central/jj banks/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to cut/vb}:vp   np:{interest/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  31   ID(stc): 119   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   pressure will rise for congress to enact a massive fiscal stimulus package to try to create jobs.
   np:{pressure/nn}:np   vp:{will/md rise/vb}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{congress/nn}:np   vp:{to/to enact/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt massive/jj fiscal/jj stimulus/nn package/nn}:np   vp:{to/to try/vb to/to create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  32   ID(stc): 120   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   pressure will rise for congress to enact a massive fiscal stimulus package to try to create jobs.
   np:{pressure/nn}:np   vp:{will/md rise/vb}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{congress/nn}:np   vp:{to/to enact/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt massive/jj fiscal/jj stimulus/nn package/nn}:np   vp:{to/to try/vb to/to create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  33   ID(stc): 121   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the new jobs report is also expected to push congress to provide a bailout for the auto industry, because any auto company failure could create yet more economic weakness.
   np:{the/dt new/jj jobs/nns report/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz also/rb expected/vbn to/to push/vb}:vp   np:{congress/nn}:np   vp:{to/to provide/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt bailout/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{any/dt auto/nn company/nn failure/nn}:np   vp:{could/md create/vb}:vp   np:{yet/rb more/rbr economic/jj weakness/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  34   ID(stc): 123   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the new jobs report is also expected to push congress to provide a bailout for the auto industry, because any auto company failure could create yet more economic weakness.
   np:{the/dt new/jj jobs/nns report/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz also/rb expected/vbn to/to push/vb}:vp   np:{congress/nn}:np   vp:{to/to provide/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt bailout/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{any/dt auto/nn company/nn failure/nn}:np   vp:{could/md create/vb}:vp   np:{yet/rb more/rbr economic/jj weakness/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  35   ID(stc): 126   ID(rule): 9080   COVER: 25
   ? fortunately as tough as times are right now, things are going to get worse before they get better?, he prefaced.? there is a convergence between circumstances and agenda?, he said.? the key for us is making sure that we jump start that economy in a way that does n't just deal with the short term - does n't just create jobs immediately - but also puts us on a glide path for long term economic growth?, he said.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{fortunately/rb}:undef   adjp:{as/rb tough/jj}:adjp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   advp:{right/rb now/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{things/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{get/vbp}:vp   advp:{better/rb}:advp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{prefaced/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt convergence/nn}:np   pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{circumstances/nns and/cc agenda/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{the/dt key/nn}:np   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz making/vbg}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{jump/vbp start/vb}:vp   np:{that/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt way/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb just/rb deal/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt short/jj term/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb just/rb create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   advp:{immediately/rb}:advp   undef:{-/:}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{also/rb puts/vbz}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt glide/nn path/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{long/jj term/nn}:np    np:{economic/jj growth/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  36   ID(stc): 128   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   - make the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s.
   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{make/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt single/jj largest/jjs new/jj investment/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ national/jj infrastructure/nn}:np    sbar:{since/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt creation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt federal/jj highway/nn system/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 1950s/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  37   ID(stc): 131   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   obama sounded much more confident than former labor secretary robert reich who questioned on friday if we should be describing our economy in terms of a depression rather than a recession.
   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{sounded/vbd}:vp    adjp:{much/rb more/rbr confident/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{former/jj labor/nn secretary/nn robert/nn}:np   undef:{reich/wdt}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{questioned/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{friday/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{should/md be/vb describing/vbg}:vp   np:{our/prp$ economy/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{terms/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt depression/nn}:np   advp:{rather/rb}:advp   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{a/dt recession/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  38   ID(stc): 141   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   this is not a place to cut and paste an email you received.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt place/nn}:np   vp:{to/to cut/vb and/cc paste/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt email/nn}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{received/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  39   ID(stc): 150   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   pdated 4:57 anne e. kornblut having warned earlier in the day that with the economy, president-elect barack obama pressed the bush administration on sunday to do more to help homeowners struggling with their mortgages.
   vp:{pdated/vbn}:vp   np:{4:57/cd anne/jj e/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{kornblut/nn having/vbg warned/vbn}:vp    advp:{earlier/rbr}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt day/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{president-elect/jj barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{pressed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr}:np   vp:{to/to help/vb}:vp   np:{homeowners/nns}:np   vp:{struggling/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ mortgages/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  40   ID(stc): 157   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama also used the interview to again portray the crisis as an opportunity to rebuild the country, both structurally and culturally.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{used/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt interview/nn}:np   vp:{to/to again/rb portray/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt crisis/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt opportunity/nn}:np   vp:{to/to rebuild/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{both/dt}:undef   advp:{structurally/rb and/cc culturally/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  41   ID(stc): 171   ID(rule): 8954   COVER: 55
   stimulus packages in the past few years have been aimed at getting consumers to spend more? that 's not what obama is talking about.
   np:{stimulus/nn packages/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt past/jj few/jj years/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn aimed/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   vp:{getting/vbg}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to spend/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np    np:{obama/nnp}:np    vp:{is/vbz talking/vbg}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  42   ID(stc): 178   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   the obama team has not disputed those figures, but the president-elect says now is not the time to worry about a growing deficit.
   np:{the/dt obama/nn team/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz not/rb disputed/vbn}:vp   np:{those/dt figures/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{says/vbz}:vp   advp:{now/rb}:advp   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{the/dt time/nn}:np   vp:{to/to worry/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt growing/vbg deficit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  43   ID(stc): 181   ID(rule): 8909   COVER: 155
   please send me updates from npr.
   vp:{please/vb send/vb}:vp   np:{me/prp}:np    np:{updates/nns}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{npr/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  44   ID(stc): 183   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   president-elect barack obama, who has been laying low the last few days, plans to be out in public in high-profile appearances on sunday.
   np:{president-elect/nn barack/nn obama/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn laying/vbg}:vp   np:{low/jj the/dt last/jj few/jj days/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{plans/nns}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   prt:{out/in}:prt   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{public/jj}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{high-profile/jj appearances/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  45   ID(stc): 187   ID(rule): 9080   COVER: 25
   after back-to-back-to-back press conferences last week to name his economic team and to show americans he is fully aware of the deepening recession, this week he only held a news conference to announce his national security team and a briefer one to name bill richardson as commerce secretary.
   pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{back-to-back-to-back/jj press/nn conferences/nns}:np    np:{last/jj week/nn}:np   vp:{to/to name/vb}:vp   np:{his/prp$ economic/jj team/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to show/vb}:vp   np:{americans/nns}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{fully/rb aware/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt deepening/vbg recession/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt week/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   advp:{only/rb}:advp   vp:{held/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt news/nn conference/nn}:np   vp:{to/to announce/vb}:vp   np:{his/prp$ national/jj security/nn team/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt briefer/nn one/nn}:np   vp:{to/to name/vb}:vp   np:{bill/nn richardson/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{commerce/nn secretary/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  46   ID(stc): 190   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he cast the economic downturn in the language of emergency management.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{cast/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt economic/jj downturn/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt language/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{emergency/nn management/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  47   ID(stc): 192   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   on the question of smoking, obama also that he has had a few lapses since quitting.
   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt question/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{smoking/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{obama/nn}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz had/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt few/jj lapses/nns}:np   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{quitting/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  48   ID(stc): 205   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   with the financial crisis still worsening, obama said his main goal is finding a remedy for the economic woes.
   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   advp:{still/rb}:advp   vp:{worsening/vbg}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ main/jj goal/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz finding/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt remedy/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt economic/jj woes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  49   ID(stc): 218   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   if taxpayer money is at stake -- which it appears may be the case -- we want to make sure that it is conditioned on an auto industry emerging at the end of the process that actually works, that actually functions, he said.
   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{taxpayer/nn money/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{stake/nn}:np   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{appears/vbz}:vp   vp:{may/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt case/nn}:np   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{want/vbp to/to make/vb}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz conditioned/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{an/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{emerging/vbg}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt end/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt process/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{actually/rb works/vbz}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{actually/rb functions/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  50   ID(stc): 220   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   just weeks after terrorists killed nearly 200 people in mumbai, india, and wounded hundreds more, obama spoke of the need for a strategic partnership with all parties in the region to stamp out terrorists.
   np:{just/rb weeks/nns}:np   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{terrorists/nns}:np   vp:{killed/vbd}:vp    np:{nearly/rb 200/cd people/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{mumbai/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{india/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{wounded/vbn}:vp   np:{hundreds/nns more/rbr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{spoke/vbd}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt strategic/jj partnership/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{all/dt parties/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt region/nn}:np   vp:{to/to stamp/vb}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{terrorists/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  51   ID(stc): 225   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama also spoke of the need to reset s-russian relations as moscow has become increasingly assertive, citing this summer s invasion of neighboring georgia.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{spoke/vbd}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reset/vb}:vp   np:{s-russian/jj relations/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{moscow/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz become/vbn}:vp   adjp:{increasingly/rb assertive/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{citing/vbg}:vp   np:{this/dt summer/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{invasion/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{neighboring/vbg georgia/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  52   ID(stc): 230   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he did not weigh in on the prospect of caroline kennedy filling secretary of state-nominee hillary clinton s senate seat.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd not/rb weigh/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt prospect/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{caroline/nn kennedy/nn filling/vbg secretary/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{state-nominee/nn hillary/nn clinton/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{senate/jj seat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  53   ID(stc): 234   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   while his inauguration is still weeks away, a group of journalists already follows barack obama in the secret service motorcade where ever he travels.
   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{his/prp$ inauguration/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{still/rb}:advp   np:{weeks/nns}:np   advp:{away/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt group/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{journalists/nns}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{follows/vbz}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt secret/jj service/nn motorcade/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   advp:{ever/rb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{travels/vbz}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  54   ID(stc): 237   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the 12 journalists wire service and newspaper reporters, tv network videographers, and still photographers? who spent friday following mr obama around chicago were fortunate if they caught just one glimpse of him.
   np:{the/dt 12/cd journalists/nns wire/nn service/nn and/cc newspaper/nn reporters/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{tv/nn network/nn videographers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{still/rb}:advp   np:{photographers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{spent/vbd}:vp   np:{friday/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{mr/jj obama/nn}:np   sbar:{around/in}:sbar   np:{chicago/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   adjp:{fortunate/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{caught/vbd}:vp    np:{just/rb one/cd glimpse/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{him/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  55   ID(stc): 238   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   obama will be very visible this weekend.
   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    adjp:{very/rb visible/jj}:adjp    np:{this/dt weekend/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  56   ID(stc): 242   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a group of washington bureau chiefs explained the reasoning in a letter to the obama campaign earlier this year.
   np:{a/dt group/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{washington/dt bureau/nn chiefs/nns}:np   vp:{explained/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt reasoning/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt letter/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt obama/nn campaign/nn}:np   np:{earlier/rbr this/dt year/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  57   ID(stc): 248   ID(rule): 8909   COVER: 155
   the van we boarded at the hotel deposited us at the entrance to the president - elect s neighborhood at 6:18 a.m.
   np:{the/dt van/nn}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{boarded/vbd}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt hotel/nn}:np   vp:{deposited/vbd}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt entrance/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{elect/vb}:vp   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{neighborhood/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{6:18/cd a.m./nn}:np

ID:  58   ID(stc): 249   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   we spent the next 25 minutes standing outside while the vehicle and our chilly persons were searched by secret service agents and a bomb sniffing dog.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{spent/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt next/jj 25/cd minutes/nns}:np   vp:{standing/vbg}:vp   np:{outside/in}:np    sbar:{while/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt vehicle/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{our/prp$ chilly/jj persons/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd searched/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{secret/jj service/nn agents/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt bomb/nn sniffing/vbg dog/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  59   ID(stc): 253   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   back in the van, at 6:51 a.m. we moved to intersection of 50th and greenwood, nearer the obama s home, and held there until 7:40 a.m.
   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt van/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{6:51/cd a.m./nn}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{moved/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{intersection/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{50th/jj and/cc greenwood/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{nearer/in}:pp   np:{the/dt obama/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{home/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{held/vbd}:vp    advp:{there/rb}:advp    pp:{until/in}:pp   np:{7:40/cd a.m./rb}:np

ID:  60   ID(stc): 254   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   then mr obama s black s v appeared and the seven-vehicle motorcade made the six minute trip to the regents park luxury apartment complex, squeezing through side streets clogged with cars on both sides.
   advp:{then/rb}:advp   vp:{mr/vbd}:vp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{black/jj}:np   vp:{s/vbz v/rb appeared/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt seven-vehicle/jj motorcade/nn}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt six/cd minute/jj trip/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt regents/nns park/nn luxury/nn apartment/nn complex/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{squeezing/vbg}:vp    pp:{through/in}:pp    np:{side/nn streets/nns}:np   vp:{clogged/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{cars/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{both/dt sides/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  61   ID(stc): 255   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   before reporters or photographers could see him, mr obama slipped through the rear door of the complex for a workout that is a fixed part of his day.
   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{reporters/nns or/cc photographers/nns}:np   vp:{could/md see/vb}:vp   np:{him/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{mr/jj obama/nn}:np   vp:{slipped/vbd}:vp   pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{the/dt rear/jj door/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt complex/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt workout/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt fixed/jj part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ day/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  62   ID(stc): 261   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the procession pulled into the underground garage at the john c. kluczynski federal building in downtown chicago roughly 10 minutes later.
   np:{the/dt procession/nn}:np   vp:{pulled/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt underground/jj garage/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt john/nn c./nn}:np   vp:{kluczynski/vbp}:vp   np:{federal/jj building/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{downtown/nn}:np   pp:{chicago/in}:pp   np:{roughly/rb 10/cd minutes/nns}:np   advp:{later/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  63   ID(stc): 267   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   we arrived at blockade at the outer perimeter of the president-elect s neighborhood at 5:20 p.m. where the press van stopped.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{arrived/vbd}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{blockade/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt outer/jj perimeter/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{neighborhood/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{5:20/cd p.m./rb}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt press/nn van/nn}:np   vp:{stopped/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  64   ID(stc): 268   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   mr. obama journeyed unseen? the rest of the way without us.
   np:{mr/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{obama/dt journeyed/jj}:np   adjp:{unseen/jj}:adjp   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{the/dt rest/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   pp:{without/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  65   ID(stc): 276   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   this is not a place to cut and paste an email you received.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt place/nn}:np   vp:{to/to cut/vb and/cc paste/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt email/nn}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{received/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  66   ID(stc): 282   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   appearing on nbc 's" meet the press" program, interviewer tom brokaw told obama he had ducked answering the question during an interview last month with abc 's barbara walters.
   pp:{appearing/vbg}:pp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos "/``}:np   vp:{meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn "/`` program/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{interviewer/nn tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{obama/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd ducked/vbn answering/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt question/nn}:np   pp:{during/in}:pp    np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np    np:{last/jj month/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{abc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos barbara/nn walters/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  67   ID(stc): 307   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   chicago - the economic recession will get significantly worse before it starts to improve, president-elect barack obama said, seeking in an interview broadcast sunday to tamp down expectations as he prepares to assume the presidency in 44 days.
   vp:{chicago/vb}:vp   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{the/dt economic/jj recession/nn}:np   vp:{will/md get/vb}:vp    adjp:{significantly/rb worse/jjr}:adjp    sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{starts/vbz to/to improve/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{president-elect/vb}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{seeking/vbg}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn broadcast/nn sunday/nn}:np   vp:{to/to tamp/vb}:vp   prt:{down/rp}:prt   np:{expectations/nns}:np   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{prepares/vbz to/to assume/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt presidency/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{44/cd days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  68   ID(stc): 308   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   acknowledging that his agenda had changed sharply just in the month since he was elected, obama said passing a short-term economic stimulus package was now his top priority.
   vp:{acknowledging/vbg}:vp   undef:{that/in}:undef   np:{his/prp$ agenda/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd changed/vbn}:vp    advp:{sharply/rb just/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt month/nn}:np   sbar:{since/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd elected/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd passing/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt short-term/jj economic/jj stimulus/nn package/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   advp:{now/rb}:advp   np:{his/prp$ top/jj priority/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  69   ID(stc): 314   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   shinseki s clashed repeatedly with president george w. bush and defense secretary donald rumsfeld during bush s first term, when he contradicted their contention that the war in iraq could be won with a relatively small number of troops.
   np:{shinseki/vbp}:np   vp:{s/vbz clashed/vbn}:vp    advp:{repeatedly/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{president/nn george/nn w/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{bush/nn and/cc defense/nn secretary/nn}:np   vp:{donald/vbd rumsfeld/vbn}:vp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{bush/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{first/jj term/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{contradicted/vbd}:vp   np:{their/prp$ contention/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt war/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb won/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{a/dt relatively/rb small/jj number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{troops/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  70   ID(stc): 315   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   in a direct slap at his bosses, shinseki testified before congress that the nited states would need several hundred thousand more troops than rumsfeld predicted, prompting rumsfeld to publicly rebuke his army chief.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt direct/jj slap/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ bosses/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{shinseki/nn}:np   vp:{testified/vbd}:vp   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{congress/nn}:np    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt nited/jj states/nns}:np   vp:{would/md need/vb}:vp   np:{several/jj hundred/cd thousand/cd more/jjr troops/nns}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{rumsfeld/jj predicted/vbn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{prompting/vbg}:vp   adjp:{rumsfeld/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to publicly/rb rebuke/vb}:vp   np:{his/prp$ army/nn chief/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  71   ID(stc): 318   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   when i reflect on the sacrifices that have been made by our veterans and i think about how so many veterans around the country are struggling even more than those who have not served higher unemployment rates, higher homeless rates, higher substance abuse rates, medical care that is inadequate it breaks my heart, obama said.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{reflect/vbp}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sacrifices/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn made/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ veterans/nns and/cc i/nns}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{so/rb many/jj veterans/nns}:np   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp struggling/vbg}:vp    np:{even/rb more/rbr}:np    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb served/vbn}:vp   np:{higher/jjr unemployment/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr homeless/jj rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr substance/nn abuse/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{medical/jj care/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{inadequate/jj}:adjp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{breaks/vbz}:vp   np:{my/prp$ heart/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  72   ID(stc): 319   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   as head of of the government s second largest agency, shinseki, 66, would be the first asian american in obama s cabinet.
   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{head/nn}:np    pp:{of/in of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{second/jj largest/jjs agency/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{shinseki/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{66/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt first/jj asian/jj american/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{cabinet/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  73   ID(stc): 322   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   president-elect barack obama said in an interview broadcast on sunday that he hopes that a short-term rescue package for the domestic automotive industry is passed within the next few days.
   np:{president-elect/nn barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn broadcast/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{hopes/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{a/dt short-term/jj rescue/nn package/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt domestic/jj automotive/jj industry/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz passed/vbn}:vp   pp:{within/in}:pp   np:{the/dt next/jj few/jj days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  74   ID(stc): 323   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   however, he also said that all stakeholders must be prepared to make sacrifices for the industry to survive long-term.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{all/dt stakeholders/nns}:np   vp:{must/md be/vb prepared/vbn to/to make/vb}:vp   np:{sacrifices/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   vp:{to/to survive/vb}:vp   adjp:{long-term/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  75   ID(stc): 324   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   because of its size and importance, obama said allowing the industry to fail, or forcing the companies to reorganize in chapter 11 bankruptcy, is n't a viable option right now because the nation 's shaky financial condition.
   pp:{because/in of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ size/nn and/cc importance/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd allowing/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   vp:{to/to fail/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{forcing/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt companies/nns}:np   vp:{to/to reorganize/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{chapter/nn 11/cd bankruptcy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt viable/jj option/nn}:np   advp:{right/rb now/rb}:advp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt nation/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos shaky/jj financial/jj condition/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  76   ID(stc): 325   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   after two days of hearings in congress last week, news of a potential framework for a rescue package emerged over the weekend.
   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{two/cd days/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{hearings/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{congress/nn}:np   np:{last/jj week/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{news/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt potential/jj framework/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt rescue/nn package/nn}:np   vp:{emerged/vbd}:vp   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{the/dt weekend/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  77   ID(stc): 326   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   a government aid package expected to be worth $ 15 billion to $ 17 billion in short-term loans to general motors corp. and chrysler llc is expected to be introduced early this week in congress.
   np:{a/dt government/nn aid/nn package/nn}:np   vp:{expected/vbn to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{worth/jj}:adjp   np:{$/$ 15/cd billion/cd}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{$/$ 17/cd billion/cd}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{short-term/jj loans/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{general/jj motors/nns corp/jj}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{chrysler/nn llc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz expected/vbn to/to be/vb introduced/vbn}:vp    np:{early/rb this/dt week/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{congress/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  78   ID(stc): 328   ID(rule): 8913   COVER: 28
   special report six videos and scores of photos capture the sorrows and hopes of the boys of christ child house.
   np:{special/jj report/nn}:np   np:{six/cd videos/nns and/cc scores/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{photos/nns}:np    vp:{capture/nn}:vp   np:{the/dt sorrows/nns and/cc hopes/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt boys/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{christ/jj child/nn house/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  79   ID(stc): 344   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   " but we also have to focus on the sticks.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp to/to focus/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sticks/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  80   ID(stc): 346   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   in the same interview, mr obama called for a reappraisal of s - relations, although he also chided moscow for" bullying" and other neighbouring nations.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt same/jj interview/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{mr/jj obama/nn}:np   vp:{called/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt reappraisal/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{relations/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{although/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{chided/vbd}:vp    advp:{moscow/rb}:advp    pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{"/`` bullying/jj "/''}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj neighbouring/vbg nations/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  81   ID(stc): 347   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   he said he was determining when he would meet russian president or his predecessor,, who is currently prime minister.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd determining/vbg}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{would/md meet/vb}:vp   np:{russian/jj president/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{his/prp$ predecessor/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{currently/rb}:advp    np:{prime/jj minister/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  82   ID(stc): 349   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   mr obama has promised to review the effectiveness of the bush administration 's planned missile defence shield in and the.
   np:{mr/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz promised/vbn to/to review/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt effectiveness/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos planned/jj missile/nn defence/nn shield/nn}:np   pp:{in/in and/cc}:pp   np:{the/dt}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  83   ID(stc): 356   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   during the election campaign he had said in an interview that he occasionally smoked cigarettes, adding:" but i figure, seeing as i 'm running for president, i need to cut myself a little slack."
   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt election/nn campaign/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd said/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{occasionally/rb}:advp    vp:{smoked/vbd}:vp   np:{cigarettes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{adding/vbg}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{i/fw figure/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{seeing/vbg}:vp   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{'m/vbp running/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{president/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/fw need/nn}:np   vp:{to/to cut/vb}:vp   np:{myself/prp}:np   np:{a/dt little/jj slack/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:  84   ID(stc): 357   ID(rule): 8909   COVER: 155
   meanwhile, outgoing s secretary of state has said her successor,, will do a" great job" as america 's top diplomat.
   advp:{meanwhile/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{outgoing/vbg}:vp   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{secretary/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{state/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ successor/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{will/md do/vb}:vp   np:{a"/rb great/jj job/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos top/jj diplomat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  85   ID(stc): 370   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   sky political analyst and former clinton aide said :"this a thoughtful and poignant appointment and a direct rebuke of donald rumsfeld 's iraq strategy.
   np:{sky/nn political/jj analyst/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{former/jj clinton/nn aide/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{:"this/in}:pp   np:{a/dt thoughtful/jj and/cc poignant/jj appointment/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt direct/jj rebuke/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{donald/nn rumsfeld/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos iraq/nn strategy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  86   ID(stc): 371   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   " general shineski showed exceptional courage when he publicly challenged rumfeld 's contention, stating that he needed many more' boots on the ground' to be successful in iraq than rumsfeld was willing to commit.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{general/jj shineski/nn}:np   vp:{showed/vbd}:vp   np:{exceptional/jj courage/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{publicly/rb}:advp    vp:{challenged/vbd}:vp   np:{rumfeld/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos contention/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{stating/vbg}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{needed/vbd}:vp   np:{many/jj more/jjr}:np   np:{'/pos boots/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt ground/nn}:np   undef:{'/''}:undef   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{successful/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{rumsfeld/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{willing/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to commit/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  87   ID(stc): 372   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " coincidentally, some say shineski was forced into early retirement by the bush administration.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{coincidentally/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{some/dt}:np   vp:{say/vbp}:vp   np:{shineski/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd forced/vbn}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{early/jj retirement/nn}:np    pp:{by/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  88   ID(stc): 377   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   once you have logged in and you have tracked a story, by clicking on the red icon the updates will display in the highlighted panel.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp logged/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp tracked/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt red/jj icon/nn}:np    np:{the/dt updates/nns}:np   vp:{will/md display/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt highlighted/jj panel/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  89   ID(stc): 378   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the weather servers are currently busy, please try again in a couple of minutes.
   np:{the/dt weather/nn servers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{currently/rb busy/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{please/vb try/vb}:vp    advp:{again/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{minutes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  90   ID(stc): 380   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   he then asked obama if this would be a problem, considering the white house 's no-smoking policy.
   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{then/rb}:advp    vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{considering/vbg}:pp   np:{the/dt white/jj house/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos no-smoking/jj policy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  91   ID(stc): 381   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   " i have, but what i said was that at times i have fallen off the wagon."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/fw have/vbp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{what/wp i/fw}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np    advp:{i/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp fallen/vbn}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   np:{the/dt wagon/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID:  92   ID(stc): 388   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   obama acknowledged the increasingly dire nature of the situation in an interview on nbc 's meet the press program ." this is a big problem, and it is going to get worse," said barack obama.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{acknowledged/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt increasingly/rb dire/jj nature/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos}:np   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn program/nn}:np   pp:{."/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  93   ID(stc): 390   ID(rule): 9080   COVER: 25
   the estimated price tag, in the hundreds of billions of dollars, would come on top of a $ 700-billion financial rescue package congress approved in october ." the key for us is making sure that we jumpstart the economy in a way that does not just deal with the short term, does not just create jobs immediately, but also puts us on a glide path for long term sustainable economic growth," said mr obama.of immediate concern is the fate of. s. automakers, which are asking for billions of dollars in emergency government loans to stave off bankruptcy .mr.
   np:{the/dt estimated/vbn price/nn tag/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt hundreds/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{would/md come/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{top/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt $/$ 700-billion/cd financial/jj rescue/nn package/nn congress/nn}:np   vp:{approved/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{october/nn}:np   pp:{."/in}:pp   np:{the/dt key/nn}:np   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz making/vbg}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{jumpstart/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt way/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb just/rb deal/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt short/jj term/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{does/vbz not/rb just/rb create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   advp:{immediately/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{puts/vbz}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt glide/nn path/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{long/jj term/nn}:np    np:{sustainable/jj economic/jj growth/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   adjp:{mr/jj}:adjp   pp:{obama.of/in}:pp   np:{immediate/jj concern/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt fate/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{automakers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp asking/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{emergency/nn government/nn loans/nns}:np   vp:{to/to stave/vb}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   np:{bankruptcy/nn .mr/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  94   ID(stc): 393   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   this is not just a unique american problem, and every other government that produces automobiles that i know of is providing loans to their auto industries ."but alabama republican senator richard shelby opposes federal intervention, saying he does not believe restructuring plans put forth by carmakers are adequate to assure long term viability. "i think this is a bridge loan to nowhere," said senator shelby.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{just/rb a/dt unique/jj american/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{every/dt other/jj government/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{produces/vbz}:vp   np:{automobiles/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{i/vbp know/vb}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{is/vbz providing/vbg}:vp   np:{loans/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{their/prp$ auto/nn industries/nns}:np    np:{."but/rb alabama/dt republican/jj senator/nn richard/jj shelby/nn}:np    vp:{opposes/vbz}:vp   np:{federal/jj intervention/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{restructuring/nn plans/nns}:np   vp:{put/vbd}:vp   advp:{forth/rb}:advp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{carmakers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{adequate/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to assure/vb}:vp   np:{long/jj term/nn viability/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"i/''}:undef   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt bridge/nn loan/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{nowhere/rb}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{senator/nn shelby/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  95   ID(stc): 400   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   obama acknowledged the increasingly dire nature of the situation in an interview on nbc 's meet the press program ." this is a big problem, and it is going to get worse," said barack obama.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{acknowledged/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt increasingly/rb dire/jj nature/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos}:np   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn program/nn}:np   pp:{."/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  96   ID(stc): 402   ID(rule): 9080   COVER: 25
   the estimated price tag, in the hundreds of billions of dollars, would come on top of a $ 700-billion financial rescue package congress approved in october ." the key for us is making sure that we jumpstart the economy in a way that does not just deal with the short term, does not just create jobs immediately, but also puts us on a glide path for long term sustainable economic growth," said mr obama.of immediate concern is the fate of. s. automakers, which are asking for billions of dollars in emergency government loans to stave off bankruptcy .mr.
   np:{the/dt estimated/vbn price/nn tag/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt hundreds/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{would/md come/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{top/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt $/$ 700-billion/cd financial/jj rescue/nn package/nn congress/nn}:np   vp:{approved/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{october/nn}:np   pp:{."/in}:pp   np:{the/dt key/nn}:np   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz making/vbg}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{jumpstart/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt way/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb just/rb deal/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt short/jj term/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{does/vbz not/rb just/rb create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   advp:{immediately/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{puts/vbz}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt glide/nn path/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{long/jj term/nn}:np    np:{sustainable/jj economic/jj growth/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   adjp:{mr/jj}:adjp   pp:{obama.of/in}:pp   np:{immediate/jj concern/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt fate/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{automakers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp asking/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{emergency/nn government/nn loans/nns}:np   vp:{to/to stave/vb}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   np:{bankruptcy/nn .mr/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  97   ID(stc): 405   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   this is not just a unique american problem, and every other government that produces automobiles that i know of is providing loans to their auto industries ."but alabama republican senator richard shelby opposes federal intervention, saying he does not believe restructuring plans put forth by carmakers are adequate to assure long term viability. "i think this is a bridge loan to nowhere," said senator shelby.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{just/rb a/dt unique/jj american/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{every/dt other/jj government/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{produces/vbz}:vp   np:{automobiles/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{i/vbp know/vb}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{is/vbz providing/vbg}:vp   np:{loans/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{their/prp$ auto/nn industries/nns}:np    np:{."but/rb alabama/dt republican/jj senator/nn richard/jj shelby/nn}:np    vp:{opposes/vbz}:vp   np:{federal/jj intervention/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{restructuring/nn plans/nns}:np   vp:{put/vbd}:vp   advp:{forth/rb}:advp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{carmakers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{adequate/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to assure/vb}:vp   np:{long/jj term/nn viability/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"i/''}:undef   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt bridge/nn loan/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{nowhere/rb}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{senator/nn shelby/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  98   ID(stc): 410   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in his most extensive interview since the election, mr obama told nbc 's meet the press it was more important to provide" a blood infusion" to the economy than to limit the federal deficit.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ most/jjs extensive/jj interview/nn}:np    sbar:{since/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt election/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{mr/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{nbc/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{more/rbr important/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to provide/vb}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{a/dt blood/nn infusion/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   vp:{to/to limit/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt federal/jj deficit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID:  99   ID(stc): 411   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " the key for us is making sure that we jump-start that economy in a way that does n't just deal with the short term, does n't just create jobs immediately, but also puts us on a glide path for long-term, sustainable economic growth," he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt key/nn}:np   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz making/vbg}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{jump-start/vbp}:vp   np:{that/dt economy/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{a/dt way/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb just/rb deal/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt short/jj term/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb just/rb create/vb}:vp   np:{jobs/nns}:np   advp:{immediately/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{puts/vbz}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt glide/nn path/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long-term/jj ,/, sustainable/jj economic/jj growth/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 100   ID(stc): 413   ID(rule): 8590   COVER: 54
   " all those things are not only immediate - part of an immediate stimulus package to the economy, but they 're also downpayments on the kind of long-term, sustainable growth that we need," he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{all/pdt those/dt things/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{only/rb immediate/jj}:adjp   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{an/dt immediate/jj stimulus/nn package/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{'re/vbp}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{downpayments/vbz}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt kind/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{long-term/jj ,/, sustainable/jj growth/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{need/vbp}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 101   ID(stc): 414   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the president-elect backed away from a promise to immediately rescind president george bush 's tax cuts for the richest americans, suggesting that he could simply allow them to expire in 2011.
   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{backed/vbd}:vp    advp:{away/rb}:advp    pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{a/dt promise/nn}:np   vp:{to/to immediately/rb rescind/vb}:vp   np:{president/nn george/nn bush/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos tax/nn cuts/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt richest/jjs americans/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{suggesting/vbg}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{could/md simply/rb allow/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   vp:{to/to expire/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{2011/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 102   ID(stc): 417   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it 's also good for the financial system because it keep in mind how this financial system became so precarious in the first place.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    adjp:{also/rb good/jj}:adjp    pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj system/nn}:np   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{keep/vbp}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{mind/nn}:np   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{this/dt financial/jj system/nn}:np   vp:{became/vbd}:vp   adjp:{so/rb precarious/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt first/jj place/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 103   ID(stc): 420   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   at a press conference in chicago later yesterday, mr obama named retired general eric shinseki as head of veteran affairs in his administration.
   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt press/nn conference/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{chicago/nn}:np   advp:{later/rb yesterday/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{mr/jj obama/nn}:np   vp:{named/vbn}:vp    np:{retired/vbn general/jj eric/jj shinseki/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{head/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{veteran/jj affairs/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ administration/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 104   ID(stc): 432   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   but we also have to send a clear message that they have to act in ways that are not bullying their neighbours."
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp to/to send/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt clear/jj message/nn}:np   np:{that/in}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to act/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ways/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp not/rb bullying/vbg}:vp   np:{their/prp$ neighbours/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 105   ID(stc): 435   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   " when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before the financial crisis, this is a big problem, and it 's going to get worse," obama said in an interview with meet the press, his most extensive since the nov.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{about/in the/dt structural/jj problems/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{had/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   undef:{with/in}:undef   vp:{meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{his/prp$ most/jjs extensive/jj}:np   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{the/dt nov./nn}:np

ID: 106   ID(stc): 436   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   he refused to put a price tag on the planned economic revival plan though estimates range from $ 500 billion to $ 1 trillion but obama said the cost would be" substantial" and add significantly to a federal deficit already in the trillion-dollar range.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{refused/vbd to/to put/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt price/nn tag/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt planned/jj economic/jj revival/nn plan/nn}:np   sbar:{though/in}:sbar   np:{estimates/nns}:np   vp:{range/vbp}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{$/$ 500/cd billion/cd to/to $/$ 1/cd trillion/cd}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt cost/nn}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   adjp:{substantial/jj}:adjp   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{add/vbp}:vp   advp:{significantly/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt federal/jj deficit/nn}:np   advp:{already/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt trillion-dollar/jj range/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 107   ID(stc): 439   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the incoming president 's remarks came just two days after news the. s. economy shed 533,000 jobs in november, the most in 34 years, and as congress scrambles to complete a deal this week that would provide an expected $ 15 billion bailout to detroit 's big three automakers.
   np:{the/dt incoming/jj president/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos remarks/nns}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp    np:{just/rb two/cd days/nns}:np    pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{news/nn}:np   np:{the/dt ./.

 s/vbz}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{economy/nn}:np   vp:{shed/vbd}:vp   np:{533,000/cd jobs/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{november/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt most/jjs}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{34/cd years/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{congress/nn scrambles/nns}:np   vp:{to/to complete/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt deal/nn}:np   np:{this/dt week/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{would/md provide/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt expected/vbn $/$ 15/cd billion/cd bailout/nn}:np   vp:{to/to detroit/vb}:vp   np:{'s/vbz big/jj three/cd automakers/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 108   ID(stc): 445   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   if they want to survive, then they better start building a fuel efficient car."
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{want/vbp to/to survive/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np    advp:{better/rb}:advp    vp:{start/vbp building/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt fuel/nn efficient/jj car/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 109   ID(stc): 452   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the emphasis on the economy overshadowed the other major news from obama on the weekend his nomination of retired army gen. eric shinseki, 66, to be his veterans affairs secretary.
   np:{the/dt emphasis/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{overshadowed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt other/jj major/jj news/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt weekend/nn}:np    np:{his/prp$ nomination/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{retired/vbn army/nn gen/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{eric/jj shinseki/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{66/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{his/prp$ veterans/nns}:np   np:{affairs/nns secretary/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 110   ID(stc): 455   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   the white house and pentagon, under the leadership of defense secretary donald rumsfeld, scoffed at the notion and sent a much-smaller invasion force, which later proved to be inadequate during the iraq insurgency.
   np:{the/dt white/jj house/nn and/cc pentagon/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{the/dt leadership/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{defense/nn secretary/nn}:np   vp:{donald/vbd rumsfeld/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{scoffed/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt notion/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{sent/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt much-smaller/nn invasion/nn force/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{later/rb}:advp    vp:{proved/vbd to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{inadequate/jj}:adjp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt iraq/jj insurgency/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 111   ID(stc): 456   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   the president-elect 's inner circle now includes two of the most prominent critics of the white house handling of the war shinseki and retired marine gen. james jones, who will become obama 's national security adviser.
   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos inner/jj circle/nn}:np    advp:{now/rb}:advp    vp:{includes/vbz}:vp   np:{two/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt most/rbs prominent/jj critics/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt white/jj house/nn handling/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt war/nn shinseki/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{retired/vbd}:vp   np:{marine/jj gen/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{james/nns jones/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{will/md become/vb}:vp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos national/jj security/nn adviser/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 112   ID(stc): 458   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " part of the problem that we 've had is the average afghan farmer has n't seen any improvement in his life.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{part/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp had/vbn is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt average/jj afghan/jj farmer/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz n't/rb seen/vbn}:vp   np:{any/dt improvement/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ life/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 113   ID(stc): 463   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   but he acknowledged in october to backsliding on that commitment during the stress of the campaign.
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{acknowledged/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{october/nnp}:np   vp:{to/to backsliding/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{that/dt commitment/nn}:np    pp:{during/in}:pp    np:{the/dt stress/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt campaign/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 114   ID(stc): 469   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   four christmases led the north american box office for a second weekend, while the spotlight shifted ...
   np:{four/cd christmases/nns}:np   vp:{led/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt north/nn}:np    pp:{american/in}:pp    np:{box/nn office/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt second/jj weekend/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt spotlight/nn}:np   vp:{shifted/vbd}:vp   undef:{.../:}:undef

ID: 115   ID(stc): 474   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   however, when brokaw asked obama, point blank, about some of the tougher decisions facing him once he takes office, concrete answers were few and far between;? well, maybe? seem to be the slogan of the morning.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{point/nn blank/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{about/in}:sbar   np:{some/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt tougher/jjr decisions/nns}:np   vp:{facing/vbg}:vp   np:{him/prp}:np   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{takes/vbz}:vp   np:{office/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{concrete/jj answers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   adjp:{few/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   adjp:{far/rb}:adjp   pp:{between/in}:pp   undef:{;/:}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   advp:{well/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{maybe/rb}:advp   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{seem/vb to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt slogan/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt morning/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 116   ID(stc): 478   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   at the end of the day, though, the big three seem to be in the reassuring position of knowing that the incoming president is afraid to see them go out of business, and who is willing to open up the treasury to keep them in business.
   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt end/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt day/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{though/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt big/jj three/cd}:np   vp:{seem/vbp to/to be/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt reassuring/vbg position/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{knowing/vbg}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt incoming/nn president/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{afraid/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to see/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   vp:{go/vb}:vp   pp:{out/in}:pp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{business/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{willing/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to open/vb}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{the/dt treasury/nn}:np   vp:{to/to keep/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{business/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 117   ID(stc): 479   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   asked whether the current management will have to go, obama said,? what i will say is i want to see an end to the? head in the sand? approach to the auto industry that has been prevalent for decades now.?
   vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt current/jj management/nn}:np   vp:{will/md have/vb to/to go/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{will/md say/vb}:vp   vp:{is/vbz i/rb want/vb to/to see/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt end/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt ?/.

 head/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt sand/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{approach/vb}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{prevalent/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{decades/nns}:np   advp:{now/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 118   ID(stc): 480   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   thus, asked a pretty straightforward yes or no question, the incoming president took the opportunity to? dispel the notion that he endorsed a head in the sand approach.
   advp:{thus/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt pretty/jj straightforward/nn}:np   advp:{yes/rb}:advp   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{no/dt question/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt incoming/nn president/nn}:np   vp:{took/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt opportunity/nn}:np   vp:{to/to ?/.

 dispel/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt notion/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{endorsed/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt head/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt sand/nn approach/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 119   ID(stc): 484   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it is still playing out in that part of the world.?
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz still/rb playing/vbg}:vp    advp:{out/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{that/dt part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 120   ID(stc): 485   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   you have said that the nited states reserves the right to go after terrorists in pakistan if you have targets of opportunity.?
   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp said/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt nited/jj states/nns}:np   vp:{reserves/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt right/nn}:np   vp:{to/to go/vb}:vp    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{terrorists/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pakistan/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{targets/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{opportunity/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 121   ID(stc): 487   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   before we leave that part of the world, on iraq, there 's a new phrase that has come into play called" residual force," how many troops will stay behind in an obama administration.?
   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{leave/vbp}:vp   np:{that/dt part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt new/jj phrase/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{has/vbz come/vbn}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{play/nn}:np   vp:{called/vbn}:vp   np:{"/`` residual/jj force/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{many/jj troops/nns}:np   vp:{will/md stay/vb}:vp    advp:{behind/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt obama/nnp administration/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 122   ID(stc): 489   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   what i 've said is that we are going to maintain a large enough force in the region to assure that our civilian troops 'or our, our, our civilian personnel and our, our embassies are protected, to make sure that we can ferret out any remaining terrorist activity in the region, in cooperation with the iraqi government, that we are providing training and logistical support, maintaining the integrity of iraq as necessary.
   np:{what/wp i/nn}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp said/vbn}:vp   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp going/vbg to/to maintain/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt large/jj enough/jj force/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt region/nn}:np   vp:{to/to assure/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{our/prp$ civilian/jj troops/nns}:np   undef:{'or/,}:undef   np:{our/prp$}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{our/prp$}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{our/prp$ civilian/jj personnel/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{our/prp$}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{our/prp$ embassies/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp protected/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{to/to make/vb}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{can/md ferret/vb}:vp   advp:{out/rp}:advp   np:{any/dt remaining/vbg terrorist/jj activity/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt region/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{cooperation/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt iraqi/jj government/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp providing/vbg}:vp   np:{training/nn and/cc logistical/jj support/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{maintaining/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt integrity/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{iraq/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   adjp:{necessary/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 123   ID(stc): 493   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   in an interview on nbc s meet the press aired sunday, obama also expressed tepid support for a taxpayer-funded bailout of the. s. auto industry, saying detroit s big three made repeated strategic mistakes.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   vp:{aired/vbd}:vp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{expressed/vbd}:vp   np:{tepid/jj support/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt taxpayer-funded/jj bailout/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt}:np   pp:{./.}:pp   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{auto/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{detroit/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{big/jj three/cd}:np   vp:{made/vbd repeated/vbn}:vp   np:{strategic/jj mistakes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 124   ID(stc): 495   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama also addressed tax policy, international terrorism and. s. relations with iran and russia in an interview with moderator tom brokaw.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{addressed/vbd}:vp   np:{tax/nn policy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{international/jj terrorism/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{relations/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{iran/nn and/cc russia/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{moderator/nn tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 125   ID(stc): 499   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it s going to get worse, obama warned early in the interview.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{s/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{warned/vbd}:vp    advp:{early/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interview/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 126   ID(stc): 508   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   responding to a question about a standoff at a shuttered chicago factory, obama expressed support for approximately 200 workers who have been occupying the closed demanding to be paid severance and vacation pay.
   vp:{responding/vbg}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt question/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{a/dt standoff/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt shuttered/vbn chicago/nn factory/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{expressed/vbd}:vp   np:{support/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{approximately/rb 200/cd workers/nns}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn occupying/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt closed/jj}:np   vp:{demanding/vbg to/to be/vb paid/vbn}:vp   np:{severance/nn and/cc vacation/nn pay/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 127   ID(stc): 509   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the family-owned firm closed after bank of america cancelled its line of credit.
   np:{the/dt family-owned/jj firm/nn}:np   vp:{closed/vbd}:vp    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{bank/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   vp:{cancelled/vbd}:vp   np:{its/prp$ line/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{credit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 128   ID(stc): 511   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   part of what i m hoping to introduce as the next president is a new ethic of responsibility, where we say that, if you re laying off workers, the least you can do when you re making $ 25 million a year is give up some of your compensation and some of your bonuses, figure out ways in which workers maybe have to take a haircut, but they can still keep their jobs, they can still keep their health care, and they can still stay in their homes, obama said.
   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{i/fw m/prp}:np   vp:{hoping/vbg to/to introduce/vb}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt next/jj president/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt new/jj ethic/jj}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{responsibility/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{say/vbp}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{re/vbp laying/vbg}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   np:{workers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt least/jjs}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md do/vb}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{re/vbp making/vbg}:vp   np:{$/$ 25/cd million/cd}:np   np:{a/dt year/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz give/vb}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{some/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{your/prp$ compensation/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{some/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{your/prp$ bonuses/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{figure/vbp}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{ways/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{workers/nns}:np    advp:{maybe/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp to/to take/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt haircut/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb keep/vb}:vp   np:{their/prp$ jobs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb keep/vb}:vp   np:{their/prp$ health/nn care/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb stay/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ homes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 129   ID(stc): 512   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   on the financial crisis, obama expressed disappointment that bush administration had not acted more quickly on a measures that could help homeowners avert foreclosures.
   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{expressed/vbd}:vp   np:{disappointment/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{bush/nn administration/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd not/rb acted/vbn}:vp    advp:{more/rbr quickly/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt measures/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{could/md help/vb}:vp   np:{homeowners/nns}:np   np:{avert/jj foreclosures/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 130   ID(stc): 515   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   obama declined to say how he would follow through on a campaign pledge to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans, saying his economic team was evaluating whether to seek new legislation to change tax policy and whether to allow some of president bush s tax cuts to expire, in 2011.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{declined/vbd to/to say/vb}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{would/md follow/vb}:vp   pp:{through/in}:pp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt campaign/nn pledge/nn}:np   vp:{to/to raise/vb}:vp   np:{taxes/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt wealthiest/jjs americans/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{his/prp$ economic/jj team/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd evaluating/vbg}:vp   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   vp:{to/to seek/vb}:vp   np:{new/jj legislation/nn}:np   vp:{to/to change/vb}:vp   np:{tax/nn policy/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   vp:{to/to allow/vb}:vp   np:{some/dt}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{president/nn bush/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{tax/nn cuts/nns}:np   vp:{to/to expire/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{2011/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 131   ID(stc): 518   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   interested in more from cq today?
   vp:{interested/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{more/rbr}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{cq/jj today/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 132   ID(stc): 520   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   he also said he would support the proposed $ 15 billion loans to save the auto industry from bankruptcy during the lame-duck period, but with conditions for the companies to make changes.
   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{would/md support/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt proposed/vbn $/$ 15/cd billion/cd loans/nns}:np   vp:{to/to save/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{bankruptcy/nn}:np   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt lame-duck/jj period/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{conditions/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt companies/nns}:np   vp:{to/to make/vb}:vp   np:{changes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 133   ID(stc): 522   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   et press conference in chicago, at which he will announce his pick of retired gen. eric shinseki -- who was famously ridiculed by the bush administration after he accurately predicted in early 2003 that many more troops would be needed for the iraq war -- to be secretary of veterans affairs.
   np:{et/fw press/nn conference/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{chicago/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md announce/vb}:vp   np:{his/prp$ pick/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{retired/jj gen/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{eric/jj shinseki/nn}:np   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{was/vbd famously/rb ridiculed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{accurately/rb}:advp    vp:{predicted/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{early/jj 2003/cd}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{many/jj more/jjr troops/nns}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb needed/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt iraq/jj war/nn}:np   undef:{--/:}:undef   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{secretary/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{veterans/nns affairs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 134   ID(stc): 530   ID(rule): 9190   COVER: 22
   sebelius said she wanted to focus her time on solving kansas' current fiscal crisis, but her decision has one other effect: it leaves her open and available for a possible run for senate in 2010.
   np:{sebelius/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{wanted/vbd to/to focus/vb}:vp   np:{her/prp$ time/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{solving/vbg}:vp   np:{kansas/nn}:np   np:{'/pos current/jj fiscal/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{her/prp$ decision/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{one/cd other/jj effect/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{leaves/vbz}:vp   np:{her/prp$ open/jj and/cc available/jj}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt possible/jj run/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{senate/jj}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{2010/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 135   ID(stc): 531   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   obama 's speechwriter favreau caught in facebook antics barack obama 's top speechwriter jon favreau just on facebook, with photos posted that showed him apparently groping a life-size cardboard photo of hillary clinton at a house party.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos speechwriter/nn favreau/nn}:np   vp:{caught/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{facebook/nn antics/nns barack/nn obama/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos top/jj speechwriter/nn jon/nn favreau/nn}:np   advp:{just/rb}:advp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{facebook/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{with/in}:sbar   np:{photos/nns}:np   vp:{posted/vbd}:vp   np:{that/in}:np   vp:{showed/vbd}:vp   np:{him/prp}:np   vp:{apparently/rb groping/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt life-size/jj cardboard/nn photo/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{hillary/nn clinton/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt house/nn party/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 136   ID(stc): 532   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   clinton is pleased to learn of jon 's obvious interest in the state department, and is currently reviewing his application."
   np:{clinton/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz pleased/vbn to/to learn/vb}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{jon/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos obvious/jj interest/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt state/nn department/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{is/vbz currently/rb reviewing/vbg}:vp   np:{his/prp$ application/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 137   ID(stc): 547   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   david gregory is little more than a shill.
   np:{david/jj gregory/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{little/rb more/jjr}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{a/dt shill/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 138   ID(stc): 549   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   david gregory just is n't very bright at all.
   np:{david/jj gregory/nn}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   adjp:{very/rb bright/jj}:adjp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 139   ID(stc): 550   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   i think he 's the male equivalent of paula zahn, and," meet the press" is circling the drain with this pick.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{think/vb}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt male/jj equivalent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{paula/nn zahn/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{is/vbz circling/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt drain/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{this/dt pick/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 140   ID(stc): 561   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he asked good questions and was very deft in following-up.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{asked/vbd}:vp   np:{good/jj questions/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    adjp:{very/rb deft/jj}:adjp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{following-up/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 141   ID(stc): 573   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   abc 's this week with george stephanie will be the # 1 morning news show in a year.
   np:{abc/nn}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{this/dt week/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{george/nn stephanie/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt #/# 1/cd morning/nn news/nn show/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt year/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 142   ID(stc): 581   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   andrea mitchell is also a very good reporter but she 's a lousy host--stumbling and bumbling over the teleprompter and an awful lot of awkard pauses.
   np:{andrea/dt mitchell/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt very/rb good/jj reporter/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt lousy/jj host--stumbling/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{bumbling/vbg}:vp   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{the/dt teleprompter/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{an/dt awful/jj lot/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{awkard/jj pauses/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 143   ID(stc): 582   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   before the financial crisis," race to the white house" was little more than an unceasing litany of speculative scenarios fabricated by gregory that inevitably ended in obama 's defeat.
   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{race/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt white/jj house/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    adjp:{little/rb more/jjr}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{an/dt unceasing/jj litany/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{speculative/jj scenarios/nns}:np   vp:{fabricated/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{gregory/jj}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{inevitably/rb}:np   vp:{ended/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos defeat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 144   ID(stc): 600   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   it 's pathetic that they are trying to spin something so completely predictable ( repubs can still win elections in the deep south ) into evidence that they are bound for glory nationwide in 2010.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{pathetic/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp trying/vbg to/to spin/vb}:vp   np:{something/nn}:np   adjp:{so/rb completely/rb predictable/jj}:adjp   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   np:{repubs/nns}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb win/vb}:vp   np:{elections/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt deep/jj south/nn}:np   vp:{)/-rrb-}:vp    pp:{into/in}:pp    np:{evidence/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp bound/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{glory/nn nationwide/jj}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{2010/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 145   ID(stc): 601   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the longer they maintain their delusion that there is absolutely nothing fundementally wrong, the longer we 'll have to fix things before they can back into the majority and start screwing things up again.
   np:{the/dt longer/jjr}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{maintain/vbp}:vp   np:{their/prp$ delusion/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{absolutely/rb}:advp   np:{nothing/nn}:np   adjp:{fundementally/rb wrong/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{the/dt}:undef   advp:{longer/rb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'ll/md have/vb to/to fix/vb}:vp   np:{things/nns}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt majority/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{start/vb screwing/vbg}:vp   np:{things/nns}:np   vp:{up/rp}:vp   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 146   ID(stc): 602   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   a refrigerator ( even with no money in it ) should have been able to beat" dollar bill" this time around.
   np:{a/dt refrigerator/nn}:np   vp:{(/-lrb-}:vp    advp:{even/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{no/dt money/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   vp:{should/md have/vb been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to beat/vb}:vp   np:{"/'' dollar/nn bill/nn}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   advp:{around/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 147   ID(stc): 604   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the only ones in danger in the mushy middle are democrats.
   np:{the/dt only/jj ones/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{danger/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt mushy/jj middle/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{democrats/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 148   ID(stc): 609   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   favreau may or may not a million other things discussed, but he 's certainly an idiot.
   np:{favreau/nn}:np   vp:{may/md or/cc may/md}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{a/dt million/cd other/jj things/nns}:np   vp:{discussed/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    advp:{certainly/rb}:advp    np:{an/dt idiot/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 149   ID(stc): 612   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   they took a picture at a party and put it on their facebook photo album.
   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{took/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt picture/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{a/dt party/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{put/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ facebook/nn photo/nn album/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 150   ID(stc): 613   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   he just apparently forgot that facebook is n't a network for friends anymore so much as a global stalking apparatus.
   np:{he/prp}:np   advp:{just/rb}:advp   advp:{apparently/rb}:advp   vp:{forgot/vbd}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{facebook/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt network/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{friends/nns}:np   advp:{anymore/rb so/rb much/rb}:advp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt global/jj stalking/nn apparatus/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 151   ID(stc): 614   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   the chief speechwriter for the candidate that made the internet and social networking a foundation of his campaign just forgot something about facebook
   np:{the/dt chief/nn speechwriter/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt candidate/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt internet/nn and/cc social/jj networking/nn}:np   np:{a/dt foundation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ campaign/nn}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{forgot/vbd}:vp   np:{something/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{facebook/nn}:np

ID: 152   ID(stc): 631   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   someone hook me up with the video of the press conference.
   np:{someone/nn}:np   vp:{hook/vb me/prp}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt video/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt press/nn conference/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 153   ID(stc): 632   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   darn thanks but what i really want to see is the q and a section.
   np:{darn/nn thanks/nns}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{i/prp}:np    advp:{really/rb}:advp    vp:{want/vbp to/to see/vb}:vp   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt q/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt section/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 154   ID(stc): 638   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   then he can nationalize everything in sight for the" good of the country".
   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{can/md nationalize/vb}:vp   np:{everything/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{sight/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt "/`` good/jj}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 155   ID(stc): 639   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   i assume all the obama supporters are going to spend more this holiday than they did last year.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{assume/vb}:vp   np:{all/pdt the/dt obama/nn supporters/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp going/vbg to/to spend/vb}:vp    np:{more/rbr this/dt holiday/nn}:np    sbar:{than/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd}:vp   np:{last/jj year/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 156   ID(stc): 645   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   he 's not even president yet and he has officially destroyed all confidence.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   advp:{even/rb}:advp   vp:{president/nn}:vp    advp:{yet/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz officially/rb destroyed/vbn}:vp   np:{all/dt confidence/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 157   ID(stc): 648   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it does n't in the least bit look like you 're just cooking up ridiculous hypotheticals to express your bitterness over the fact that your candidate 's ass was kicked and barack hussein obama is now yo r president-elect.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt least/jjs bit/nn}:np   vp:{look/vbp}:vp   sbar:{like/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{'re/vbp just/rb cooking/vbg}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{ridiculous/jj hypotheticals/nns}:np   vp:{to/to express/vb}:vp   np:{your/prp$ bitterness/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fact/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{your/prp$ candidate/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos ass/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd kicked/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{barack/rb hussein/jj obama/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{now/rb}:advp   np:{yo/jj r/nn president-elect/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 158   ID(stc): 652   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   if obama just said the economy would turn around next month, the economy would turn around next month.
   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{would/md turn/vb}:vp   np:{around/rp}:np   np:{next/jj month/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{would/md turn/vb}:vp   np:{around/rp}:np   np:{next/jj month/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 159   ID(stc): 655   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   maybe it would sound better coming from obama than it did mccain.
   advp:{maybe/rb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md sound/vb}:vp    adjp:{better/rbr coming/vbg}:adjp    pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np   sbar:{than/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd}:vp   advp:{mccain/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 160   ID(stc): 660   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   separating truth from fiction is so hard these days.
   vp:{separating/vbg}:vp   np:{truth/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{fiction/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{so/rb hard/jj}:adjp    np:{these/dt days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 161   ID(stc): 670   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   as john mccain, the fundamentals of the economy are sound, it 's only a mental recession, after all.
   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{john/nn mccain/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt fundamentals/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{sound/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt mental/jj recession/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 162   ID(stc): 675   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   that means we ca n't worry short term about the deficit.
   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{means/vbz}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{ca/md n't/rb worry/vb}:vp   np:{short/jj term/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt deficit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 163   ID(stc): 681   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama also talked about his choice of eric shinseki to run the department of veteran affairs.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{talked/vbd}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ choice/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{eric/jj shinseki/nn}:np   vp:{to/to run/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{veteran/jj affairs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 164   ID(stc): 689   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   is that the same thing as a demcrat?
   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt same/jj thing/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{a/dt demcrat/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 165   ID(stc): 690   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   is that the same thing as a demcrat?
   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt same/jj thing/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{a/dt demcrat/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 166   ID(stc): 691   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   jerry griffith today at 3:01 pmtom brokaw stated this morning on meet the press that because people have become accustomed to paying $ 4 a gallon for gas, they should continue to do so and the money used for other tax purposes.
   np:{jerry/nn griffith/nn today/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{3:01/cd pmtom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{stated/vbd}:vp   np:{this/dt morning/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp become/vbn accustomed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{paying/vbg}:vp   np:{$/$ 4/cd}:np   np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{gas/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{should/md continue/vb to/to do/vb}:vp    advp:{so/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt money/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{other/jj tax/nn purposes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 167   ID(stc): 692   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   i am wondering for whom brokaw is speaking; certainly not me and probably not for others who are less wealthy than he.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{am/vbp wondering/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{whom/wp}:np   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz speaking/vbg}:vp   undef:{;/:}:undef   advp:{certainly/rb}:advp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{probably/rb not/rb}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{others/nns}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{less/rbr wealthy/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{he/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 168   ID(stc): 693   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   we have not become accustomed to paying $ 4 for a gallon of gas and need this money for our existence .tom brokaw stated this morning on meet the press that because people have become accustomed to paying $ 4 a gallon for gas, they should continue to do so and the money used for other tax purposes.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb become/vbn accustomed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{paying/vbg}:vp   np:{$/$ 4/cd}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gas/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{need/vb}:vp   np:{this/dt money/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ existence/nn}:np   pp:{.tom/in}:pp   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{stated/vbd}:vp   np:{this/dt morning/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp become/vbn accustomed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{paying/vbg}:vp   np:{$/$ 4/cd}:np   np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{gas/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{should/md continue/vb to/to do/vb}:vp    advp:{so/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt money/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{other/jj tax/nn purposes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 169   ID(stc): 694   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   i am wondering for whom brokaw is speaking; certainly not me and probably not for others who are less wealthy than he.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{am/vbp wondering/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{whom/wp}:np   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz speaking/vbg}:vp   undef:{;/:}:undef   advp:{certainly/rb}:advp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{probably/rb not/rb}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{others/nns}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{less/rbr wealthy/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{he/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 170   ID(stc): 695   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   we have not become accustomed to paying $ 4 for a gallon of gas and need this money for our existence.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb become/vbn accustomed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{paying/vbg}:vp   np:{$/$ 4/cd}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gas/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{need/vb}:vp   np:{this/dt money/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ existence/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 171   ID(stc): 710   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   pdated 4:57 anne e. kornblut having warned earlier in the day that with the economy, president-elect barack obama pressed the bush administration on sunday to do more to help homeowners struggling with their mortgages.
   vp:{pdated/vbn}:vp   np:{4:57/cd anne/jj e/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{kornblut/nn having/vbg warned/vbn}:vp    advp:{earlier/rbr}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt day/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{president-elect/jj barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{pressed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr}:np   vp:{to/to help/vb}:vp   np:{homeowners/nns}:np   vp:{struggling/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ mortgages/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 172   ID(stc): 717   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama also used the interview to again portray the crisis as an opportunity to rebuild the country, both structurally and culturally.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{used/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt interview/nn}:np   vp:{to/to again/rb portray/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt crisis/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt opportunity/nn}:np   vp:{to/to rebuild/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{both/dt}:undef   advp:{structurally/rb and/cc culturally/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 173   ID(stc): 730   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   . com president elect barack obama appeared on sunday s episode of nbc s meet the press, and forewarned the country that the current challenges of the economy would likely worsen before things drastically improved.

 com/nn president/nn}:np   vp:{elect/vbp}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{appeared/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{episode/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{forewarned/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt current/jj challenges/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{would/md likely/rb worsen/vb}:vp   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{things/nns}:np   vp:{drastically/rb improved/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 174   ID(stc): 731   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   obama further spoke of the current bush administration being slow to act regarding providing mortgage relief to homeowners, which he regarded as an urgent issue, as well as re-examining tax increase proposals for those making $ 250,000 per year.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np    advp:{further/rb}:advp    vp:{spoke/vbd}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt current/jj bush/nn administration/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   adjp:{slow/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to act/vb regarding/vbg}:vp   vp:{providing/vbg}:vp   np:{mortgage/nn relief/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{homeowners/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{regarded/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt urgent/jj issue/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   conjp:{as/rb well/rb as/in}:conjp   vp:{re-examining/vbg}:vp   np:{tax/nn increase/nn proposals/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{those/dt making/vbg $/$ 250,000/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{year/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 175   ID(stc): 737   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   ca n't stand the fact you have nothing to snipe at obama about?!
   vp:{ca/md n't/rb stand/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt fact/nn}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{nothing/nn}:np   vp:{to/to snipe/vb}:vp    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{obama/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{?/.}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 176   ID(stc): 739   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   my comment has everything to do with the way the media is covering obama and nothing to do with racism.
   np:{my/prp$ comment/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{everything/nn}:np   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt way/nn}:np    np:{the/dt media/nns}:np   vp:{is/vbz covering/vbg}:vp   np:{obama/nn and/cc nothing/nn}:np   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{racism/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 177   ID(stc): 741   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   was n't it democrat harry reid who said something to the effect that the new visitor center would keep the smelly ( did he mean unwashed? ) visitors out of the capitol building?
   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{democrat/vb}:vp   np:{harry/jj reid/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{something/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt effect/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt new/jj visitor/nn center/nn}:np   vp:{would/md keep/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt smelly/nn}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   undef:{did/vbd}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{mean/vb}:vp   adjp:{unwashed/jj}:adjp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   np:{visitors/nns}:np   pp:{out/in}:pp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt capitol/nn building/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 178   ID(stc): 744   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   president elect barack obama 's told tom brokaw in an interview on meet the press sunday that the american car industry cannot be allowed to fall, calling gm, ford and chrysler the? backbone? of american manufacturing.
   np:{president/nn}:np   vp:{elect/vbp}:vp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos told/vbn tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt interview/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn sunday/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt american/jj car/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{cannot/md be/vb allowed/vbn to/to fall/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{calling/vbg}:vp   np:{gm/nn ,/, ford/nn and/cc chrysler/nn}:np   np:{the/dt ?/.

 backbone/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{american/jj manufacturing/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 179   ID(stc): 748   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   do you already have an account?
   undef:{do/vbp}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{an/dt account/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 180   ID(stc): 749   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   do you already have an account?.
   undef:{do/vbp}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{an/dt account/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 181   ID(stc): 750   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   do you already have an account?.
   undef:{do/vbp}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{an/dt account/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 182   ID(stc): 751   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   do you already have an account?.
   undef:{do/vbp}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{an/dt account/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 183   ID(stc): 752   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   president-elect barack obama continues to shy away from questions about whether or not he has quit smoking.
   np:{president-elect/nn barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{continues/vbz to/to shy/vb}:vp    advp:{away/rb}:advp    pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{questions/nns}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   undef:{or/cc}:undef   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz quit/vbn}:vp   np:{smoking/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 184   ID(stc): 759   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the president-elect said he wants to make the largest new investment in the nation 's infrastructure since" the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s."
   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{wants/vbz to/to make/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt largest/jjs new/jj investment/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt nation/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos infrastructure/nn}:np   pp:{since/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt creation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt federal/jj highway/nn system/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 1950s/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 185   ID(stc): 761   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   he said he will work with congress to pass the initiative when lawmakers reconvene in january.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md work/vb}:vp    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{congress/nn}:np   vp:{to/to pass/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt initiative/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{lawmakers/nns}:np   vp:{reconvene/vbp}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{january/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 186   ID(stc): 767   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   that means we ca n't worry short term about the deficit.
   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{means/vbz}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{ca/md n't/rb worry/vb}:vp   np:{short/jj term/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt deficit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 187   ID(stc): 770   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   obama 's comments come as his team of economic advisers forge ahead with a stimulus plan, which he outlined in a radio address on saturday.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos comments/nns}:np   vp:{come/vb}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ team/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{economic/jj advisers/nns}:np   vp:{forge/vb}:vp    advp:{ahead/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{a/dt stimulus/nn plan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{outlined/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt radio/nn address/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 188   ID(stc): 771   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he said the plan would employ millions of people by" making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s."
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt plan/nn}:np   vp:{would/md employ/vb}:vp   np:{millions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{people/nns}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{making/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt single/jj largest/jjs new/jj investment/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ national/jj infrastructure/nn}:np    sbar:{since/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt creation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt federal/jj highway/nn system/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 1950s/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 189   ID(stc): 780   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the former anchor of" nbc nightly news" said that obama 's appearance will be aired on sunday, december 7th.
   np:{the/dt former/jj anchor/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{nbc/jj nightly/jj news/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp    undef:{that/in}:undef    np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos appearance/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb aired/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{december/nn 7th/nnp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 190   ID(stc): 782   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   back in july following his overseas tour, he has had a sit-down with the show.
   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   advp:{july/rb}:advp   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{his/prp$ overseas/jj tour/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz had/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt sit-down/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt show/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 191   ID(stc): 784   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   back in july following his overseas tour, he has had a sit-down with the show.
   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   advp:{july/rb}:advp   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{his/prp$ overseas/jj tour/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz had/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt sit-down/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt show/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 192   ID(stc): 791   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   his comments came as a draft agreement to loan billions of dollars to struggling s car-makers was drawn up by s congress leaders and white house officials.
   np:{his/prp$ comments/nns}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt draft/nn agreement/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{loan/nn billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{struggling/vbg}:vp   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{car-makers/nns}:np    vp:{was/vbd drawn/vbn}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{by/in}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{congress/nn leaders/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{white/jj house/nn officials/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 193   ID(stc): 793   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   this is despite it being half of what the firms originally sought to prevent bankruptcy.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{despite/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{half/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{the/dt firms/nns}:np    advp:{originally/rb}:advp    vp:{sought/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to prevent/vb}:vp   np:{bankruptcy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 194   ID(stc): 795   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   after initial disagreement over the bail-put plan, dropped their opposition following the release of gloomy official data showing 533,000 s jobs were lost last month alone.
   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{initial/jj disagreement/nn}:np    pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bail-put/nn plan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{dropped/vbd}:vp   np:{their/prp$ opposition/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt release/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gloomy/jj official/nn data/nns}:np   vp:{showing/vbg}:vp   np:{533,000/cd s/vbz jobs/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd lost/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj month/nn}:np   advp:{alone/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 195   ID(stc): 799   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the leaders of, and have warned of the industry 's imminent demise if a funding agreement could not be reached.
   np:{the/dt leaders/nns}:np   advp:{of/in}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{have/vbp warned/vbn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos imminent/jj demise/nn}:np    pp:{if/in}:pp    np:{a/dt funding/nn agreement/nn}:np   vp:{could/md not/rb be/vb reached/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 196   ID(stc): 802   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   however, ford ceo alan mulally has made it clear he believes the failure of one of the major companies could result in the demise of its competitors.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ford/jj ceo/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{mulally/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz made/vbn}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{believes/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt failure/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt major/jj companies/nns}:np   vp:{could/md result/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt demise/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ competitors/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 197   ID(stc): 807   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   once you have logged in and you have tracked a story, by clicking on the red icon the updates will display in the highlighted panel.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp logged/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp tracked/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt red/jj icon/nn}:np    np:{the/dt updates/nns}:np   vp:{will/md display/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt highlighted/jj panel/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 198   ID(stc): 808   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the weather servers are currently busy, please try again in a couple of minutes.
   np:{the/dt weather/nn servers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{currently/rb busy/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{please/vb try/vb}:vp    advp:{again/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{minutes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 199   ID(stc): 814   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   when i reflect on the sacrifices that have been made by our veterans and, i think about how so many veterans around the country are struggling even more than those who have not served -- higher unemployment rates, higher homeless rates, higher substance abuse rates, medical care that is inadequate -- it breaks my heart, and i think that general shinseki is exactly the right person who is going to be able to make sure that we honor our troops when they come home.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{reflect/vbp}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sacrifices/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn made/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ veterans/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{i/fw think/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{so/rb many/jj veterans/nns}:np   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp struggling/vbg}:vp    np:{even/rb more/rbr}:np    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb served/vbn}:vp   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{higher/jjr unemployment/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr homeless/jj rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr substance/nn abuse/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{medical/jj care/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{inadequate/jj}:adjp   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{breaks/vbz}:vp   np:{my/prp$ heart/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{general/jj shinseki/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{exactly/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt right/jj person/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to make/vb}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{honor/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ troops/nns}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{come/vbp}:vp   np:{home/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 200   ID(stc): 820   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   when i reflect on the sacrifices that have been made by our veterans and, i think about how so many veterans around the country are struggling even more than those who have not served -- higher unemployment rates, higher homeless rates, higher substance abuse rates, medical care that is inadequate -- it breaks my heart, and i think that general shinseki is exactly the right person who is going to be able to make sure that we honor our troops when they come home.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{reflect/vbp}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sacrifices/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn made/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ veterans/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{i/fw think/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{so/rb many/jj veterans/nns}:np   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp struggling/vbg}:vp    np:{even/rb more/rbr}:np    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{have/vbp not/rb served/vbn}:vp   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{higher/jjr unemployment/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr homeless/jj rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{higher/jjr substance/nn abuse/nn rates/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{medical/jj care/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{inadequate/jj}:adjp   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{breaks/vbz}:vp   np:{my/prp$ heart/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{general/jj shinseki/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{exactly/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt right/jj person/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to make/vb}:vp   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{honor/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ troops/nns}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{come/vbp}:vp   np:{home/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 201   ID(stc): 821   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   tom brokaw: he 's the man who lost his job in the bush administration because he said we will need more troops in iraq than secretary of defense don rumsfeld thought we would need at that time.
   np:{tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt man/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{lost/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ job/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt bush/nn administration/nn}:np   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md need/vb}:vp    np:{more/rbr troops/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{iraq/jj}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{secretary/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{defense/nn}:np   pp:{don/in}:pp   np:{rumsfeld/nn}:np   vp:{thought/vbd}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{would/md need/vb}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{that/dt time/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 202   ID(stc): 825   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the interview is mr obama 's most extensive since winning the race for the white house more than a month ago.
   np:{the/dt interview/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{mr/jj obama/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos}:np   adjp:{most/rbs extensive/jj}:adjp   pp:{since/in}:pp   vp:{winning/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt race/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt white/jj house/nn}:np   advp:{more/jjr}:advp   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{a/dt month/nn}:np   advp:{ago/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 203   ID(stc): 826   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   the failure of american media to properly vet the political beliefs of barack obama during the just concluded presidential campaign was on full display sunday when the president-elect made clear just how much of a socialist he really is, and did so with nary a challenge from" meet the press" moderator tom brokaw.
   np:{the/dt failure/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{american/jj media/nns}:np   vp:{to/to properly/rb vet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt political/jj beliefs/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt just/jj concluded/vbd presidential/jj campaign/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{full/jj display/nn sunday/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt president-elect/nn}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   np:{just/rb how/wrb much/rb}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt socialist/jj}:np   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{really/rb}:advp    vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{did/vbd}:vp   advp:{so/rb}:advp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{nary/jj a/dt challenge/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{meet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn "/`` moderator/nn tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 204   ID(stc): 828   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   tom brokaw, moderator: your vice president joe biden said during the course of this campaign it would be patriotic for the wealthy to pay more on taxes.
   np:{tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{moderator/nn}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{your/prp$ vice/nn president/nn joe/nn biden/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt course/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{this/dt campaign/nn}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{patriotic/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt wealthy/jj}:np   vp:{to/to pay/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{taxes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 205   ID(stc): 831   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   it 's not good for the wealthy, it 's not good for the poor, and it 's not good for the vast majority in the middle.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt wealthy/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt poor/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt vast/jj majority/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt middle/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 206   ID(stc): 840   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   and what about the record number of contributions he received during the campaign?
   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt record/nn number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contributions/nns}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{received/vbd}:vp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt campaign/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 207   ID(stc): 845   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   furthermore, is that we learned from the collapse of the soviet nion?
   advp:{furthermore/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{learned/vbd}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt collapse/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt soviet/jj nion/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 208   ID(stc): 848   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   maybe more importantly, should hundreds of years of successful capitalism in this country be ignored because a small percentage of folks in this country foolishly purchased homes that they could n't afford, and a small percentage of financial service industry employees foolishly concocted a scheme that was based more on the principles of charles ponzi than sound business practices?
   advp:{maybe/rb more/rbr importantly/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{should/md}:vp   np:{hundreds/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{years/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{successful/jj capitalism/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{be/vb ignored/vbn}:vp   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{a/dt small/jj percentage/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{folks/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{foolishly/rb purchased/vbn}:vp   np:{homes/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md n't/rb afford/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt small/jj percentage/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{financial/jj service/nn industry/nn employees/nns}:np    advp:{foolishly/rb}:advp    vp:{concocted/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt scheme/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd based/vbn}:vp   advp:{more/rbr}:advp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt principles/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{charles/nns ponzi/nns}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{sound/jj business/nn practices/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 209   ID(stc): 849   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   and what of the role of the government sponsored enterprises fannie mae and freddie mac who gave more money to sen.
   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt role/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{sponsored/vbd}:vp   np:{enterprises/nns}:np   vp:{fannie/vb}:vp   np:{mae/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{freddie/jj mac/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{gave/vbd}:vp   np:{more/jjr money/nn}:np   vp:{to/to sen/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 210   ID(stc): 856   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   obama is not a democrat and brokaw is not a journalist.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt democrat/nn and/cc brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{a/dt journalist/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 211   ID(stc): 865   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the way i am looking at things right now obama believes he can use the same ideas as hoover/fdr and' do it right' by throwing yet more money at it.
   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{am/vbp looking/vbg}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{things/nns}:np   advp:{right/rb now/rb}:advp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{believes/vbz}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{can/md use/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt same/jj ideas/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{hoover/fdr/nn and/cc}:np   np:{'/pos}:np   vp:{do/vbp}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   advp:{right/rb}:advp   undef:{'/''}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{throwing/vbg}:vp    np:{yet/rb more/jjr money/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 212   ID(stc): 867   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   it also shows an ego of epic proportions.
   np:{it/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{shows/vbz}:vp   np:{an/dt ego/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{epic/jj proportions/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 213   ID(stc): 868   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   that 's how liberals' egotistical thinking always works: they can make failed ideas work because this time the" right" people with the" right" intentions will be doing it!
   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{liberals/nns}:np   np:{'/pos egotistical/jj thinking/vbg}:np    advp:{always/rb}:advp    vp:{works/vbz}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md make/vb failed/vbn}:vp   np:{ideas/nns}:np   vp:{work/vbp}:vp   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   np:{the/dt "/`` right/jj "/'' people/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt "/`` right/jj "/'' intentions/nns}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb doing/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 214   ID(stc): 884   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   i for one would have much more money ( shh, do n't tell the great one ) and i would never have to see yet another high school football stadiun being built to replace the one that was built 5 years ago.
   np:{i/fw for/in one/cd}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb}:vp   np:{much/rb more/jjr money/nn (/-lrb- shh/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb tell/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt great/jj one/cd )/-rrb- and/cc i/nn}:np   vp:{would/md never/rb have/vb to/to see/vb}:vp    advp:{yet/rb}:advp    np:{another/dt high/jj school/nn football/nn stadiun/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg built/vbn}:vp   vp:{to/to replace/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt one/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd built/vbn}:vp   np:{5/cd years/nns}:np   advp:{ago/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 215   ID(stc): 885   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   wilbur: i sincerely doubt that will ever happen, much as we would like to see it.
   np:{wilbur/nnp}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{i/nn}:np    advp:{sincerely/rb}:advp    vp:{doubt/vbp}:vp   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{will/md ever/rb happen/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{much/rb}:advp   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{would/md like/vb to/to see/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 216   ID(stc): 886   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   check out this about home schoolers.
   vp:{check/vb}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{this/dt}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{home/nn schoolers/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 217   ID(stc): 900   ID(rule): 9310   COVER: 71
   how much suffering will the obama family go through over the next four years everything will spiral downward even further but the chorus will sing that it is all bush 's fault.
   np:{how/wrb much/jj suffering/nn}:np   undef:{will/md}:undef   np:{the/dt obama/nn family/nn}:np   vp:{go/vbp}:vp   adjp:{through/in}:adjp   pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{the/dt next/jj four/cd years/nns}:np    advp:{everything/nn}:advp   vp:{will/md spiral/vb}:vp   advp:{downward/rb}:advp   advp:{even/rb further/jj}:advp   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt chorus/nn}:np   vp:{will/md sing/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{all/dt bush/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos fault/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 218   ID(stc): 909   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   i thought the media was pretty clear this guy is a socialist, i had been under the impression that this is what the american people wanted, no?
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{thought/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt media/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    adjp:{pretty/rb clear/jj}:adjp    np:{this/dt guy/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt socialist/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn}:vp   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{the/dt impression/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{the/dt american/jj people/nns}:np   vp:{wanted/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   intj:{no/uh}:intj   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 219   ID(stc): 910   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   seems my tag line is more appropriate than ever, noel, lol.
   vp:{seems/vbz}:vp   np:{my/prp$ tag/nn line/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{more/rbr appropriate/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{ever/rb ,/, noel/nn ,/, lol/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 220   ID(stc): 913   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   a left off - then, it get 's to the bottom of the whole statement.
   np:{a/dt}:np   vp:{left/vbd}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   undef:{-/:}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{get/vb}:vp   np:{'s/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt bottom/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt whole/jj statement/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 221   ID(stc): 920   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   " [ a ] small percentage of folks in this country foolishly purchased homes that they could n't afford, and a small percentage of financial service industry employees foolishly concocted a scheme"
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{[/nns}:np   np:{a/dt ]/sym small/jj percentage/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{folks/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{foolishly/rb purchased/vbn}:vp   np:{homes/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md n't/rb afford/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt small/jj percentage/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{financial/jj service/nn industry/nn employees/nns}:np    advp:{foolishly/rb}:advp    vp:{concocted/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt scheme/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 222   ID(stc): 927   ID(rule): 9190   COVER: 22
   maybe they saw the straw poll here ( 29 for mccain vs 2425 for palin ) and related comments unfavorable to mccain.
   advp:{maybe/rb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{saw/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt straw/nn poll/nn}:np   advp:{here/rb}:advp   vp:{(/-lrb-}:vp   np:{29/cd}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{mccain/nn}:np    pp:{vs/in}:pp    np:{2425/cd}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{palin/nn )/-rrb- and/cc related/jj comments/nns}:np   adjp:{unfavorable/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to mccain/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 223   ID(stc): 934   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   because as i said, if 3 % of sub-prime mortgages defaulting in america can cause the entire capitalist system around the world to come crashing down, then capitalism would n't be something worth saving.
   pp:{because/in as/in}:pp   np:{i/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{if/in 3/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{sub-prime/jj mortgages/nns}:np   vp:{defaulting/vbg}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   vp:{can/md cause/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt entire/jj capitalist/jj system/nn}:np    pp:{around/in}:pp    np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   vp:{to/to come/vb crashing/vbg}:vp   advp:{down/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{capitalism/nn}:np   vp:{would/md n't/rb be/vb}:vp   np:{something/nn worth/jj saving/vbg}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 224   ID(stc): 936   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   " because as i said, if 3 % of sub-prime mortgages defaulting in america can cause the entire capitalist system around the world to come crashing down, then capitalism would n't be something worth saving."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{because/in as/in}:sbar   np:{i/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{if/in 3/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{sub-prime/jj mortgages/nns}:np   vp:{defaulting/vbg}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   vp:{can/md cause/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt entire/jj capitalist/jj system/nn}:np    pp:{around/in}:pp    np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   vp:{to/to come/vb crashing/vbg}:vp   advp:{down/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{capitalism/nn}:np   vp:{would/md n't/rb be/vb}:vp   np:{something/nn worth/jj saving/vbg}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 225   ID(stc): 938   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   yeah, time to scrap the system that has made us the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the world know, because it does n't work perfectly 100 % of the time.
   advp:{yeah/uh}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{time/nn}:np   vp:{to/to scrap/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt system/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{has/vbz made/vbn}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   np:{the/dt most/rbs prosperous/jj ,/, most/rbs powerful/jj nation/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   np:{}:np   vp:{know/vbp}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb work/vb}:vp    np:{perfectly/rb 100/cd %/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt time/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 226   ID(stc): 940   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   by the way, capitalism has n't come crashing down around me.
   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{capitalism/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz n't/rb come/vb crashing/vbg}:vp    advp:{down/rb}:advp    pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 227   ID(stc): 942   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   looking out for ones self is apparently a bad thing.
   vp:{looking/vbg}:vp   advp:{out/in}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{ones/nns self/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{apparently/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt bad/jj thing/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 228   ID(stc): 947   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   socialism is not the answer because like a plutocracy, it too lacks any virtue.
   np:{socialism/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   np:{the/dt answer/nn}:np    pp:{because/in like/in}:pp    np:{a/dt plutocracy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   advp:{too/rb}:advp   vp:{lacks/vbz}:vp   np:{any/dt virtue/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 229   ID(stc): 951   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   when" demanding" personal responsibility, as in what this country used to be, then everyone (' cept the hand out crowd ) will rise to the challenge and become strong, powerful and rich ( economically and spritually ).
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{"/`` demanding/vbg "/'' personal/jj responsibility/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{this/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbd to/to be/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{everyone/nn (/-lrb- '/pos}:np    pp:{cept/in}:pp    np:{the/dt hand/nn}:np   pp:{out/in}:pp   np:{crowd/nn )/-rrb-}:np   vp:{will/md rise/vb}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt challenge/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{become/vb}:vp   np:{strong/jj ,/, powerful/jj and/cc rich/jj (/-lrb-}:np   advp:{economically/rb and/cc spritually/rb}:advp   advp:{)/-rrb-}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 230   ID(stc): 953   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   if europe was so fragile that one man ( adolph hitler ) could bring it crashing to it 's ( figurative ) knees, perhaps europe was n't worth saving?
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{europe/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    adjp:{so/rb fragile/jj}:adjp    pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{one/cd man/nn}:np   vp:{(/-lrb-}:vp   np:{adolph/nn hitler/nn )/-rrb-}:np   vp:{could/md bring/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{crashing/vbg}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   np:{'s/pos (/-lrb- figurative/nn )/-rrb- knees/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{perhaps/rb}:advp   np:{europe/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   adjp:{worth/jj}:adjp   np:{saving/vbg}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 231   ID(stc): 956   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   talk about babies and bath water.
   vp:{talk/vb}:vp    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{babies/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{bath/nn water/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 232   ID(stc): 960   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   " virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{virtue/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz more/rbr to/to be/vb feared/vbn}:vp   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{vice/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{its/prp$ excesses/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{subject/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt regulation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{conscience/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 233   ID(stc): 962   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   since the consensus among economists is that free markets are better than micro-managed ones and that the invisible hand works better than the iron fist i think it 's safe to say that the zero is a economics denier.
   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{the/dt consensus/nn}:np   pp:{among/in}:pp   np:{economists/nns}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{free/jj markets/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{better/jjr}:adjp   pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{micro-managed/jj ones/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt invisible/jj hand/nn}:np   vp:{works/vbz}:vp    advp:{better/rbr}:advp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{the/dt iron/nn fist/nn}:np   advp:{i/in}:advp   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{safe/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to say/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt zero/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt economics/nns denier/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 234   ID(stc): 964   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   watch this 2 minute video as milton friedman explains to fiberal talk show host phil donahue what greed is.
   vp:{watch/vb}:vp   np:{this/dt 2/cd minute/nn video/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{milton/nn friedman/nn}:np   vp:{explains/vbz}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{fiberal/jj talk/nn show/nn host/nn phil/nn}:np   vp:{donahue/vbd}:vp   np:{what/wp greed/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 235   ID(stc): 973   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   " on the other hand, we see this not just as a celebration of an election, but as a time for people to come together and celebrate their common values and shared aspirations and goals."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt other/jj hand/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{see/vbp}:vp   np:{this/dt not/rb}:np   advp:{just/rb}:advp   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{a/dt celebration/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{an/dt election/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt time/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{to/to come/vb}:vp    advp:{together/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{celebrate/vb}:vp   np:{their/prp$ common/jj values/nns and/cc shared/vbn aspirations/nns and/cc goals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 236   ID(stc): 974   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   " the failure of american media to properly vet the political beliefs of barack obama during the just concluded presidential campaign ..."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt failure/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{american/jj media/nns}:np   vp:{to/to properly/rb vet/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt political/jj beliefs/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np    pp:{during/in}:pp    np:{the/dt just/jj concluded/vbd presidential/jj campaign/nn}:np   undef:{../cc}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 237   ID(stc): 985   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   mr obama stated that greed was not good for americans in general.
   np:{mr/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{stated/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{greed/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{americans/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   adjp:{general/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 238   ID(stc): 986   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   there is no argument to that unless you consider the s&l scandal of the 90 's and the current mess in the banking industry to be good for america.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{no/dt argument/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{that/dt}:np   sbar:{unless/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{consider/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt s&l/jj scandal/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 90/cd 's/pos}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt current/jj mess/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt banking/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 239   ID(stc): 988   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   we will all have to take some responsibility for the mess that we are in, and we will all have to take some responsibility for getting the economy back on track with sound fiscal policies including a balanced budget on the national front and on the home front.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md}:vp   np:{all/pdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to take/vb}:vp   np:{some/dt responsibility/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt mess/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   advp:{in/in}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md}:vp   np:{all/pdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to take/vb}:vp   np:{some/dt responsibility/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   vp:{getting/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{track/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{sound/jj fiscal/jj policies/nns}:np   vp:{including/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt balanced/jj budget/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt national/jj front/nn}:np   pp:{and/cc}:pp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt home/nn front/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 240   ID(stc): 993   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   b t, the financial prob goes back to the carter years, pushed further into the abyss by clinton, and when someone tried to put an end to it, ( bush ), then the demolibs, who were in charge of purse strings, said no, loudly and often.
   np:{b/nn t/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt financial/jj prob/nn}:np   vp:{goes/vbz}:vp   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt carter/nn years/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{pushed/vbd}:vp    advp:{further/rb}:advp    pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt abyss/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{clinton/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{someone/nn}:np   vp:{tried/vbd to/to put/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt end/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{(/-lrb- bush/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt demolibs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{charge/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{purse/nn strings/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   advp:{no/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{loudly/rb and/cc often/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 241   ID(stc): 1015   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " severe economic regimentation" is far more of a left wing philosophy.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{severe/jj economic/jj regimentation/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{far/rb more/jjr}:adjp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt left/jj wing/nn philosophy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 242   ID(stc): 1021   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   again, i am a republican. the point here is just to get history straight.
   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{am/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt republican/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{the/dt point/nn}:np    advp:{here/rb}:advp    vp:{is/vbz just/rb to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{history/nn}:np   advp:{straight/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 243   ID(stc): 1025   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   obama may want to redistribute the wealth, but at the rate the market 's going, there wo n't be any wealth to redistribute.
   np:{obama/fw}:np   vp:{may/md want/vb to/to redistribute/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt wealth/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt rate/nn}:np    np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos going/vbg}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{wo/md n't/rb be/vb}:vp   np:{any/dt wealth/nn}:np   vp:{to/to redistribute/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 244   ID(stc): 1031   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   has the messiah convinced george soros that his own personal financial gain is less important than the strength of the s $ and the stability of the american economy
   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt messiah/nn}:np   vp:{convinced/vbd}:vp   np:{george/jj soros/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ own/jj personal/jj financial/jj gain/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{less/rbr important/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{the/dt strength/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{$/$}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt stability/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt american/jj economy/nn}:np

ID: 245   ID(stc): 1034   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   if obama had actually said that working for your ownfinancial benefit is not good for anybody, it would certainly be a troubling statement, and perhaps even justify some of the more feverish accusations of socialism and marxism which have dotted this thread.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd actually/rb said/vbd}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   vp:{working/vbg}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{your/prp$ ownfinancial/jj benefit/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{anybody/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md certainly/rb be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt troubling/jj statement/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{perhaps/rb even/rb}:advp   vp:{justify/vb}:vp   np:{some/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt more/jjr feverish/jj accusations/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{socialism/nn and/cc marxism/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp dotted/vbn}:vp   np:{this/dt thread/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 246   ID(stc): 1036   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   obama 's admonishments about" greed" and the" what 's in it for me" mentality--and his implicit corollary that the relative financial viability of all classes [ i .e. more jobs, more consumers, more spending and saving ] ensures a stronger national economy--while not exactly an endorsement of unfettered free markets hardly seem hallmarks of radical economics.
   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos admonishments/nns}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{"/`` greed/jj "/''}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt "/``}:np   np:{what/wp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   advp:{mentality--and/jj}:advp   np:{his/prp$ implicit/jj corollary/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt relative/jj financial/jj viability/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt classes/nns}:np   pp:{[/in}:pp   np:{i/nn .e/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{more/jjr jobs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{more/jjr consumers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{more/jjr spending/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{saving/vbg}:vp   prt:{]/rp}:prt   np:{ensures/nns}:np   np:{a/dt stronger/jjr national/jj economy--while/nn}:np   undef:{not/rb}:undef   advp:{exactly/rb}:advp   np:{an/dt endorsement/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{unfettered/jj free/jj markets/nns}:np    advp:{hardly/rb}:advp    vp:{seem/vbp}:vp   np:{hallmarks/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{radical/jj economics/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 247   ID(stc): 1041   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   that 's how liberals' egotistical thinking always works: they can make failed ideas work because this time the" right" people with the" right" intentions will be doing it!
   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{liberals/nns}:np   np:{'/pos egotistical/jj thinking/vbg}:np    advp:{always/rb}:advp    vp:{works/vbz}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md make/vb failed/vbn}:vp   np:{ideas/nns}:np   vp:{work/vbp}:vp   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   np:{the/dt "/`` right/jj "/'' people/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt "/`` right/jj "/'' intentions/nns}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb doing/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 248   ID(stc): 1045   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   many, many kids do extremely well in public schools, so do n't throw out the baby with the bath water.
   np:{many/jj ,/, many/jj kids/nns}:np   vp:{do/vbp}:vp    advp:{extremely/rb well/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{public/jj schools/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{so/rb}:advp   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb throw/vb}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{the/dt baby/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt bath/nn water/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 249   ID(stc): 1053   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   one of the 89 % who wants to bring back the stock and pillory.
   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 89/cd %/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{wants/vbz to/to bring/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    np:{the/dt stock/nn and/cc pillory/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 250   ID(stc): 1073   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the american economy rests on the back of the american worker andconsumer.
   np:{the/dt american/jj economy/nn}:np   vp:{rests/vbz}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt back/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt american/jj worker/nn andconsumer/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 251   ID(stc): 1078   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   if you needed any more proof that liberal media members do n't give a darn about the state of the economy or the american people, and instead just want to raise taxes, you got it sunday when tom brokaw advocated gas prices, which have plummeted recently, be kept at $ 4 a gallon with government keeping the added cost.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{needed/vbd}:vp   np:{any/dt more/jjr proof/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{liberal/jj media/nns members/nns}:np   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb give/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt darn/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt state/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt american/jj people/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{instead/rb just/rb want/vb to/to raise/vb}:vp   np:{taxes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   np:{sunday/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{advocated/vbd}:vp   np:{gas/nn prices/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp plummeted/vbn}:vp   advp:{recently/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{be/vb kept/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{$/$ 4/cd}:np   np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{government/nn}:np   vp:{keeping/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt added/vbn cost/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 252   ID(stc): 1079   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   barack obama: and what we still see are executive compensation packages for the auto industry that are out of line compared to their competitors, their japanese competitors who are doing a lot better.
   np:{barack/nn obama/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{still/rb}:advp    vp:{see/vbp}:vp   undef:{are/vbp}:undef   np:{executive/jj compensation/nn packages/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt auto/nn industry/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   pp:{out/in}:pp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{line/nn}:np   vp:{compared/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{their/prp$ competitors/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{their/prp$ japanese/jj competitors/nns}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{are/vbp doing/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   adjp:{better/jjr}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 253   ID(stc): 1086   ID(rule): 8947   COVER: 24
   figure out ways in which workers may have to take a haircut, but they can still keep their jobs, they can still keep their healthcare, and they can still stay in their homes.
   vp:{figure/vbp}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{ways/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np    np:{workers/nns}:np    vp:{may/md have/vb to/to take/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt haircut/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb keep/vb}:vp   np:{their/prp$ jobs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb keep/vb}:vp   np:{their/prp$ healthcare/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{can/md still/rb stay/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ homes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 254   ID(stc): 1095   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   once the balance moved far enough over to the alternative energy side, the gas subsidy would no longer be enough to sustain the alternative side and energy prices would skyrocket and the economy would crash.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt balance/nn}:np   vp:{moved/vbd}:vp    advp:{far/rb enough/rb}:advp    pp:{over/in}:pp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt alternative/nn energy/nn side/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt gas/nn subsidy/nn}:np   vp:{would/md no/rb longer/rb be/vb}:vp   advp:{enough/rb}:advp   vp:{to/to sustain/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt alternative/jj side/nn and/cc energy/nn prices/nns}:np   vp:{would/md skyrocket/vb}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{would/md crash/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 255   ID(stc): 1099   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   because the rise to $ 140 a barrel was artificially driven, the drop will go further down than necessary too until it settles at a more stable price of between $ 40 - $ 50. nless it is artificially affected again.
   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{the/dt rise/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{$/$ 140/cd}:np   np:{a/dt barrel/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd artificially/rb driven/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt drop/nn}:np   vp:{will/md go/vb}:vp    advp:{further/rbr down/rb}:advp    pp:{than/in}:pp   adjp:{necessary/jj}:adjp   advp:{too/rb}:advp   sbar:{until/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{settles/vbz}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt more/rbr stable/jj price/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{between/in $/$ 40/cd}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{$/$ 50/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{nless/in}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz artificially/rb affected/vbn}:vp   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 256   ID(stc): 1100   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   when the economy crashes, and they finally do away with the horrific tax on gasoline, oil will be dirt cheap.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt economy/nn crashes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np    advp:{finally/rb}:advp    vp:{do/vbp}:vp   advp:{away/rb}:advp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt horrific/jj tax/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{gasoline/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{dirt/jj cheap/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 257   ID(stc): 1101   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   everyone out there will be driving around their crappy electric golf carts or driving around with their mini hindenburgs or the smug powered liberals cars.
   np:{everyone/nn}:np   pp:{out/in}:pp   np:{there/rb}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb driving/vbg}:vp   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ crappy/jj electric/jj golf/nn carts/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{driving/vbg}:vp    advp:{around/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ mini/nn hindenburgs/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt smug/jj powered/jj liberals/nns cars/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 258   ID(stc): 1111   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the hubris felt and expressed by liberals after obama 's election is astonishing.
   np:{the/dt hubris/nn}:np   vp:{felt/vbd}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{expressed/vbd}:vp    pp:{by/in}:pp    np:{liberals/nns}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos election/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{astonishing/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 259   ID(stc): 1116   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he knows how utterly destructive a tax like this would be to his administration, and he must have winced inwardly while watching brokaw 's stupid face and ignorant pie hole blow this manure in his direction.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{knows/vbz}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   undef:{utterly/rb}:undef   np:{destructive/jj a/dt tax/nn}:np   pp:{like/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{his/prp$ administration/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{must/md have/vb winced/vbn}:vp    advp:{inwardly/rb}:advp    pp:{while/in}:pp   vp:{watching/vbg}:vp   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos stupid/jj face/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{ignorant/jj pie/nn hole/nn blow/nn}:np   np:{this/dt manure/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ direction/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 260   ID(stc): 1117   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   what kind of mileage do limo 's and gulfstream jets get?. it think people get it. everyone of the big three car makers have overseas companies who have produced hi-milage cars for the european market. where are they? love the idea of the electric car only the problem is/are the battery technology. you ca n't legislate and tax technology into being. you can only set the stage through free market innovation. all the other pieces of the electric car are in place ... who ever solves the battery problem will be rich. forcing the big three into quickly producing an electric car before it 's tested and proven..... remember the first gas crisis in' 73. ford and gm rushed the pinto and the vega into production. do n't want that again.
   np:{what/wdt kind/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{mileage/nn}:np   vp:{do/vbp}:vp   np:{limo/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos and/cc gulfstream/nn jets/nns}:np   vp:{get/vb}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef   advp:{it/prp}:advp   vp:{think/vb}:vp   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{get/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{everyone/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt big/jj three/cd car/nn makers/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{overseas/jj companies/nns}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{have/vbp produced/vbn}:vp   np:{hi-milage/jj cars/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt european/jj market/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{love/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt idea/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt electric/jj car/nn}:np   advp:{only/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   vp:{is/are/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt battery/nn technology/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{ca/md n't/rb legislate/vb and/cc tax/vb}:vp   np:{technology/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{being/vbg}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md only/rb set/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt stage/nn}:np   pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{free/jj market/nn innovation/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{all/pdt}:undef   np:{the/dt other/jj pieces/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt electric/jj car/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{place/nn}:np   undef:{.../:}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np    advp:{ever/rb}:advp    vp:{solves/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt battery/nn problem/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{rich/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{forcing/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt big/jj three/cd}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   advp:{quickly/rb}:advp   vp:{producing/vbg}:vp   np:{an/dt electric/jj car/nn}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz tested/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{proven...../vbp remember/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt first/jj gas/nn crisis/nn in'/nn}:np   np:{73/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{ford/nn and/cc gm/nn}:np   vp:{rushed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt pinto/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt vega/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{production/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb want/vb}:vp   np:{that/dt}:np   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 261   ID(stc): 1119   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   why not give up yo r special perks and be forced to live just like us poor working saps, with a government gun held to our heads not allowing us to keep what we earn?
   advp:{why/wrb}:advp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{give/vb}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{yo/prp$ r/nn special/jj perks/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{be/vb forced/vbn to/to live/vb}:vp    prt:{just/rb}:prt    pp:{like/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   np:{poor/jj working/vbg saps/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{a/dt government/nn gun/nn}:np   vp:{held/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{our/prp$ heads/nns}:np   vp:{not/rb allowing/vbg}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{to/to keep/vb}:vp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{earn/vbp}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 262   ID(stc): 1126   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   was n't brokaw the one who said after the election that we really do n't know a lot about obama
   vp:{was/vbd n't/rb brokaw/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt one/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{the/dt election/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{really/rb}:advp    vp:{do/vbp n't/rb know/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np

ID: 263   ID(stc): 1129   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   who cares if the extra gas taxes will come out of their food budget because that 's the only discretionary money they have.
   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{cares/vbz}:vp   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{the/dt extra/jj gas/nn taxes/nns}:np   vp:{will/md come/vb}:vp    advp:{out/rb}:advp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ food/nn budget/nn}:np   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt only/jj discretionary/jj money/nn}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 264   ID(stc): 1136   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   53 % of drivers voted for obama well, first off i 'm not entirely convinced that 53 % of america voted for obama ( though it naturally has to be close ).
   np:{53/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{drivers/nns}:np   vp:{voted/vbd}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{obama/nnp}:np   advp:{well/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{first/rb}:advp   sbar:{off/in}:sbar   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{'m/vbp not/rb entirely/rb convinced/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{53/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{america/nn}:np   vp:{voted/vbd}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   sbar:{though/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np    advp:{naturally/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{close/jj )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 265   ID(stc): 1148   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   if obama in any way corrects the problem it will be even more of a black eye.
   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{any/dt way/nn}:np   vp:{corrects/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    adjp:{even/rb more/jjr}:adjp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt black/jj eye/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 266   ID(stc): 1149   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   as nbc 's rating continue to dwindle, it 's obviouos that the network does n't understand enough about television markets let alone national economics.
   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{nbc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos rating/nn}:np   vp:{continue/vbp to/to dwindle/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   np:{obviouos/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt network/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz n't/rb understand/vb}:vp    advp:{enough/rb}:advp    pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{television/nn markets/nns}:np   vp:{let/vbp}:vp   np:{alone/jj national/jj economics/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 267   ID(stc): 1152   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   taking money from the productive and giving it to the unproductive is not a government service.
   vp:{taking/vbg}:vp   np:{money/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt productive/jj}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{giving/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt unproductive/jj}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt government/nn service/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 268   ID(stc): 1154   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   straw man successfully knocked over.
   np:{straw/nn man/nn}:np    advp:{successfully/rb}:advp    vp:{knocked/vbd}:vp   advp:{over/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 269   ID(stc): 1157   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   what is up with that?
   np:{what/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{up/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{that/dt}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 270   ID(stc): 1160   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   taking money from the productive and giving it to the unproductive is not a government service.
   vp:{taking/vbg}:vp   np:{money/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt productive/jj}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{giving/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt unproductive/jj}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt government/nn service/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 271   ID(stc): 1162   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   straw man successfully knocked over.
   np:{straw/nn man/nn}:np    advp:{successfully/rb}:advp    vp:{knocked/vbd}:vp   advp:{over/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 272   ID(stc): 1165   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   what is up with that?
   np:{what/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{up/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{that/dt}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 273   ID(stc): 1167   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   a good friend of mine spent some time in a va hospital after serving in vietnam in the' 60s.
   np:{a/dt good/jj friend/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{mine/nn}:np   vp:{spent/vbd}:vp   np:{some/dt time/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt va/fw hospital/nn}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   vp:{serving/vbg}:vp    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{vietnam/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt '/pos 60s/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 274   ID(stc): 1169   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   poor care in va hospitals is nothing new and has nothing to do with bush.
   np:{poor/jj care/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{va/nn hospitals/nns}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{nothing/nn}:np   adjp:{new/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{nothing/nn}:np   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{bush/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 275   ID(stc): 1174   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   i 've got to remember brokaw 's arrogant suggestion so when someone asks me to give an example of an elitist statement, i 'll have a perfect one at the ready ...
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp got/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to remember/vb}:vp   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos arrogant/jj suggestion/nn}:np   undef:{so/rb}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{someone/nn}:np   vp:{asks/vbz}:vp   np:{me/prp}:np   vp:{to/to give/vb}:vp   np:{an/dt example/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{an/dt elitist/nn statement/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{'ll/md have/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt perfect/jj one/cd}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt ready/jj}:np   undef:{.../:}:undef

ID: 276   ID(stc): 1178   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   not only that, the cost of all things had gone up because of transpo costs.
   conjp:{not/rb only/rb}:conjp   np:{that/in}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt cost/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt things/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd gone/vbn}:vp    advp:{up/rb}:advp    pp:{because/in of/in}:pp   np:{transpo/nn costs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 277   ID(stc): 1180   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   then you 'll feel the pain of eeking out a living like the rest of us red state citizens.
   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{'ll/md feel/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt pain/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{eeking/nn}:np   pp:{out/in}:pp   np:{a/dt living/nn}:np    pp:{like/in}:pp    np:{the/dt rest/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   np:{red/jj state/nn citizens/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 278   ID(stc): 1181   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   listen, i am a republican, and i am fed up with people calling me stupid. but i go on these sites sometimes, and am just blown away by the small scope of the world that many of my fellow republicans seem to celebrate.
   vp:{listen/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{am/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt republican/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{am/vbp fed/vbn}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{calling/vbg}:vp   np:{me/prp}:np   adjp:{stupid/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{go/vbp}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{these/dt sites/nns}:np   advp:{sometimes/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{am/vbp just/rb blown/vbn}:vp    advp:{away/rb}:advp    pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt small/jj scope/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{many/jj}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{my/prp$ fellow/nn republicans/nns}:np   vp:{seem/vbp to/to celebrate/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 279   ID(stc): 1185   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   this is how we will win back the government.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md win/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 280   ID(stc): 1187   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   drill baby drill is not a new idea.
   np:{drill/vb baby/nn drill/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt new/jj idea/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 281   ID(stc): 1200   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the free market will produce the viable solution for alternative energy.
   np:{the/dt free/jj market/nn}:np   vp:{will/md produce/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt viable/jj solution/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{alternative/nn energy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 282   ID(stc): 1202   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   if you really are a conservative then you know better than to look to govt for a solution.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{really/rb}:advp    vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt conservative/jj}:np   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{know/vbp}:vp   adjp:{better/jjr than/in}:adjp   vp:{to/to look/vb to/to govt/vb}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{a/dt solution/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 283   ID(stc): 1208   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   last i checked, the plants were very appreciative of our carbon emissions.
   np:{last/jj i/nn}:np   vp:{checked/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt plants/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    adjp:{very/rb appreciative/jj}:adjp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ carbon/nn emissions/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 284   ID(stc): 1212   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   clearly, however, this is not the way the dems / greens / environmentalists and the state media outlets think, so for the time being we will have to contend with more years of energy discouragement.
   advp:{clearly/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   np:{the/dt dems/nns}:np   vp:{//vbp}:vp   np:{greens/nns}:np   np:{//jj environmentalists/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt state/nn media/nns outlets/nns}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{so/rb}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt time/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md have/vb to/to contend/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{more/jjr years/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{energy/nn discouragement/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 285   ID(stc): 1213   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   ps: btw, if you really are a republican, i would think it would be pretty obvious that elitist tom brokaw is the jerk in this instance.
   np:{ps/nns}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{btw/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   advp:{really/rb}:advp   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt republican/jj ,/, i/fw}:np   vp:{would/md think/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp    adjp:{pretty/rb obvious/jj}:adjp    pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{elitist/nn tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt jerk/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt instance/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 286   ID(stc): 1215   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   i heard, i saw, i came unglued once again with the elite left.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{heard/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/fw saw/vbd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{came/vbd unglued/vbn}:vp    advp:{once/rb again/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt elite/nn}:np   vp:{left/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 287   ID(stc): 1216   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   this is n't a new idea, quite a few on the left are thinking of doing this exact thing, as o well knows ( and secretly likes ) but answered wisely today ... it will be at the lefts own peril in the their future, that is if the repubs, as a whole learn how to fight to win...we will be furious out here if this comes to pass ...and will vote against all who implemented this upon us.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   np:{a/dt new/jj idea/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{quite/rb a/dt few/jj}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt left/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp thinking/vbg}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{doing/vbg}:vp   np:{this/dt exact/jj thing/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   undef:{o/rb}:undef   advp:{well/rb}:advp   vp:{knows/vbz}:vp   np:{(/-lrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{secretly/rb likes/vbz}:vp   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{answered/vbd}:vp   np:{wisely/rb today/nn}:np   undef:{.../:}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt lefts/nns}:np    np:{own/jj peril/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt their/prp$ future/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{the/dt repubs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt whole/nn}:np   vp:{learn/vb}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   vp:{to/to fight/vb to/to win...we/vb}:vp   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{furious/jj}:adjp   pp:{out/in}:pp   advp:{here/rb}:advp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{comes/vbz}:vp   vp:{to/to pass/vb}:vp   np:{...and/nn}:np   vp:{will/md vote/vb}:vp   pp:{against/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{implemented/vbd}:vp   np:{this/dt}:np   pp:{upon/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 288   ID(stc): 1217   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   actually, were n't they tv news stars even amongst conservatives were they like this all along i got turned off to cronkite years later when i heard his statement about not being able to win in vietnam.
   advp:{actually/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{tv/vb}:vp   np:{news/nn stars/nns}:np   advp:{even/rb}:advp   pp:{amongst/in}:pp   np:{conservatives/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   pp:{like/in}:pp   np:{this/dt all/dt along/in i/fw}:np   vp:{got/vbd turned/vbn}:vp   prt:{off/rp}:prt   vp:{to/to cronkite/vb}:vp   np:{years/nns}:np   advp:{later/rb}:advp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{heard/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ statement/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   vp:{not/rb being/vbg}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to win/vb}:vp    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{vietnam/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 289   ID(stc): 1219   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   one of the 89 % who wants to bring back the stock and pillory.
   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 89/cd %/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{wants/vbz to/to bring/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    np:{the/dt stock/nn and/cc pillory/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 290   ID(stc): 1221   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   if the market dictates, and oil and gas via oil, are a global market, that the price of a gallon is $ 1.00, then we will have to pay it.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   vp:{dictates/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{oil/nn and/cc gas/nn}:np   pp:{via/in}:pp   np:{oil/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt global/jj market/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt price/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{$/$ 1.00/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md have/vb to/to pay/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 291   ID(stc): 1222   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   if it dictates that the price of a gallon is $ 10.00, then we will have to pay that too.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{dictates/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt price/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{$/$ 10.00/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{then/rb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md have/vb to/to pay/vb}:vp   prt:{that/in}:prt   advp:{too/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 292   ID(stc): 1226   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it 's bad enough that brokaw and" that one" are so stupid as to think that the govt. should dictate gas prices, but it is even worse that they either are too dumb to know or do n't care that this will cause other sectors to suffer, possibly leading to job losses in greater numbers than even we have seen recently.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{bad/jj}:adjp   sbar:{enough/rb that/in}:sbar   np:{brokaw/nn and/cc "/``}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{one/cd}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{so/rb stupid/jj}:adjp    sbar:{as/in}:sbar   vp:{to/to think/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt govt/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{should/md dictate/vb}:vp   np:{gas/nn prices/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{even/rb worse/rbr}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   advp:{either/rb}:advp   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{too/rb dumb/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to know/vb}:vp   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb care/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{will/md cause/vb}:vp   np:{other/jj sectors/nns}:np   vp:{to/to suffer/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{possibly/rb leading/vbg}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{job/nn losses/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{greater/jjr numbers/nns}:np   pp:{than/in}:pp   advp:{even/rb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp seen/vbn}:vp   advp:{recently/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 293   ID(stc): 1228   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   president-elect obama appeared on meet the press with tom brokaw this morning, and although there were no big announcements made, he was his usual steady, thoughtful, and pragmatic self.
   np:{president-elect/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{appeared/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt press/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{tom/nn brokaw/nn}:np   np:{this/dt morning/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{although/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{no/dt big/jj announcements/nns}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ usual/jj steady/jj ,/, thoughtful/jj ,/, and/cc pragmatic/jj self/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 294   ID(stc): 1229   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   can you imagine george w. being interviewed by brokaw before he even was sworn in?
   undef:{can/md}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{imagine/vb}:vp   np:{george/jj w/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{being/vbg interviewed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{brokaw/nn}:np   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{even/rb}:advp    vp:{was/vbd sworn/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 295   ID(stc): 1231   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   oh, i know those that can only criticize obama will be critical of any and everything he said or did not say, but for me, considering that he is still more than 40 days away from even being the president i liked his steady and thoughtful demeanor.
   intj:{oh/uh}:intj   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{i/fw}:advp   vp:{know/vb}:vp   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{can/md only/rb criticize/vb}:vp   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{critical/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{any/rb and/cc everything/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{did/vbd not/rb say/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{me/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{considering/vbg}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    np:{more/jjr than/in 40/cd days/nns}:np   advp:{away/rb}:advp   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{even/rb being/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np   np:{i/in}:np   vp:{liked/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ steady/jj and/cc thoughtful/jj demeanor/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 296   ID(stc): 1234   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   it is so very easy to forget that $ 20 is a lot of money to a lot of people but obama did not come from this background, in that he watched his mother use food stamps and no matter how much money he now has, he will always remember.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{so/rb}:undef   adjp:{very/rb easy/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to forget/vb}:vp   np:{that/in $/$ 20/cd}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{money/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{people/nns}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{obama/nn}:np   vp:{did/vbd not/rb come/vb}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{this/dt background/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{watched/vbd}:vp   np:{his/prp$ mother/nn}:np   vp:{use/vb}:vp   np:{food/nn stamps/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{no/dt matter/nn}:np   vp:{how/wrb}:vp   np:{much/jj money/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{now/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md always/rb remember/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 297   ID(stc): 1235   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   he reminded us once again, that this economy is not going to recover quickly and will get worse, but that his team is working and that we will see stimulus programs shortly after he takes office.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{reminded/vbd}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   prt:{once/rb}:prt   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb going/vbg to/to recover/vb}:vp    advp:{quickly/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{his/prp$ team/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz working/vbg}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md see/vb}:vp   np:{stimulus/nn programs/nns}:np   advp:{shortly/rb}:advp   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{takes/vbz}:vp   np:{office/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 298   ID(stc): 1238   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   tough times are here and will be here but that does not mean we cannot find our way out.
   np:{tough/jj times/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{here/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   advp:{here/rb}:advp   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb mean/vb}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{cannot/md find/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ way/nn}:np   prt:{out/rb}:prt   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 299   ID(stc): 1239   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   i continue to believe, that he will move us in a new direction, that i will not always agree with him, but he is and will be the president for the next 4 years and it will be wise for all of us to give him a chance to begin to rebuild not only our economy, but our moral compass, as well as our standing in the world.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{continue/vbp to/to believe/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md move/vb}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt new/jj direction/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{that/dt i/nn}:np   vp:{will/md not/rb always/rb agree/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{him/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt next/jj 4/cd years/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{wise/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{to/to give/vb}:vp   np:{him/prp}:np   np:{a/dt chance/nn}:np   vp:{to/to begin/vb to/to rebuild/vb}:vp   advp:{not/rb}:advp   np:{only/rb our/prp$ economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{our/prp$ moral/jj compass/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   conjp:{as/rb well/rb as/in}:conjp   np:{our/prp$ standing/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 300   ID(stc): 1240   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   he reminded us once again, that this economy is not going to recover quickly and will get worse, but that his team is working and that we will see stimulus programs shortly after he takes office.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{reminded/vbd}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   prt:{once/rb}:prt   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt economy/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb going/vbg to/to recover/vb}:vp    advp:{quickly/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{his/prp$ team/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz working/vbg}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md see/vb}:vp   np:{stimulus/nn programs/nns}:np   advp:{shortly/rb}:advp   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{takes/vbz}:vp   np:{office/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 301   ID(stc): 1243   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   tough times are here and will be here but that does not mean we cannot find our way out.
   np:{tough/jj times/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{here/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   advp:{here/rb}:advp   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb mean/vb}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{cannot/md find/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ way/nn}:np   prt:{out/rb}:prt   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 302   ID(stc): 1244   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   i continue to believe, that he will move us in a new direction, that i will not always agree with him, but he is and will be the president for the next 4 years and it will be wise for all of us to give him a chance to begin to rebuild not only our economy, but our moral compass, as well as our standing in the world.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{continue/vbp to/to believe/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md move/vb}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt new/jj direction/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{that/dt i/nn}:np   vp:{will/md not/rb always/rb agree/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{him/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt next/jj 4/cd years/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{wise/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   vp:{to/to give/vb}:vp   np:{him/prp}:np   np:{a/dt chance/nn}:np   vp:{to/to begin/vb to/to rebuild/vb}:vp   advp:{not/rb}:advp   np:{only/rb our/prp$ economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{our/prp$ moral/jj compass/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   conjp:{as/rb well/rb as/in}:conjp   np:{our/prp$ standing/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 303   ID(stc): 1250   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   we want to cooperate with them where we can, and there are a whole host of areas particularly around nonproliferation of weapons and terrorism where we can cooperate, but we also have to send a clear message that they have to act in ways that are not bullying their neighbors.?'
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{want/vbp to/to cooperate/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{can/md}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt whole/jj host/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{areas/nns}:np   advp:{particularly/rb}:advp   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{nonproliferation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{weapons/nns and/cc terrorism/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{can/md cooperate/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp to/to send/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt clear/jj message/nn}:np   np:{that/in}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to act/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ways/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp not/rb bullying/vbg}:vp   np:{their/prp$ neighbors/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{'/''}:undef

ID: 304   ID(stc): 1252   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   that statement above besides being arrogant, ignorant and downward stupid also tells a lot about obama as a character - he? seems to believe in his own ability to? lead too much.?
   np:{that/dt statement/nn}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   pp:{besides/in}:pp   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{arrogant/jj ,/, ignorant/jj and/cc downward/rb stupid/jj}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{tells/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{obama/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt character/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{seems/vbz to/to believe/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ own/jj ability/nn}:np   vp:{to/to ?/.

 lead/vb}:vp   np:{too/rb much/jj}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 305   ID(stc): 1254   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   i did a piece on georgia some time ago and frankly have forgotten a lot of it, but it is a typical story in this region, in that the romans, mongols, and many since those days have conquered, raped, and burned.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{did/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt piece/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{georgia/nn}:np   np:{some/dt time/nn}:np   advp:{ago/rb}:advp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{frankly/rb have/vbp forgotten/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt typical/jj story/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{this/dt region/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt romans/nns ,/, mongols/nns ,/, and/cc many/jj}:np   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{those/dt days/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp conquered/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{raped/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{burned/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 306   ID(stc): 1255   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   south ossetia and abazia ( sp ) are more russian than georgian, traveling back and forth accross the border the people had realatives on both sides.
   advp:{south/rb}:advp   np:{ossetia/nn and/cc abazia/nn (/-lrb- sp/nn )/-rrb-}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{more/rbr russian/jj}:adjp   pp:{than/in}:pp   adjp:{georgian/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{traveling/vbg}:vp    advp:{back/rb and/cc forth/rb}:advp    pp:{accross/in}:pp   np:{the/dt border/nn}:np   np:{the/dt people/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{realatives/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{both/dt sides/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 307   ID(stc): 1259   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   russia is now an economic force----i read the most expensive city in the world is now moscow----and will in my opinion try to avoid conflict with us.
   np:{russia/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{now/rb}:advp    np:{an/dt economic/jj force----i/nn}:np   vp:{read/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt most/rbs expensive/jj city/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{now/rb}:advp   np:{moscow----and/prp}:np   vp:{will/md}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{my/prp$ opinion/nn}:np   vp:{try/vbp to/to avoid/vb}:vp   np:{conflict/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{us/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 308   ID(stc): 1261   ID(rule): 8590   COVER: 54
   is n't it just astounding how when the price of oil was at around $ 145 a barrel, this complicit corporate media kept 'lamenting to the sheople of'how we were in'an" energy 'crisis" and that we would never, ever see the price of a gallon of gasoline below $ 3.75, or 'how ever high it was 'again?
   undef:{is/vbz}:undef   undef:{n't/rb}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   advp:{just/rb}:advp   adjp:{astounding/jj}:adjp   advp:{how/wrb when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt price/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{around/in $/$ 145/cd}:np   np:{a/dt barrel/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt complicit/jj corporate/jj media/nns}:np   vp:{kept/vbd}:vp   adjp:{'lamenting/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt sheople/nn of'how/nn}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   pp:{in'an/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{energy/nn}:np   undef:{'crisis/''}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{would/md never/rb ,/,}:vp    undef:{ever/rb}:undef    vp:{see/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt price/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt gallon/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gasoline/nn}:np   pp:{below/in}:pp   np:{$/$ 3.75/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{'how/vbp}:vp   adjp:{ever/rb high/jj}:adjp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{'again/jj}:adjp   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 309   ID(stc): 1262   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   since that time the price of a barrel of oil has decreased $ 100.? how is that?
   pp:{since/in}:pp    np:{that/dt time/nn}:np    np:{the/dt price/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt barrel/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz decreased/vbn}:vp   np:{$/$ 100./.}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{that/dt}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 310   ID(stc): 1265   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   i 'm sorry, i am just not a conspiracy person.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{'m/vbp}:vp   adjp:{sorry/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{am/vbp}:vp    advp:{just/rb not/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt conspiracy/nn person/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 311   ID(stc): 1274   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   by the way, my son-in-law works for alyeska on the pipe line.
   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{my/prp$ son-in-law/nn}:np   vp:{works/vbz}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{alyeska/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pipe/nn line/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 312   ID(stc): 1275   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the so-called free market followers cry how government regulation prevents the market from operating on a purely a supply and demand model.
   np:{the/dt so-called/jj free/jj market/nn followers/nns}:np   vp:{cry/vbp}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{government/nn regulation/nn}:np   vp:{prevents/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{operating/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{a/dt purely/rb}:np    np:{a/dt supply/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{demand/nn model/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 313   ID(stc): 1277   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   does anyone believe our demand for oil / gas has fallen 63 % in the past few months
   undef:{does/vbz}:undef   np:{anyone/nn}:np   vp:{believe/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ demand/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{oil/nn //nn gas/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz fallen/vbn}:vp   np:{63/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt past/jj few/jj months/nns}:np

ID: 314   ID(stc): 1278   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   more like unfettered greed and manipulation because of no-regulation.
   np:{more/rbr}:np    pp:{like/in}:pp    np:{unfettered/jj greed/nn and/cc manipulation/nn}:np   pp:{because/in of/in}:pp   np:{no-regulation/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 315   ID(stc): 1280   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   i apologize for the second video, but 'in the'third? you can hear mr williams, who is a man of? integrity speaking 'of saudi arabia, dubai and how their economy 'would suffer as a result of $ 50 a barrel oil. ?do i feel for these greedy bastards in dubai?
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{apologize/vb}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt second/jj video/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{'in/jj the'third/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md hear/vb}:vp   np:{mr/jj williams/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt man/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{?/.

 integrity/nn}:np   vp:{speaking/vbg 'of/vbn}:vp   np:{saudi/nn arabia/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{dubai/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{their/prp$ economy/nn}:np   vp:{'would/md suffer/vb}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt result/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{$/$ 50/cd}:np   np:{a/dt barrel/nn oil/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?do/.}:undef   pp:{i/in}:pp   np:{feel/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{these/dt greedy/jj bastards/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{dubai/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 316   ID(stc): 1289   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 317   ID(stc): 1305   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 318   ID(stc): 1308   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   she has been a reporter for the washington star, the baltimore sun, a correspondent for cnn and people and washington editor of vogue and cosmopolitan.
   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt reporter/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt washington/nn star/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt baltimore/nn sun/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt correspondent/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{cnn/jj and/cc people/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{washington/in}:sbar   np:{editor/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{vogue/nn and/cc cosmopolitan/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 319   ID(stc): 1313   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   renata espinosa is the new york editor of fashion wire daily.
   np:{renata/nn espinosa/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt new/jj york/nn editor/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{fashion/nn wire/nn}:np   advp:{daily/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 320   ID(stc): 1314   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   she is also the co-founder of impressionistic fashion and art blog and a sometimes backup dancer for" the anna copa cabanna show."
   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    np:{the/dt co-founder/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{impressionistic/jj fashion/nn and/cc art/nn blog/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt sometimes/rb backup/jj dancer/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt anna/nn copa/nn cabanna/nn show/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 321   ID(stc): 1318   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 322   ID(stc): 1322   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 323   ID(stc): 1326   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 324   ID(stc): 1330   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   she just earned her mfa in creative writing and has been published in beeswax literary journal.
   np:{she/prp}:np    advp:{just/rb}:advp    vp:{earned/vbd}:vp   np:{her/prp$ mfa/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{creative/jj writing/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn published/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{beeswax/nn literary/jj journal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 325   ID(stc): 1337   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   his comments came as a draft agreement to loan billions of dollars to struggling s car-makers was drawn up by s congress leaders and white house officials.
   np:{his/prp$ comments/nns}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt draft/nn agreement/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{loan/nn billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{struggling/vbg}:vp   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{car-makers/nns}:np    vp:{was/vbd drawn/vbn}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{by/in}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{congress/nn leaders/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{white/jj house/nn officials/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 326   ID(stc): 1339   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   this is despite it being half of what the firms originally sought to prevent bankruptcy.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{despite/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{half/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{the/dt firms/nns}:np    advp:{originally/rb}:advp    vp:{sought/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to prevent/vb}:vp   np:{bankruptcy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 327   ID(stc): 1341   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   after initial disagreement over the bail-put plan, dropped their opposition following the release of gloomy official data showing 533,000 s jobs were lost last month alone.
   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{initial/jj disagreement/nn}:np    pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bail-put/nn plan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{dropped/vbd}:vp   np:{their/prp$ opposition/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt release/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gloomy/jj official/nn data/nns}:np   vp:{showing/vbg}:vp   np:{533,000/cd s/vbz jobs/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd lost/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj month/nn}:np   advp:{alone/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 328   ID(stc): 1345   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the leaders of, and have warned of the industry 's imminent demise if a funding agreement could not be reached.
   np:{the/dt leaders/nns}:np   advp:{of/in}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{have/vbp warned/vbn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos imminent/jj demise/nn}:np    pp:{if/in}:pp    np:{a/dt funding/nn agreement/nn}:np   vp:{could/md not/rb be/vb reached/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 329   ID(stc): 1348   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   however, ford ceo alan mulally has made it clear he believes the failure of one of the major companies could result in the demise of its competitors.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ford/jj ceo/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{mulally/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz made/vbn}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{believes/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt failure/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt major/jj companies/nns}:np   vp:{could/md result/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt demise/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ competitors/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 330   ID(stc): 1353   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   once you have logged in and you have tracked a story, by clicking on the red icon the updates will display in the highlighted panel.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp logged/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp tracked/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt red/jj icon/nn}:np    np:{the/dt updates/nns}:np   vp:{will/md display/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt highlighted/jj panel/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 331   ID(stc): 1354   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the weather servers are currently busy, please try again in a couple of minutes.
   np:{the/dt weather/nn servers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{currently/rb busy/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{please/vb try/vb}:vp    advp:{again/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{minutes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 332   ID(stc): 1360   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   his comments came as a draft agreement to loan billions of dollars to struggling s car-makers was drawn up by s congress leaders and white house officials.
   np:{his/prp$ comments/nns}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt draft/nn agreement/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{loan/nn billions/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dollars/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{struggling/vbg}:vp   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{car-makers/nns}:np    vp:{was/vbd drawn/vbn}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{by/in}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{congress/nn leaders/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{white/jj house/nn officials/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 333   ID(stc): 1362   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   this is despite it being half of what the firms originally sought to prevent bankruptcy.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{despite/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{half/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{the/dt firms/nns}:np    advp:{originally/rb}:advp    vp:{sought/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to prevent/vb}:vp   np:{bankruptcy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 334   ID(stc): 1364   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   after initial disagreement over the bail-put plan, dropped their opposition following the release of gloomy official data showing 533,000 s jobs were lost last month alone.
   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{initial/jj disagreement/nn}:np    pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bail-put/nn plan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{dropped/vbd}:vp   np:{their/prp$ opposition/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt release/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{gloomy/jj official/nn data/nns}:np   vp:{showing/vbg}:vp   np:{533,000/cd s/vbz jobs/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd lost/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj month/nn}:np   advp:{alone/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 335   ID(stc): 1368   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the leaders of, and have warned of the industry 's imminent demise if a funding agreement could not be reached.
   np:{the/dt leaders/nns}:np   advp:{of/in}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{have/vbp warned/vbn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos imminent/jj demise/nn}:np    pp:{if/in}:pp    np:{a/dt funding/nn agreement/nn}:np   vp:{could/md not/rb be/vb reached/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 336   ID(stc): 1371   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   however, ford ceo alan mulally has made it clear he believes the failure of one of the major companies could result in the demise of its competitors.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ford/jj ceo/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{mulally/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz made/vbn}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{believes/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt failure/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt major/jj companies/nns}:np   vp:{could/md result/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt demise/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ competitors/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 337   ID(stc): 1376   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   once you have logged in and you have tracked a story, by clicking on the red icon the updates will display in the highlighted panel.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp logged/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp tracked/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt red/jj icon/nn}:np    np:{the/dt updates/nns}:np   vp:{will/md display/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt highlighted/jj panel/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 338   ID(stc): 1377   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the weather servers are currently busy, please try again in a couple of minutes.
   np:{the/dt weather/nn servers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{currently/rb busy/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{please/vb try/vb}:vp    advp:{again/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{minutes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 339   ID(stc): 1378   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   president-elect barack obama said in remarks aired sunday he will tap gen. eric shinseki to lead the veterans administration.
   np:{president-elect/nn barack/nn obama/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp    sbar:{in/in}:sbar    np:{remarks/nns}:np   vp:{aired/vbd}:vp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{will/md tap/vb}:vp   np:{gen/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{eric/jj shinseki/nn}:np   vp:{to/to lead/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt veterans/nns administration/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 340   ID(stc): 1380   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   on the sputtering. s. economy, obama said americans could be in store for some tough times.
   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sputtering/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{s/vbz ./.}:vp   np:{economy/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{obama/nnp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{americans/nns}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb}:vp    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{store/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{some/dt tough/jj times/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 341   ID(stc): 1381   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   " if you look at the unemployment numbers that came out ( friday ), if you think about almost 2 million jobs lost, so far; if you think about the fragility of the financial system and the fact that it is now a global financial system," he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{look/vbp}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt unemployment/nn numbers/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{(/-lrb- friday/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{about/in}:np   vp:{almost/rb}:vp   np:{2/cd million/cd jobs/nns}:np   vp:{lost/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{so/rb far/rb}:advp   undef:{;/:}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fragility/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj system/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt fact/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{now/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt global/jj financial/jj system/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 342   ID(stc): 1382   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   " when you think about the structural problems that we already had in the economy before the financial crisis, this is a big problem, and it 's going to get worse."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{about/in the/dt structural/jj problems/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{already/rb}:advp    vp:{had/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt economy/nn}:np   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt financial/jj crisis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt big/jj problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz going/vbg to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{worse/jjr}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 343   ID(stc): 1383   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ( ap ) - veterans are marking the anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor with observances aboard the aircraft carrier ss yorktown and elsewhere.
   np:{(/-lrb- ap/nn}:np   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{veterans/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp marking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt anniversary/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt attack/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{pearl/nn harbor/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{observances/nns}:np   pp:{aboard/in}:pp   np:{the/dt aircraft/nn carrier/nn ss/nn yorktown/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{elsewhere/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 344   ID(stc): 1389   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   it was commissioned in 1943 and named for the carrier of the same name that sank at the battle of midway.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd commissioned/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{1943/cd}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{named/vbn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt carrier/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt same/jj name/nn}:np   np:{that/in}:np   vp:{sank/vbd}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt battle/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{midway/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 345   ID(stc):   6   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the k 's food standards agency ( fsa ) said:" adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods."
   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{(/-lrb-}:vp   np:{fsa/nn )/-rrb-}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 346   ID(stc):  14   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the chief executive of the food safety authority of ireland, alan reilly, said investigations were ongoing into how the contamination got in to the feed.
   np:{the/dt chief/jj executive/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{alan/nn reilly/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd ongoing/jj}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   prt:{in/in}:prt   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 347   ID(stc):  18   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesman for millstream power recycling said the oil which officials were testing had never been added as an ingredient but was used in a machine used to dry animal feed.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{millstream/nn power/nn recycling/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt oil/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt officials/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd testing/vbg had/vbd never/rb been/vbn added/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt ingredient/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd used/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt machine/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   vp:{to/to dry/vb}:vp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 348   ID(stc):  24   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   s permarket stocks lidl: removed' own-brand' black pudding and pork belly productsasda: removed all irish-sourced pork productstesco: removed own-brand pork, bacon and sausageswaitrose: precautionary removal of paul rankin branded sausages sainsbury 's: no irish pork used in fresh meat ranges.
   undef:{s/vbz}:undef   np:{permarket/nn stocks/nns lidl/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{removed/vbn '/'' own-brand/jj '/'' black/jj pudding/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{pork/nn belly/nn productsasda/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   vp:{removed/vbn}:vp   np:{all/dt irish-sourced/jj pork/nn productstesco/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{removed/vbn own-brand/jj pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn and/cc sausageswaitrose/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{precautionary/jj removal/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{paul/nn rankin/nn}:np   vp:{branded/vbd}:vp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   np:{sainsbury/vbz}:np   advp:{'s/pos}:advp   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{no/dt irish/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj meat/nn ranges/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 349   ID(stc):  26   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he said:" you have to have a lot of these compounds.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to have/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{these/dt compounds/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 350   ID(stc):  31   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 351   ID(stc):  32   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 352   ID(stc):  33   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   supermarkets across europe have been ordered to take suspected tainted irish pork products off their shelves as the country 's 'senior vet said contaminated meat may have been exported to up to 25 countries.
   np:{supermarkets/nns}:np   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{europe/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn ordered/vbn to/to take/vb}:vp    np:{suspected/vbn tainted/jj irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np    pp:{off/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ shelves/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos 'senior/jj vet/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{meat/nn}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb been/vbn exported/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{up/rp to/to 25/cd countries/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 353   ID(stc):  35   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it 's certainly less than 30," paddy rogan, ireland 's chief veterinarian, said in comments quoted by the irish media on sunday.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    adjp:{certainly/rb less/jjr}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{30/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{paddy/jj rogan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ireland/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos chief/nn veterinarian/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{comments/nns}:np   vp:{quoted/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj media/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 354   ID(stc):  36   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   health officials across europe warned consumers not to eat irish pork after the discovery that cancer-causing dioxins had been in pigs' feed for months.
   np:{health/nn officials/nns}:np   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{europe/nn}:np   vp:{warned/vbd}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{cancer-causing/nn dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   np:{'/pos feed/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{months/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 355   ID(stc):  39   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   experts from countries that may have received tainted pork shipments are expected to meet on tuesday.
   np:{experts/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{countries/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb received/vbn}:vp   np:{tainted/jj pork/nn shipments/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp expected/vbn to/to meet/vb}:vp    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{tuesday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 356   ID(stc):  44   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   irish government officials described the recall? which affects all pig products produced since september 1 - as a precautionary move.
   np:{irish/jj government/nn officials/nns}:np   vp:{described/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{affects/vbz}:vp   np:{all/dt pig/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp    pp:{since/in}:pp    np:{september/nn 1/ls}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt precautionary/jj move/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 357   ID(stc):  45   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the irish food authority said the dioxin made its way into the food chain after pig feed from a producer was tainted with industrial oil, affecting about 10 per cent of the country 's pork.
   np:{the/dt irish/jj food/nn authority/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   np:{its/prp$ way/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn chain/nn}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn feed/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{a/dt producer/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd tainted/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{industrial/jj oil/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{affecting/vbg}:vp   np:{about/in 10/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt country/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos pork/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 358   ID(stc):  46   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the contamination spread after the tainted pork was processed and mixed with other meat.
   np:{the/dt contamination/nn spread/nn}:np    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{the/dt tainted/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd processed/vbn and/cc mixed/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{other/jj meat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 359   ID(stc):  50   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   but irish farmers called the product recall a nightmare for the country 's $ 570m pig industry, describing it as an" absolute disaster" in the run-up to the christmas holidays and a" huge blow to the industry".
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{irish/jj farmers/nns}:np   vp:{called/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt product/nn}:np   vp:{recall/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt nightmare/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos $/$ 570m/jj pig/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{describing/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt "/`` absolute/jj disaster/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt run-up/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt christmas/nn holidays/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a"/dt huge/jj blow/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn "/''}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 360   ID(stc):  60   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   tesco has checked the origin of all meats in its supermarkets and sells no fresh irish pork.
   np:{tesco/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz checked/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt origin/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/dt meats/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ supermarkets/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{sells/vbz}:vp   np:{no/dt fresh/jj irish/jj pork/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 361   ID(stc):  64   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the company under investigation for being the source of the contaminated feed was named last night as millstream power recycling, of fenagh, county carlow.
   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{investigation/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contaminated/vbn feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd named/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{millstream/nn power/nn recycling/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fenagh/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{county/nn carlow/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 362   ID(stc):  65   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesman for the company said officials were testing oil that had been put in a machine used to dry animal feed.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{officials/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd testing/vbg}:vp   np:{oil/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn put/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt machine/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   vp:{to/to dry/vb}:vp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 363   ID(stc):  69   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   alan reilly, the chief executive of the food safety authority of ireland, said that investigations were still under way into how the contamination got into the animal feed and that culling of animals was likely in order to remove them from the food chain.
   np:{alan/jjr reilly/rb}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt chief/jj executive/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{way/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{that/dt culling/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{animals/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{in/in}:sbar   undef:{order/nn}:undef   vp:{to/to remove/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 364   ID(stc):  71   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it was not until late saturday afternoon that analysis by the central science laboratory in york showed the precise level of dioxin contamination.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    pp:{until/in}:pp   np:{late/jj saturday/nn afternoon/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{analysis/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt central/jj science/nn laboratory/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{york/nn}:np   vp:{showed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt precise/jj level/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 365   ID(stc):  73   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the fuel used should be a food-grade oil.? we do have our suspicions this time that the oil being used was not food grade?, he said.
   np:{the/dt fuel/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   vp:{should/md be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt food-grade/nn oil/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp have/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ suspicions/nns}:np   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt oil/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg used/vbn}:vp   vp:{was/vbd not/rb food/nn}:vp   np:{grade/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 366   ID(stc):  84   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the sunday times and today fm 's the last word organised a debate on the referendum on june 5 featuring the leaders of the two campaigns.
   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns and/cc today/nn fm/nn}:np   pp:{'s/pos}:pp   np:{the/dt last/jj word/nn}:np   vp:{organised/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt debate/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt referendum/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{june/nn 5/cd}:np   vp:{featuring/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt leaders/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt two/cd campaigns/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 367   ID(stc):  85   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   you can hear a recording of that debate via the today fm website by clicking the link above.
   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md hear/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt recording/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{that/dt debate/nn}:np    pp:{via/in}:pp    np:{the/dt today/nn}:np   pp:{fm/in}:pp   np:{website/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt link/nn}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 368   ID(stc):  89   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   please read our. to inquire about a licence to reproduce material from times online, the times or the sunday times, click. this website is published by a member of the news international group.
   vp:{please/vb read/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ ./.}:np   vp:{to/to inquire/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reproduce/vb}:vp   np:{material/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   advp:{online/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{click/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{this/dt website/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz published/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{a/dt member/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt news/nn international/jj group/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 369   ID(stc): 102   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   waitrose said in a statement:" all waitrose fresh pork is 100 percent british, sourced from farms in east anglia and southern england."
   vp:{waitrose/vb said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{all/dt}:np   vp:{waitrose/vbd}:vp   np:{fresh/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{100/cd percent/nn british/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{sourced/vbd}:vp    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{east/jj anglia/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{southern/jj england/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 370   ID(stc): 107   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   industry body the british retail consortium said retailers were working closely with the fsa and" as instructed by them" had withdrawn the" small proportion of fresh irish pork products they sell".
   np:{industry/nn}:np   vp:{body/nn}:vp   np:{the/dt british/jj retail/jj consortium/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{retailers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd working/vbg}:vp    advp:{closely/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fsa/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   vp:{instructed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{had/vbd withdrawn/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt "/`` small/jj proportion/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{sell"/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 371   ID(stc): 108   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   industry body the british retail consortium said retailers were working closely with the fsa and" as instructed by them" had withdrawn the" small proportion of fresh irish pork products they sell".
   np:{industry/nn}:np   vp:{body/nn}:vp   np:{the/dt british/jj retail/jj consortium/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{retailers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd working/vbg}:vp    advp:{closely/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fsa/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   vp:{instructed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{had/vbd withdrawn/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt "/`` small/jj proportion/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{sell"/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 372   ID(stc): 112   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the advice on the website of the k 's food safety agency follows dublin 's order on saturday that irish supermarkets remove pig meat products from shelves after the discovery of contamination from cancer-causing dioxins.
   np:{the/dt advice/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt website/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos food/nn safety/nn agency/nn}:np   vp:{follows/vbz}:vp   np:{dublin/rp}:np   np:{'s/pos order/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj supermarkets/nns}:np   vp:{remove/vb}:vp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{shelves/nns}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{cancer-causing/nn dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 373   ID(stc): 118   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   supermarkets across england, scotland and wales have withdrawn from sale" the very small proportion" of irish pork they stock, said the british retail consortium.
   np:{supermarkets/nns}:np   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{england/nn ,/, scotland/nn and/cc wales/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp withdrawn/vbn}:vp    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{sale/nn}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt very/rb small/jj proportion/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   np:{stock/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt british/jj retail/jj consortium/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 374   ID(stc): 119   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesman for the industry body said 80 % of fresh pork joints sold in mainland britain are home produced and the majority of imports come from holland and denmark.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt industry/nn body/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{80/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj pork/nn joints/nns}:np   vp:{sold/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{mainland/nn britain/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{home/nn produced/vbn}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt majority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{imports/nns}:np   vp:{come/vbp}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{holland/nn and/cc denmark/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 375   ID(stc): 120   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he said:" british retailers are working very closely with the food standards agency ( fsa ) and as instructed by them have withdrawn the small proportion of fresh irish pork they sell."
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{british/jj retailers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp working/vbg}:vp    advp:{very/rb closely/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{(/-lrb-}:vp   np:{fsa/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   vp:{instructed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp withdrawn/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt small/jj proportion/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj irish/jj pork/nn}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{sell/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 376   ID(stc): 128   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   meanwhile, waitrose has withdrawn two lines of sausages sold under northern irish celebrity chef paul rankin 's brand as a precaution, although a spokeswoman for the supermarket stressed that the origin of the meat was still being checked.
   advp:{meanwhile/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{waitrose/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz withdrawn/vbn}:vp   np:{two/cd lines/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   vp:{sold/vbn}:vp   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{northern/jj irish/jj celebrity/nn chef/nn paul/nn rankin/nnp}:np   np:{'s/pos brand/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt precaution/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{although/in}:sbar   np:{a/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt supermarket/nn}:np   vp:{stressed/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt origin/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt meat/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd still/rb being/vbg checked/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 377   ID(stc): 130   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the feed producer - who made the breadcrumbs from recycled bread and dough - was closed down in the middle of last week and restrictions placed on all farms he supplied in southern ireland.
   np:{the/dt feed/nn producer/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt breadcrumbs/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{recycled/jj bread/nn and/cc dough/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{was/vbd closed/vbn}:vp    advp:{down/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt middle/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{last/jj week/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{restrictions/nns}:np   vp:{placed/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{all/dt farms/nns}:np   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{supplied/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{southern/jj ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 378   ID(stc): 131   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a revolution in paint rolling: no more bending down to charge the roller or balancing with a tray on a ladder!
   np:{a/dt revolution/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{paint/nn rolling/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{no/dt more/rbr}:np   vp:{bending/vbg}:vp   prt:{down/in}:prt   vp:{to/to charge/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt roller/nn or/cc balancing/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{a/dt tray/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt ladder/nn}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 379   ID(stc): 137   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   there were reports that some farms in northern ireland also used the same feed.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{reports/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{some/dt farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{used/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt same/jj feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 380   ID(stc): 141   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it 's certainly less than 30," chief veterinary officer paddy rogan told a news conference, speaking about how many countries could be affected, but he did not list all of them.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    adjp:{certainly/rb less/jjr}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{30/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{chief/jj veterinary/jj officer/nn paddy/nn}:np   vp:{rogan/vbd told/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt news/nn conference/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{speaking/vbg}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{how/wrb many/jj countries/nns}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb affected/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd not/rb list/nn}:vp   np:{all/dt}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 381   ID(stc): 142   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   france and the netherlands notified ireland they had received contaminated shipments of meat or processed foods which later turned out to have originated in ireland, while belgium received contaminated by-products, officials said.
   np:{france/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt netherlands/nns}:np   vp:{notified/vbd}:vp   undef:{ireland/cc}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd received/vbn contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{shipments/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{meat/nn or/cc processed/vbn foods/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{later/rb}:advp    vp:{turned/vbd}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   vp:{to/to have/vb originated/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{belgium/nn}:np   vp:{received/vbd contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{by-products/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{officials/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 382   ID(stc): 148   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   experience shows markets work regardless of a state 's ideology, writes keith kendall.
   np:{experience/nn}:np   vp:{shows/vbz}:vp   np:{markets/nns}:np   vp:{work/vbp}:vp    advp:{regardless/rb}:advp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt state/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos ideology/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{writes/vbz}:vp   pp:{keith/in}:pp   np:{kendall/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 383   ID(stc): 152   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   the k 's food standards agency released a statement saying there is not a significant risk to those eating the pork, except for those exposed to high-levels of the contaminated food for long periods of time.
   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{released/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    np:{a/dt significant/jj risk/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{except/in}:pp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   vp:{exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{high-levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contaminated/vbn food/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{time/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 384   ID(stc): 157   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   but the decision issue the warning on all irish pork products was made because it is not possible to distinguish between which products were contaminated and which were not, rod evans, a toxicologist with the food standards agency of ireland said.
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt decision/nn}:np   vp:{issue/nn}:vp   np:{the/dt warning/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{all/dt irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd made/vbn}:vp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{possible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to distinguish/vb}:vp   pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np    np:{products/nns}:np    vp:{were/vbd contaminated/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   advp:{not/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{rod/nn evans/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt toxicologist/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 385   ID(stc): 161   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   a farm supplier who allegedly used stale bread still in plastic wrappings for animal feed is being investigated in connection with the dioxin alert in irish pig meat, the times has learnt.
   np:{a/dt farm/nn supplier/nn}:np   np:{who/wp}:np    advp:{allegedly/rb}:advp    vp:{used/vbd}:vp   np:{stale/jj bread/nn}:np   advp:{still/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{plastic/jj wrappings/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz being/vbg investigated/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{connection/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn alert/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pig/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{learnt/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 386   ID(stc): 162   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the full impact in britain of the incident over cancer-causing dioxins in pork, bacon, ham and sausages produced north and south of the irish border is still unclear.
   np:{the/dt full/jj impact/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{britain/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt incident/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{cancer-causing/jj dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn ,/, ham/nn and/cc sausages/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp    advp:{north/rb and/cc south/rb}:advp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj border/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{still/rb}:advp   adjp:{unclear/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 387   ID(stc): 167   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   questions remain however over sausages, sausage rolls, packs of cooked, sliced ham, salami and meat used as pizza toppings or in ready meals.
   np:{questions/nns}:np   vp:{remain/vbp}:vp    advp:{however/rb}:advp    pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn rolls/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{packs/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{cooked/jj ,/, sliced/jj ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{salami/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{meat/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{pizza/nn toppings/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ready/jj meals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 388   ID(stc): 172   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   pork, bacon and ham labelled with the red, blue and white quality standard mark logo and which also includes the nion flag is a guarantee that the meat is british from farm to fork.
   np:{pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn and/cc ham/nn}:np   vp:{labelled/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt red/jj ,/, blue/jj and/cc white/jj quality/nn standard/jj mark/nn logo/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{includes/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt nion/nn flag/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{a/dt guarantee/nn}:np    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt meat/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{british/jj}:adjp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{farm/nn}:np   vp:{to/to fork/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 389   ID(stc): 173   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   an alert over irish pig meat has also been made in belgium, france and the netherlands.
   np:{an/dt alert/jj}:np    pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{irish/jj pig/nn meat/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz also/rb been/vbn made/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{belgium/nn ,/, france/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt netherlands/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 390   ID(stc): 177   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the solution is for farmers to act like business people and to give consumers what consumers want -- food from well-treated animals.
   np:{the/dt solution/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    sbar:{for/in}:sbar    np:{farmers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to act/vb}:vp   pp:{like/in}:pp   np:{business/nn people/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to give/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{want/vbp}:vp   undef:{--/:}:undef   np:{food/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{well-treated/jj animals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 391   ID(stc): 178   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   become a no-plastic organic vegetarian - you just cannot trust the mass food industry. i predict plastic is going to be the asbestos of the next century. even victorian cast-iron water mains are now being replaced with plastic pipes. plastic will soon be unavoidable in the food chain.
   vp:{become/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt no-plastic/jj organic/jj vegetarian/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   advp:{just/rb}:advp   vp:{cannot/vb}:vp   np:{trust/nn}:np   np:{the/dt mass/nn food/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{i/fw}:undef   vp:{predict/vbp}:vp   np:{plastic/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz going/vbg to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt asbestos/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt next/jj century/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   advp:{even/rb}:advp   np:{victorian/jj cast-iron/nn water/nn mains/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp now/rb being/vbg replaced/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{plastic/jj pipes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{plastic/nn}:np   vp:{will/md soon/rb be/vb}:vp   adjp:{unavoidable/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 392   ID(stc): 185   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   contempt for the welfare of animals that sadly form part of the food chain for most humans and contempt for the humans that eat them.
   np:{contempt/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt welfare/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{animals/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np    advp:{sadly/rb}:advp    vp:{form/vbp}:vp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn chain/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{most/jjs humans/nns and/cc contempt/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt humans/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{eat/vbp}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 393   ID(stc): 189   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   but if you had any care for the welfare of animals, you would n't eat them at all.
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{any/dt care/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt welfare/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{animals/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{would/md n't/rb eat/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   advp:{at/in all/dt}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 394   ID(stc): 193   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   it is n't good for the pigs, and most importantly not good for humans!
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pigs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{most/rbs importantly/rb}:advp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{good/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{humans/nns}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 395   ID(stc): 194   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   forget about' appropriate' levels if dioxin acceptable for human consumption!
   vp:{forget/vb}:vp   np:{about/in '/'' appropriate/jj '/'' levels/nns}:np   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{dioxin/nn acceptable/jj}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{human/nn consumption/nn}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 396   ID(stc): 204   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   why do you think cancer levels are so high in the developed world? and to all those you make fun of vegetarianism ..............who is the fool now?
   advp:{why/wrb}:advp   undef:{do/vbp}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{think/vb}:vp   np:{cancer/nn levels/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{so/rb high/jj}:adjp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt developed/vbn world/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to}:vp   np:{all/pdt those/dt}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{make/vbp}:vp   np:{fun/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{vegetarianism/nn}:np   undef:{..............who/,}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt fool/nn}:np   advp:{now/rb}:advp   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 397   ID(stc): 205   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   i remember when: in the 70 's mrs rainer was cooking me pies wth blackberries picked in the bushes in bexleyheath.
   undef:{i/fw}:undef   vp:{remember/vb}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   undef:{:/:}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 70/cd}:np   np:{'s/pos mrs/nns rainer/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd cooking/vbg}:vp   np:{me/prp}:np    np:{pies/nns wth/nn blackberries/nns}:np    vp:{picked/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt bushes/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{bexleyheath/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 398   ID(stc): 215   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   " pigs may have been remnants of plastic bags" - how incredible what you can make from plastic bags these day!
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb been/vbn}:vp   np:{remnants/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{plastic/nn bags/nns}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   vp:{-/:}:vp   advp:{how/wrb incredible/jj}:advp   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md make/vb}:vp    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{plastic/nn bags/nns}:np   np:{these/dt day/nn}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 399   ID(stc): 230   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the problem is the rogue supplier of the feed!.
   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt rogue/jj supplier/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt feed/nn}:np   undef:{!/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 400   ID(stc): 233   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   i worked in a bakery in glasgow for years, one of the largest in scotland and tonnes out of date cakes, etc. still in their metal casings, cellophane wrappers, etc. were ground down and sent directly to pig units for feed as were pork sausage rolls.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{worked/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt bakery/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{glasgow/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{years/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{one/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt largest/jjs}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{scotland/nn and/cc tonnes/nns}:np   pp:{out/in}:pp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{date/nn cakes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{etc/fw}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   advp:{still/rb}:advp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ metal/nn casings/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{cellophane/nn wrappers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{etc/fw}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{were/vbd ground/vbn}:vp    advp:{down/rb}:advp    undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{sent/vbd}:vp   advp:{directly/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{pig/nn units/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{feed/nn}:np   advp:{as/rb}:advp   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{pork/nn sausage/nn rolls/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 401   ID(stc): 235   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   love the caption under the photo.
   vp:{love/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt caption/nn}:np    pp:{under/in}:pp    np:{the/dt photo/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 402   ID(stc): 242   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   it is doubtful that plastic would have been the source of the dioxins anyway.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{doubtful/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{plastic/nn}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb been/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt dioxins/nns}:np   advp:{anyway/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 403   ID(stc): 254   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   please read our. to inquire about a licence to reproduce material from times online, the times or the sunday times, click. this website is published by a member of the news international group.
   vp:{please/vb read/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ ./.}:np   vp:{to/to inquire/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reproduce/vb}:vp   np:{material/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   advp:{online/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{click/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{this/dt website/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz published/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{a/dt member/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt news/nn international/jj group/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 404   ID(stc): 257   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   pork from the irish republic and northern ireland should not be eaten because of fears of contamination, the k 's food standards agency has said.
   np:{pork/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj republic/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np   vp:{should/md not/rb be/vb eaten/vbn}:vp    pp:{because/in of/in}:pp    np:{fears/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 405   ID(stc): 262   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the fsa said:" adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods."
   np:{the/dt fsa/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 406   ID(stc): 263   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the source of the problem is suspected to have been contaminated oil.
   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz suspected/vbn to/to have/vb been/vbn contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{oil/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 407   ID(stc): 270   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he said:" you have to have a lot of these compounds.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to have/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt lot/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{these/dt compounds/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 408   ID(stc): 273   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   s permarket stocks lidl: removed' own-brand' black pudding and pork belly productsasda: removed all irish-sourced pork productstesco: removed own-brand pork, bacon and sausageswaitrose: precautionary removal of paul rankin branded sausages sainsbury 's: no irish pork used in fresh meat ranges.
   undef:{s/vbz}:undef   np:{permarket/nn stocks/nns lidl/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{removed/vbn '/'' own-brand/jj '/'' black/jj pudding/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{pork/nn belly/nn productsasda/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   vp:{removed/vbn}:vp   np:{all/dt irish-sourced/jj pork/nn productstesco/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{removed/vbn own-brand/jj pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn and/cc sausageswaitrose/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{precautionary/jj removal/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{paul/nn rankin/nn}:np   vp:{branded/vbd}:vp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   np:{sainsbury/vbz}:np   advp:{'s/pos}:advp   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{no/dt irish/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj meat/nn ranges/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 409   ID(stc): 284   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the chief executive of the food safety authority of ireland, alan reilly, said investigations were still under way into how the contamination got in to the animal feed.
   np:{the/dt chief/jj executive/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{alan/nn reilly/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{way/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   prt:{in/in}:prt   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 410   ID(stc): 287   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the irish agriculture minister brendan smith said an investigation involving the irish police was now under way into how the contaminated feed was given to pigs.
   np:{the/dt irish/jj agriculture/nn minister/nn brendan/nn smith/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{an/dt investigation/nn}:np   vp:{involving/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt irish/jj police/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    advp:{now/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{way/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contaminated/jj feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd given/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 411   ID(stc): 289   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   mr smith said the problem in the republic was confined to 47 farms - including 38 beef farms.
   np:{mr/nn smith/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd confined/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{47/cd farms/nns}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   vp:{including/vbg}:vp   np:{38/cd beef/nn farms/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 412   ID(stc): 294   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 413   ID(stc): 295   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 414   ID(stc): 296   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   there 'll be no effect on the australian pig industry following a pork recall in ireland, according to peak body australian pork limited.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{'ll/md be/vb}:vp   np:{no/dt effect/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt australian/jj pig/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt pork/nn recall/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{according/vbg to/to peak/vb}:vp   np:{body/nn australian/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{limited/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 415   ID(stc): 299   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   " there 's already a shortfall of australian pork on the domestic market," she says.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    advp:{already/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt shortfall/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{australian/jj pork/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt domestic/jj market/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{says/vbz}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 416   ID(stc): 300   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " that 's come about through a downsizing in the industry over the last 12 months.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz come/vbn}:vp    advp:{about/rb}:advp    pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{a/dt downsizing/vbg}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{the/dt last/jj 12/cd months/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 417   ID(stc): 305   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the government is now trying to determine the scope of the contamination.
   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz now/rb trying/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt scope/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 418   ID(stc): 310   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   dr tony holohan,' s chief medical officer, said that the dioxin usually impacts the nervous system and liver in comments reported by the k press association.
   np:{dr/jj tony/jj holohan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{'/''}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np   np:{chief/jj medical/jj officer/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn}:np    advp:{usually/rb}:advp    vp:{impacts/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt nervous/jj system/nn and/cc liver/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{comments/nns}:np   vp:{reported/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn press/nn association/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 419   ID(stc): 313   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the ava 's recall comes shortly after the irish government on saturday recalled all domestically-produced pork products because of contamination with cancer-causing dioxin.
   np:{the/dt ava/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos recall/nn}:np   vp:{comes/vbz}:vp    advp:{shortly/rb}:advp    pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj government/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   vp:{recalled/vbd}:vp   np:{all/dt domestically-produced/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{because/in of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{cancer-causing/nn dioxin/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 420   ID(stc): 316   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   it is illegal for dioxins to be in food products.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{illegal/jj}:adjp   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{food/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 421   ID(stc): 318   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   total import of pork and pork products from ireland in the last three months was 516 tonnes, the statement said.
   np:{total/jj import/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn and/cc pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt last/jj three/cd months/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{516/cd tonnes/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 422   ID(stc): 321   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   nine farms in have used the contaminated animal feed, it was confirmed today.
   np:{nine/cd farms/nns}:np    advp:{in/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp used/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt contaminated/vbn animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd confirmed/vbn}:vp   np:{today/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 423   ID(stc): 324   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   " there is obviously a large amount of north-south movement of these products in ireland and we need to carefully consider the way ahead."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{obviously/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt large/jj amount/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{north-south/jj movement/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{these/dt products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{need/vbp to/to carefully/rb consider/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   advp:{ahead/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 424   ID(stc): 327   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   " we do not believe there is significant risk to k consumers as adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{significant/jj risk/nn}:np   vp:{to/to k/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 425   ID(stc): 331   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the fsai admitted suspicions over contamination were first raised last monday as a result of routine testing of pigs.
   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{admitted/vbd}:vp   np:{suspicions/nns}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{were/vbd first/rb raised/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj monday/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{a/dt result/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{routine/jj testing/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 426   ID(stc): 344   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   may 8 2007: the rev ian paisley and martin mcguinness today became northern ireland 's first minister and deputy first minister at the start of a new era of power-sharing in the province.
   undef:{may/md}:undef   np:{8/cd 2007/cd}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{the/dt rev/nn ian/nn paisley/nn and/cc martin/nn mcguinness/nn today/nn}:np   vp:{became/vbd}:vp   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos first/jj minister/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{deputy/nn first/jj minister/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt start/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt new/jj era/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{power-sharing/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt province/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 427   ID(stc): 353   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   experience shows markets work regardless of a state 's ideology, writes keith kendall.
   np:{experience/nn}:np   vp:{shows/vbz}:vp   np:{markets/nns}:np   vp:{work/vbp}:vp    advp:{regardless/rb}:advp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt state/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos ideology/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{writes/vbz}:vp   pp:{keith/in}:pp   np:{kendall/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 428   ID(stc): 368   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   " consumers can be confident that 95 per cent of the fresh pork stocked is from new zealand", he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{can/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{confident/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{95/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt fresh/jj pork/nn stocked/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{new/jj zealand"/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 429   ID(stc): 370   ID(rule): 8959   COVER: 76
   7 ( bloomberg ) -- ireland s government ordered the recall yesterday of all pork products made from pigs slaughtered in the country after tests confirmed the meat contained dioxins, the food safety authority of ireland said.
   np:{7/cd (/-lrb- bloomberg/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{--/:}:undef   undef:{ireland/cc}:undef   np:{s/prp}:np    np:{government/nn}:np    vp:{ordered/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{made/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{tests/nns}:np   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt meat/nn}:np   vp:{contained/vbd}:vp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 430   ID(stc): 371   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   tests show the presence of dioxins, associated with an increase in the incidence of cancer in humans, in animal feed and pork fat, the fsai said today on its.
   np:{tests/nns}:np   vp:{show/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt presence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{associated/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{an/dt increase/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt incidence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{cancer/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{humans/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{pork/nn fat/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{today/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 431   ID(stc): 372   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   nine farms in northern ireland also used contaminated feed, the. k. region s agriculture minister said separately.
   np:{nine/cd farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{used/vbd contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt ./.

 k/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{region/nn}:np   vp:{s/vbz}:vp   np:{agriculture/nn minister/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   advp:{separately/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 432   ID(stc): 377   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the decision to recall all pork was taken because it isn t possible to distinguish between pork products exposed to contamination and those that weren t, he added.
   np:{the/dt decision/nn}:np   vp:{to/to recall/vb}:vp   np:{all/dt pork/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd taken/vbn}:vp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{isn/vbz}:vp   pp:{t/in}:pp   adjp:{possible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to distinguish/vb}:vp    pp:{between/in}:pp    np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{those/dt}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{weren/nnp t/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 433   ID(stc): 386   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   officials from the agriculture department and the food safety authority of ireland were still investigating the extent of the contamination, the office of prime minister brian cowen said in a statement.
   np:{officials/nns}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt agriculture/nn department/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{were/vbd still/rb investigating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt office/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{prime/jj minister/nn brian/nn cowen/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 434   ID(stc): 387   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the recall was the biggest blow to irish agriculture since the foot-and-mouth disease threat in 2001 when ireland successfully prevented the spread of the disease from neighbouring britain, but still faced months of lost export business for its beef because of foreign fears.
   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt biggest/jjs blow/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{irish/jj agriculture/nn}:np    sbar:{since/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt foot-and-mouth/nn disease/nn threat/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{2001/cd}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{successfully/rb prevented/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt spread/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt disease/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{neighbouring/vbg}:vp   np:{britain/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{still/rb}:advp   vp:{faced/vbn}:vp   np:{months/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{lost/vbn export/nn business/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ beef/nn}:np   pp:{because/in of/in}:pp   np:{foreign/jj fears/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 435   ID(stc): 399   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesperson for the department of agriculture, fisheries and food in ireland ( daff ) said it was continuing to determine the extent of the contamination.
   np:{a/dt spokesperson/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn}:np   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd continuing/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 436   ID(stc): 411   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   as all irish pigs are slaughtered and processed at the same processing plants, it is impossible to differentiate between products that have tested positive and those that have not.
   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{all/dt irish/jj pigs/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp slaughtered/vbn and/cc processed/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt same/jj processing/nn plants/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{impossible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to differentiate/vb}:vp    pp:{between/in}:pp    np:{products/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp tested/vbn}:vp   adjp:{positive/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 437   ID(stc): 412   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in the interest of consumer safety, all pork and bacon products have therefore been recalled.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{consumer/nn safety/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{all/dt pork/nn and/cc bacon/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp therefore/rb been/vbn recalled/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 438   ID(stc): 415   ID(rule): 8594   COVER: 84
   to ensure consumers are fully protected, this maximum intake level also incorporates very large safety margins compared to any level that might cause effects in experimental animals.
   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp fully/rb protected/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt maximum/nn intake/nn level/nn}:np   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{incorporates/vbz}:vp    np:{very/rb large/jj safety/nn margins/nns}:np    vp:{compared/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{any/dt level/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{might/md cause/vb}:vp   np:{effects/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{experimental/jj animals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 439   ID(stc): 442   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   there is some pigmeat on the market which is not contaminated and when it is identified, it will be back on the market again.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{some/dt pigmeat/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb contaminated/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz identified/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 440   ID(stc): 443   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   when will pork be back on the market?
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{will/md}:np   vp:{pork/nn be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 441   ID(stc): 445   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   however, these animals are slaughtered in a small number of processing plants that also deal with 80 % of national pork production.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{these/dt animals/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt small/jj number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{processing/nn plants/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{deal/vbp}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{80/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{national/jj pork/nn production/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 442   ID(stc): 450   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   it is also illegal in foods.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    adjp:{illegal/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{foods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 443   ID(stc): 451   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   what about organic pig meat and products?
   np:{what/wp}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{organic/jj pig/nn meat/nn and/cc products/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 444   ID(stc): 452   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the recall in the republic affects all pork and bacon products, including organic.
   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   vp:{affects/vbz}:vp   np:{all/dt pork/nn and/cc bacon/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{including/vbg}:pp   np:{organic/jj}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 445   ID(stc): 459   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   animal feed, from one source, which recently tested positive for dioxins, was distributed to a number of pig farms and fed to the pigs.
   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{one/cd source/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{recently/rb}:advp    vp:{tested/vbd}:vp   adjp:{positive/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{was/vbd distributed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn farms/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{fed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt pigs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 446   ID(stc): 464   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   there is evidence to suggest that exposure to dioxins at very high levels ( following industrial accidents ) has been associated with an increase in the incidence of cancer in humans.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{evidence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to suggest/vb}:vp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{exposure/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{very/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{industrial/jj accidents/nns}:np   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn associated/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{an/dt increase/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt incidence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{cancer/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{humans/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 447   ID(stc): 466   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   maximum levels ( mls ) for dioxins are set by european commission regulation no 1881/2006, the framework e legislation which sets maximum levels for chemical contaminants in foodstuffs.
   np:{maximum/jj levels/nns}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   np:{mls/nns}:np   vp:{)/-rrb-}:vp    sbar:{for/in}:sbar    np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp set/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{european/jj commission/nn regulation/nn}:np   np:{no/dt 1881/2006/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt framework/nn e/nn legislation/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{sets/vbz}:vp   np:{maximum/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{chemical/nn contaminants/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{foodstuffs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 448   ID(stc): 467   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   mls are set at a very low level ( as low as reasonably achievable for the particular foodstuff in question ), in order to ensure that consumers' health is not affected by consuming these products.
   np:{mls/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp set/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt very/rb low/jj level/nn}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   adjp:{as/rb low/jj}:adjp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{reasonably/rb achievable/jj}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt particular/jj foodstuff/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{question/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{in/in}:sbar   undef:{order/nn}:undef   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{consumers/nns}:np   np:{'/pos health/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb affected/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{consuming/vbg}:vp   np:{these/dt products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 449   ID(stc): 469   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   separate legislation applies to levels of dioxins and pcbs in animal feeds, since this is another important source of contamination of the human food chain.
   np:{separate/jj legislation/nn}:np   vp:{applies/vbz}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns and/cc pcbs/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn}:np   vp:{feeds/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{since/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{another/dt important/jj source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt human/jj food/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 450   ID(stc): 481   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   pig farming is the fourth biggest sector in irish agriculture and is worth around 400 million euro to the irish economy which is already in the midst of a recession.
   np:{pig/nn farming/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt fourth/jj biggest/jjs sector/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{worth/jj}:adjp   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{400/cd million/cd euro/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj economy/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{already/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt midst/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt recession/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 451   ID(stc): 483   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " investigations involving the department of agriculture, fisheries and food ( daff ) and the fsai are continuing to determine the extent of the contamination and to identify the processors and products involved", she said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{involving/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp continuing/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt processors/nns and/cc products/nns}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 452   ID(stc): 488   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the government has ordered the recall of all pig products processed in the republic since 1st september, following the discovery of extremely high levels of in slaughtered pigs which are thought to have eaten contaminated feed.
   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz ordered/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/dt pig/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{processed/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{1st/jj september/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{following/vbg}:pp   np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{extremely/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in in/in}:pp   np:{slaughtered/vbn pigs/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp thought/vbn to/to have/vb eaten/vbn contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 453   ID(stc): 493   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   northern irish agriculture department officials have been in close contact with the republic 's department of agriculture, fisheries, and food ( daff ) as the situation has developed.
   np:{northern/jj irish/jj agriculture/nn department/nn officials/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{close/jj contact/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn )/-rrb-}:np   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz developed/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 454   ID(stc): 497   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   have an opinion on this story?
   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   np:{an/dt opinion/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{this/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 455   ID(stc): 510   ID(rule): 8590   COVER: 54
   and the question that needs to be answered here is how has this happened because no farmer has done anything wrong and all have bought their feed from a licensed source.
   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt question/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{needs/vbz to/to be/vb answered/vbn}:vp    advp:{here/rb}:advp    vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   undef:{has/vbz}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{happened/vbn}:vp   pp:{because/in}:pp   np:{no/dt farmer/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz done/vbn}:vp   np:{anything/nn}:np   adjp:{wrong/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{all/pdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp bought/vbn}:vp   np:{their/prp$ feed/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licensed/vbn source/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 456   ID(stc): 511   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   and how this contaminated product got into the animal feed chain, we need answers to that and obviously things need to be done so that this never happens again, said padraig walshe from the irish farmers?
   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{this/dt contaminated/jj product/nn}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt animal/nn feed/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{need/vbp}:vp   np:{answers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to}:vp   np:{that/wdt}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{obviously/rb}:advp   np:{things/nns}:np   vp:{need/vbp to/to be/vb done/vbn}:vp   advp:{so/rb}:advp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np    advp:{never/rb}:advp    vp:{happens/vbz}:vp   advp:{again/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{padraig/nn}:np   vp:{walshe/vbd}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj farmers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 457   ID(stc): 513   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the source of the contamination is thought to be a licensed manufacturer of animal feed.
   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz thought/vbn to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt licensed/jj manufacturer/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 458   ID(stc): 530   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   it is illegal for dioxins to be in food products above a certain level.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{illegal/jj}:adjp   sbar:{for/in}:sbar   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{food/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   np:{a/dt certain/jj level/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 459   ID(stc): 533   ID(rule): 8913   COVER: 28
   it is believed the contamination first came to light on monday but was only confirmed by test results yesterday.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz believed/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   advp:{first/rb}:advp   vp:{came/vbd to/to light/vb}:vp   pp:{on/rp}:pp   np:{monday/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd only/rb confirmed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp    np:{test/nn results/nns}:np    np:{yesterday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 460   ID(stc): 536   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he said the affected feed had been banned and the pig production units using it had been restricted.? food safety and the consumers? interest have been the main priority behind this government action?, he said.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj feed/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn banned/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt pig/nn production/nn units/nns}:np   vp:{using/vbg}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn restricted/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   vp:{?/.}:vp   np:{food/nn safety/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt consumers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{interest/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt main/jj priority/nn}:np    pp:{behind/in}:pp    np:{this/dt government/nn action/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 461   ID(stc): 538   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   this is an absolute disgrace .the officials in the department which is responsible for the testing of feed and slaughtered animals should all be sacked .what about beef products in the 38 farms which were using this feed .we were once a proud agricultural country producing top quality produce .alas!
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{an/dt absolute/jj disgrace/nn}:np   undef:{.the/,}:undef   np:{officials/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt testing/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{feed/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{slaughtered/vbd}:vp   np:{animals/nns}:np   vp:{should/md all/pdt be/vb sacked/vbn}:vp   pp:{.what/in}:pp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{beef/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt 38/cd farms/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{were/vbd using/vbg}:vp   np:{this/dt feed/nn}:np   np:{.we/wdt}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    advp:{once/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt proud/jj agricultural/jj country/nn}:np   vp:{producing/vbg}:vp   np:{top/jj quality/nn produce/nn}:np   undef:{.alas/.}:undef   undef:{!/.}:undef

ID: 462   ID(stc): 539   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the sunday times and today fm 's the last word organised a debate on the referendum on june 5 featuring the leaders of the two campaigns.
   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns and/cc today/nn fm/nn}:np   pp:{'s/pos}:pp   np:{the/dt last/jj word/nn}:np   vp:{organised/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt debate/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt referendum/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{june/nn 5/cd}:np   vp:{featuring/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt leaders/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt two/cd campaigns/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 463   ID(stc): 540   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   you can hear a recording of that debate via the today fm website by clicking the link above.
   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{can/md hear/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt recording/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{that/dt debate/nn}:np    pp:{via/in}:pp    np:{the/dt today/nn}:np   pp:{fm/in}:pp   np:{website/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt link/nn}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 464   ID(stc): 544   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   please read our. to inquire about a licence to reproduce material from times online, the times or the sunday times, click. this website is published by a member of the news international group.
   vp:{please/vb read/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ ./.}:np   vp:{to/to inquire/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reproduce/vb}:vp   np:{material/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   advp:{online/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{click/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{this/dt website/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz published/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{a/dt member/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt news/nn international/jj group/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 465   ID(stc): 547   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   dioxin contamination was confirmed on saturday and the use of contaminated animal feed was identified to be the source of the contamination.
   np:{dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd confirmed/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt use/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{contaminated/vbn animal/nn feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd identified/vbn to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 466   ID(stc): 553   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   given the high levels found and that it is not possible to trace back the irish pork meat and pork meat products to the farms affected by the dioxin contamination incident, the irish authorities decided on saturday to recall from the market all pork products produced from pigs slaughtered in ireland.
   pp:{given/vbn}:pp   np:{the/dt high/jj levels/nns}:np   vp:{found/vbd}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{possible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to trace/vb}:vp   advp:{back/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt irish/jj pork/nn meat/nn and/cc pork/nn meat/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt farms/nns}:np   vp:{affected/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn contamination/nn incident/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt irish/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{decided/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   vp:{to/to recall/vb}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt market/nn}:np    np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 467   ID(stc): 558   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the commission, the executive body of the e, said it is closely watching this contamination incident.
   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt executive/jj body/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt e/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz closely/rb watching/vbg}:vp   np:{this/dt contamination/nn incident/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 468   ID(stc): 559   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the commission will organize a meeting with the competent authorities from the affected member states to share information and to ensure a harmonized approach to this incident.
   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{will/md organize/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt meeting/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt competent/jj authorities/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt affected/jj member/nn states/nns}:np   vp:{to/to share/vb}:vp   np:{information/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt harmonized/jj approach/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{this/dt incident/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 469   ID(stc): 560   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the commission, the executive body of the e, said it is closely watching this contamination incident.
   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt executive/jj body/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt e/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz closely/rb watching/vbg}:vp   np:{this/dt contamination/nn incident/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 470   ID(stc): 561   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the commission will organize a meeting with the competent authorities from the affected member states to share information and to ensure a harmonized approach to this incident.
   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{will/md organize/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt meeting/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt competent/jj authorities/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt affected/jj member/nn states/nns}:np   vp:{to/to share/vb}:vp   np:{information/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt harmonized/jj approach/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{this/dt incident/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 471   ID(stc): 565   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   it however advised consumers that as a precautionary measure they should not consume irish pork and bacon products.
   np:{it/prp}:np    advp:{however/rb}:advp    vp:{advised/vbd}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt precautionary/jj measure/nn}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{should/md not/rb consume/vb}:vp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn and/cc bacon/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 472   ID(stc): 566   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the irish food industry has recalled from the market all pork products produced from pigs slaughtered in ireland.
   np:{the/dt irish/jj food/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz recalled/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt market/nn}:np    np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 473   ID(stc): 567   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   preliminary evidence had indicated that the contamination problem was likely to have started in september, however, investigations involving the irish department of agriculture, fisheries and food ( daff ) and the food safety authority of ireland are continuing to determine the extent of the contamination and to identify the processors and products involved.
   np:{preliminary/jj evidence/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd indicated/vbn}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt contamination/nn problem/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to have/vb started/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{september/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{involving/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt irish/jj department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp continuing/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt processors/nns and/cc products/nns}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 474   ID(stc): 574   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   ireland had almost 1.5 million pigs as of june, the central statistics office said.
   undef:{ireland/cc}:undef   vp:{had/vbd}:vp    np:{almost/rb 1.5/cd million/cd pigs/nns}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{june/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt central/jj statistics/nns office/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 475   ID(stc): 586   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it 's certainly less than 30," chief veterinary officer paddy rogan told a news conference, speaking about how many countries could be affected.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    adjp:{certainly/rb less/jjr}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{30/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{chief/jj veterinary/jj officer/nn paddy/nn}:np   vp:{rogan/vbd told/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt news/nn conference/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{speaking/vbg}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{how/wrb many/jj countries/nns}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb affected/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 476   ID(stc): 594   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   it ordered an immediate recall of all pork and pork products.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{ordered/vbd}:vp   np:{an/dt immediate/jj recall/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/dt pork/nn and/cc pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 477   ID(stc): 595   ID(rule): 9190   COVER: 22
   ireland exported 368 million euros ( 317 million pounds ) worth of pigmeat in 2007, half of it to britain, but the fsa said it did not believe there was any" significant" risk.
   undef:{ireland/cc}:undef   vp:{exported/vbd}:vp   np:{368/cd million/cd euros/nns}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{317/cd million/cd pounds/nns )/-rrb- worth/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pigmeat/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{2007/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{half/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{to/to britain/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt fsa/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{any/dt "/`` significant/jj "/'' risk/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 478   ID(stc): 604   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   cons mers were warned last night to check the origin of all pork products after high levels of toxins were found in pigs slaughtered in ireland.
   np:{cons/nns mers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd warned/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np   vp:{to/to check/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt origin/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/pdt pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{toxins/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd found/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 479   ID(stc): 624   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   please read our. to inquire about a licence to reproduce material from times online, the times or the sunday times, click. this website is published by a member of the news international group.
   vp:{please/vb read/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ ./.}:np   vp:{to/to inquire/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reproduce/vb}:vp   np:{material/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   advp:{online/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{click/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{this/dt website/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz published/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{a/dt member/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt news/nn international/jj group/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 480   ID(stc): 637   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   in this case any risk to health is likely to be very small, so there would be very little effect.
   pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{this/dt case/nn}:np    np:{any/dt risk/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{health/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   adjp:{very/rb small/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{so/in}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   np:{very/rb little/jj effect/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 481   ID(stc): 639   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   we are not sure how the dioxins got into the animal feed, it is still under investigationrhodri evansfood safety authority of irelandthese things are called persistent organic pollutants and people are exposed to them in their everyday life.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{investigationrhodri/nn evansfood/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irelandthese/jj things/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp called/vbn}:vp   np:{persistent/jj organic/jj pollutants/nns and/cc people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ everyday/jj life/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 482   ID(stc): 653   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   we are not sure, it is still under investigation but it is isolated to one feed producer.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   adjp:{sure/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{investigation/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz isolated/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{one/cd feed/nn producer/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 483   ID(stc): 658   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   we were notified of a potential problem last monday that was confined to less toxic pcbs [ a type of industrial pollutant ].
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd notified/vbn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{a/dt potential/jj problem/nn}:np    np:{last/jj monday/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd confined/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{less/jjr toxic/jj pcbs/nns}:np   vp:{[/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt type/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{industrial/jj pollutant/nn ]/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 484   ID(stc): 663   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 485   ID(stc): 664   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the bbc is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
   np:{the/dt bbc/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt content/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{external/jj internet/nn sites/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 486   ID(stc): 665   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   br ssels ( reuters ) - ireland has acted well and quickly with its recall of its locally produced pork products due to contamination with cancer-causing dioxins, the european commission said on sunday.
   np:{br/jj ssels/nns}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{reuters/nns )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz acted/vbn}:vp    advp:{well/rb and/cc quickly/rb}:advp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ recall/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ locally/rb produced/vbn pork/nn products/nns}:np   adjp:{due/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{cancer-causing/nn dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt european/jj commission/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sunday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 487   ID(stc): 666   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   " the commission has the impression that the irish authorities are taking the right measures so that the situation is managed timely and well for the moment," a commission official said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt impression/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt irish/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp taking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt right/jj measures/nns}:np   advp:{so/rb}:advp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz managed/vbn}:vp   adjp:{timely/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{well/rb}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt moment/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{a/dt commission/nn official/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 488   ID(stc): 669   ID(rule): 9190   COVER: 22
   the country exported 368 million euros ( 318 million pounds ) worth of pigmeat in 2007, half of it to britain, according to industry body food and drink industry ireland.
   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{exported/vbd}:vp   np:{368/cd million/cd euros/nns}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{318/cd million/cd pounds/nns )/-rrb- worth/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pigmeat/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{2007/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{half/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{to/to britain/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{according/vbg}:pp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{industry/nn body/nn food/nn and/cc drink/nn industry/nn ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 489   ID(stc): 673   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   dioxins are accidental by-products generated mainly through incineration by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and can be absorbed through the skin or eaten in food.
   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{accidental/jj by-products/nns}:np   vp:{generated/vbd}:vp    advp:{mainly/rb}:advp    pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{incineration/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt chemical/nn and/cc pharmaceutical/jj industries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{can/md be/vb absorbed/vbn}:vp   pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{the/dt skin/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{eaten/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{food/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 490   ID(stc): 677   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   win a wine course at the bordeaux wine school and find out about the historic winemaking region.
   vp:{win/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt wine/nn course/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt bordeaux/jj wine/nn school/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{find/vb}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{about/in the/dt historic/jj winemaking/jj region/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 491   ID(stc): 689   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the contamination is likely to have a severe impact on the? 7 billion irish food industry.
   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to have/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt severe/jj impact/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt ?/.

 7/cd billion/cd irish/jj food/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 492   ID(stc): 690   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   it emerged yesterday contaminated feed from the co carlow facility, millstream recycling in clohamon mills, had also been supplied to nine farms in northern ireland which now have been restricted.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{emerged/vbd}:vp   np:{yesterday/nn contaminated/vbn feed/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt co/nn carlow/nn facility/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{millstream/nn recycling/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{clohamon/nn mills/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{had/vbd also/rb been/vbn supplied/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{nine/cd farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{now/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp been/vbn restricted/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 493   ID(stc): 694   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the dramatic food recall was announced on saturday night as the investigation into the source of the contamination, understood to be oil, was stepped up after tests at a k laboratory in york confirmed the presence of dioxins in the pigmeat.
   np:{the/dt dramatic/jj food/nn recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd announced/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/jj night/nn}:np    pp:{as/in}:pp    np:{the/dt investigation/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{understood/vbd to/to be/vb}:vp   np:{oil/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{was/vbd stepped/vbn}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{tests/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt k/nn laboratory/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{york/nn}:np   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt presence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pigmeat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 494   ID(stc): 698   ID(rule): 8953   COVER: 36
   the european commission has called a meeting of food safety experts from ireland and other affected e states tomorrow to co-ordinate a europe-wide response to the contamination of irish pork products.
   np:{the/dt european/jj commission/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz called/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt meeting/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{food/nn safety/nn experts/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj affected/jj e/nn states/nns}:np    np:{tomorrow/nn}:np    vp:{to/to co-ordinate/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt europe-wide/jj response/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 495   ID(stc): 700   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   accepting the need for a recall, millstream recycling said it would be carrying out? a full investigation to establish how the company 's strict health and safety procedures and the high quality standards could possibly have been breached?.
   vp:{accepting/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{millstream/nn recycling/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb carrying/vbg}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{?/.

 a/dt full/jj investigation/nn}:np   vp:{to/to establish/vb}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos strict/jj health/nn and/cc safety/nn procedures/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt high/jj quality/nn standards/nns}:np   vp:{could/md possibly/rb have/vb been/vbn breached/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 496   ID(stc): 703   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   prof james heffron, a specialist on the biochemistry of detoxification at cc 's biochemical toxicology lab, told the irish times, however, the government in his view needed to do more to reassure the public.
   np:{prof/nn james/nns heffron/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt specialist/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt biochemistry/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{detoxification/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{cc/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos biochemical/jj toxicology/nn lab/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt irish/jj times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ view/nn}:np   vp:{needed/vbd}:vp   vp:{to/to do/vb}:vp   np:{more/jjr}:np   vp:{to/to reassure/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt public/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 497   ID(stc): 706   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   queues formed at supermarkets as shoppers returned products for which the government said they should receive a refund.
   np:{queues/wp}:np   vp:{formed/vbd}:vp    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{supermarkets/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{shoppers/nns}:np   vp:{returned/vbd}:vp   np:{products/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{should/md receive/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 498   ID(stc): 709   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in the case of pork meat or other food products containing pork, consumers are entitled to a refund as a repair or replacement does not apply in this instant.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt case/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{pork/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj food/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{containing/vbg}:vp   np:{pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt repair/nn or/cc replacement/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb apply/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt instant/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 499   ID(stc): 714   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   mr rogan said the department of agriculture was also working with an bord bia to develop a new labelling system" so the consumer will be absolutely crystal clear that this is safe irish product.
   np:{mr/nn rogan/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd also/rb working/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{an/dt bord/nn bia/nn}:np   vp:{to/to develop/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt new/jj labelling/nn system/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{so/in}:pp   np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    np:{absolutely/rb crystal/nn}:np    adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{safe/jj irish/jj product/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 500   ID(stc): 724   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   he said there was no suggestion that the contaminated substance came from outside this state.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{no/dt suggestion/nn}:np    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt contaminated/jj substance/nn}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   sbar:{from/in}:sbar   pp:{outside/in}:pp   np:{this/dt state/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 501   ID(stc): 725   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   dr tony holohan, chief medical officer at the department of health, said an expert group set up by the food safety authority had established that the levels of exposure were" broadly similar" to those seen in the dioxin scare in belgium in 1999.
   np:{dr/nn tony/jj holohan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{chief/jj medical/jj officer/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{health/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{an/dt expert/nn group/nn}:np   vp:{set/vbd}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd established/vbn}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{exposure/nn}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   adjp:{broadly/rb similar/jj}:adjp   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   vp:{seen/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn scare/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{belgium/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{1999/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 502   ID(stc): 736   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   he also defended the meat testing system and said the alert showed that there was a" very strong regulatory system in place".
   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{defended/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt meat/nn testing/nn system/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt alert/jj}:np   vp:{showed/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a"/dt very/rb strong/jj regulatory/jj system/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{place/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 503   ID(stc): 737   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   the food safety authority 's advice line ( 1890 336677 ) received almost 2,000 calls yesterday, its chief executive alan reilly said.
   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos advice/nn line/nn}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{1890/cd 336677/cd )/-rrb-}:np   vp:{received/vbd}:vp   np:{almost/rb 2,000/cd calls/nns}:np   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{its/prp$ chief/jj executive/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{reilly/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 504   ID(stc): 738   ID(rule): 8590   COVER: 54
   " we have about 20 people working on that advice line answering calls.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp    np:{about/rb 20/cd people/nns}:np    vp:{working/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{that/dt advice/nn line/nn answering/vbg calls/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 505   ID(stc): 742   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   a spokesman said the company was monitoring events closely but that it was too early to say when it would be able to restock its shelves with irish pork, or whether it would source pig meat from outside the jurisdiction.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd monitoring/vbg}:vp   np:{events/nns}:np   advp:{closely/rb}:advp   undef:{but/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{too/rb early/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to say/vb}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to restock/vb}:vp   np:{its/prp$ shelves/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{or/cc}:undef   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md}:vp   np:{source/nn pig/nn meat/nn}:np    pp:{from/in outside/in}:pp    np:{the/dt jurisdiction/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 506   ID(stc): 744   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   tesco ireland spokesman seamus banim said their stores? shelves had been stripped of irish pork overnight on saturday, and by early yesterday morning most shoppers had been made aware of the recall through the media.
   np:{tesco/nn ireland/nn spokesman/nn seamus/nn banim/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{their/prp$ stores/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{shelves/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn stripped/vbn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   advp:{overnight/rb}:advp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{early/jj yesterday/nn morning/nn}:np    np:{most/rbs shoppers/nns}:np    vp:{had/vbd been/vbn made/vbn}:vp   adjp:{aware/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{the/dt media/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 507   ID(stc): 750   ID(rule): 9310   COVER: 71
   superquinn said senior managers were on the shop floors yesterday to answer consumers? questions.
   np:{superquinn/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{senior/jj managers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt shop/nn floors/nns}:np    np:{yesterday/nn}:np   vp:{to/to answer/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   np:{?/.

 questions/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 508   ID(stc): 751   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   a spokesman said that shoppers had been asking about the beef on sale in the stores after it emerged that nearly 40 beef farms had been supplied with contaminated feed; the fsai has said beef has been unaffected by the recall.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{shoppers/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn asking/vbg}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt beef/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sale/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt stores/nns}:np   sbar:{after/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{emerged/vbd}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{nearly/rb 40/cd beef/nn farms/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn supplied/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{contaminated/jj feed/nn}:np   undef:{;/:}:undef   np:{the/dt fsai/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbn}:vp   np:{beef/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn unaffected/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 509   ID(stc): 753   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   for its own-brand pork products it said refunds would be given in the absence of a receipt, while people returning branded products without receipts would be given store vouchers.
   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ own-brand/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{refunds/nns}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb given/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt absence/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{a/dt receipt/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{returning/vbg}:vp   np:{branded/jj products/nns}:np   pp:{without/in}:pp   np:{receipts/nns}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb given/vbn}:vp   np:{store/nn vouchers/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 510   ID(stc): 754   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the spokesman said it was? a bit too early to say? whether it would look to source hams from outside the state in the run-up to christmas.
   np:{the/dt spokesman/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{a/dt bit/nn}:np   adjp:{too/rb early/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to say/vb}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   sbar:{whether/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md look/vb}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{source/nn hams/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   pp:{outside/in}:pp   np:{the/dt state/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt run-up/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{christmas/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 511   ID(stc): 760   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   hotels around the state said breakfast service went generally smoothly, despite the absence of at least some traditional items.
   np:{hotels/nns}:np    pp:{around/in}:pp    np:{the/dt state/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{breakfast/nn service/nn}:np   vp:{went/vbd}:vp   advp:{generally/rb smoothly/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{despite/in}:pp   np:{the/dt absence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   advp:{at/in least/jjs}:advp   np:{some/dt traditional/jj items/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 512   ID(stc): 763   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   joe mcdonald from the lster farmers? nion said that farmers across the province have been left in an uncertain position as the investigation into the extent of the contamination scare continues.
   np:{joe/nn mcdonald/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt lster/nn farmers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{nion/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{farmers/nns}:np   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{the/dt province/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn left/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{an/dt uncertain/jj position/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt investigation/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn scare/nn}:np   vp:{continues/vbz}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 513   ID(stc): 772   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   ? at the end of the day the consumer is the most important person in all this, although we represent the farmers?, he said.
   np:{?/.}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt end/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt day/nn}:np    np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt most/rbs important/jj person/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{all/pdt this/dt}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{although/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{represent/vbp}:vp   np:{the/dt farmers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 514   ID(stc): 776   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   ? we would hope that pork products will be back on sale by the middle of the week.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{would/md hope/vb}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sale/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt middle/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt week/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 515   ID(stc): 777   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   swift action is important so that public confidence here remains high.
   np:{swift/jj action/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{important/jj}:adjp   pp:{so/in}:pp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{public/jj confidence/nn}:np    advp:{here/rb}:advp    vp:{remains/vbz}:vp   adjp:{high/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 516   ID(stc): 779   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he added that if the situation is dealt with quickly and efficiently and the produce is put back on sale the demand over christmas could be a great help.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz dealt/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   advp:{quickly/rb and/cc efficiently/rb}:advp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt produce/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz put/vbn}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{sale/nn}:np   np:{the/dt demand/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{christmas/nns}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt great/jj help/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 517   ID(stc): 785   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the investigation into the source of ireland 's largest food scare since bse began with the routine sampling of a pig carcass on september 19th.
   np:{the/dt investigation/nn}:np    pp:{into/in}:pp    np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos largest/jjs food/nn scare/nn}:np   sbar:{since/in}:sbar   np:{bse/nn}:np   vp:{began/vbd}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt routine/jj sampling/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt pig/nn carcass/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{september/nn 19th/jj}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 518   ID(stc): 791   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   samples were sent to a laboratory capable of identifying individual toxins and the preliminary reports back from the k sparked the withdrawal of all pork products.
   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd sent/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt laboratory/nn}:np   adjp:{capable/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{identifying/vbg}:vp   np:{individual/jj toxins/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt preliminary/jj reports/nns}:np   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   vp:{sparked/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt withdrawal/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 519   ID(stc): 796   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   in a statement the company confirmed it had been working with the department of agriculture and food officials to identify the source of pcbs found in pig meal in a number of farms in ireland.
   pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np    np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn working/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn and/cc food/nn officials/nns}:np   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pcbs/nns}:np   vp:{found/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meal/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 520   ID(stc): 797   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ? accepting the need for a recall, millstream will be carrying out a full investigation to establish how the company 's strict health and safety procedures and the high quality standards could possibly have been breached?, said the statement.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{accepting/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{millstream/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb carrying/vbg}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{a/dt full/jj investigation/nn}:np   vp:{to/to establish/vb}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos strict/jj health/nn and/cc safety/nn procedures/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt high/jj quality/nn standards/nns}:np   vp:{could/md possibly/rb have/vb been/vbn breached/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt statement/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 521   ID(stc): 798   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ? in the meantime, millstream will continue to work with the department of agriculture andfood to ensure that any product sold to the pig industry in recent weeks is identified and recalled?, it added.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt meantime/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{millstream/nn}:np   vp:{will/md continue/vb to/to work/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{agriculture/nn andfood/nn}:np   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{any/dt product/nn}:np   vp:{sold/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt pig/nn industry/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{recent/jj weeks/nns}:np   vp:{is/vbz identified/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{recalled/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 522   ID(stc): 801   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the food safety authority of ireland said in a statement? the use of a contaminated ingredient added to pork feed is identified as the source of the contamination?.
   np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{the/dt use/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt contaminated/jj ingredient/nn}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{pork/nn feed/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz identified/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 523   ID(stc): 803   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   none of the thousands of pigs involved in the lockdown of the pig farms have been slaughtered yet and it will be late tomorrow before results of tests on samples from cattle will be known.
   np:{none/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt thousands/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt lockdown/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pig/nn farms/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn slaughtered/vbn}:vp   advp:{yet/rb}:advp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    np:{late/rb tomorrow/nn}:np    pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{results/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{tests/nns}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{samples/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{cattle/nns}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb known/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 524   ID(stc): 808   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   the food recycler at the centre of the pork products scare last night insisted they were fully co-operating with the republic 's department of agriculture as the crisis continued to evolve.
   np:{the/dt food/nn recycler/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt centre/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt pork/nn products/nns scare/nn}:np    np:{last/jj night/nn}:np   vp:{insisted/vbd}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd fully/rb co-operating/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt crisis/nn}:np   vp:{continued/vbd to/to evolve/vb}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 525   ID(stc): 811   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   paddy rogan, chief veterinary officer at the agriculture department, said the individual supplier had co-operated in every way with the probe.
   np:{paddy/nn rogan/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{chief/jj veterinary/jj officer/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt agriculture/nn department/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt individual/jj supplier/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd co-operated/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{every/dt way/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt probe/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 526   ID(stc): 812   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   last night, a spokesman for the company, which employs 15, confirmed its managing director robert hogg was? absolutely devastated? after spending 15 years building up the company.
   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{employs/vbz}:vp   np:{15/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{its/prp$ managing/nn director/nn robert/nn hogg/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd ?/.

 absolutely/rb devastated/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{after/in}:pp   vp:{spending/vbg}:vp   np:{15/cd years/nns}:np   vp:{building/vbg}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 527   ID(stc): 821   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ? accepting the need for a recall, millstream will be carrying out a full investigation to establish how the company 's strict health and safety procedures and the high quality standards could possibly have been breached?, a company statement said.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{accepting/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{millstream/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb carrying/vbg}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{a/dt full/jj investigation/nn}:np   vp:{to/to establish/vb}:vp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos strict/jj health/nn and/cc safety/nn procedures/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt high/jj quality/nn standards/nns}:np   vp:{could/md possibly/rb have/vb been/vbn breached/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt company/nn statement/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 528   ID(stc): 830   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   sources in the sector told the belfast telegraph of their frustration at not receiving prompt and detailed guidance.
   np:{sources/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt sector/nn}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt belfast/nn telegraph/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ frustration/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   vp:{not/rb receiving/vbg}:vp   np:{prompt/jj and/cc detailed/jj guidance/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 529   ID(stc): 832   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   a spokeswoman for the province 's consumer council declined to comment, saying that the issue was not part of its remit.
   np:{a/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt province/nn}:np    np:{'s/pos consumer/nn council/nn}:np   vp:{declined/vbd to/to comment/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt issue/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd not/rb part/nn}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ remit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 530   ID(stc): 847   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   i could n't get to speak to a department of agriculture official to give me guidance.
   np:{i/fw}:np   vp:{could/md n't/rb get/vb to/to speak/vb}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt department/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{agriculture/nn official/nn}:np   vp:{to/to give/vb}:vp   np:{me/prp}:np   np:{guidance/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 531   ID(stc): 852   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the source of the contamination is thought to have been a licensed mill in the republic which manufactures animal feed.
   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz thought/vbn to/to have/vb been/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt licensed/vbn mill/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{manufactures/vbz}:vp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 532   ID(stc): 864   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   from the information that we have at this time, we do not believe there is significant risk to k consumers as adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods.
   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt information/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{significant/jj risk/nn}:np   vp:{to/to k/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 533   ID(stc): 867   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the agency is continuing to monitor the situation and is in close contact with the food safety authority of ireland.
   np:{the/dt agency/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz continuing/vbg to/to monitor/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{close/jj contact/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{the/dt food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 534   ID(stc): 868   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   if it is confirmed that any affected products have been distributed to the k the agency will take appropriate action to protect consumers.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz confirmed/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{any/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn distributed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn}:np    np:{the/dt agency/nn}:np   vp:{will/md take/vb}:vp   np:{appropriate/jj action/nn}:np   vp:{to/to protect/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 535   ID(stc): 869   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   an urgent meeting of the k food industry is being organised by the agency as part of its investigation into possible distribution channels in this country.
   np:{an/dt urgent/jj meeting/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn food/nn industry/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz being/vbg organised/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt agency/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ investigation/nn}:np   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{possible/jj distribution/nn channels/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 536   ID(stc): 876   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   last night, the cost of the pork scare was forecast to hit? 1bn as the recall of affected products went global and hundreds of thousands of consumers were forced to dump pig-meat products.
   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt cost/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt pork/nn scare/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd forecast/vbn to/to hit/vb}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{1bn/rp}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{went/vbd}:vp   np:{global/jj and/cc hundreds/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{thousands/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd forced/vbn to/to dump/vb}:vp   np:{pig-meat/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 537   ID(stc): 879   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   last night only three supermarket chains were offering full refunds, with just two saying they would recompense those who did n't have receipts for pork products, which have been linked to cancerous pcb dioxins.
   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np    np:{only/rb three/cd supermarket/nn chains/nns}:np    vp:{were/vbd offering/vbg}:vp   np:{full/jj refunds/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{just/rb two/cd saying/vbg}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{would/md recompense/vb}:vp   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{who/wp}:np   vp:{did/vbd n't/rb have/vb}:vp   np:{receipts/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn linked/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{cancerous/jj pcb/nn dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 538   ID(stc): 880   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   millstream recycle, based in bunclody, co wexford, emerged as the company at the centre of the food scare and was shut down as further tests took place.
   np:{millstream/nn recycle/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{based/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{bunclody/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{co/nn wexford/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{emerged/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{the/dt centre/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn scare/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd shut/vbn}:vp   prt:{down/rp}:prt   np:{as/in further/jj tests/nns}:np   vp:{took/vbd}:vp   np:{place/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 539   ID(stc): 882   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   officials are now probing links with an oil used in a machine at the food processor plant, which was closed down in the middle of last week when the contaminated feed was traced.
   np:{officials/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp now/rb probing/vbg}:vp   np:{links/nns}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{an/dt oil/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt machine/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn processor/nn plant/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd closed/vbn}:vp    advp:{down/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt middle/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{last/jj week/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contaminated/jj feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd traced/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 540   ID(stc): 883   ID(rule): 9033   COVER: 258
   the irish exporters association said the total exports of pig meat and related added value products such as pizzas, pies and sandwiches containing pork was about? 750m.
   np:{the/dt irish/jj exporters/nns association/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt total/jj exports/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{related/vbn}:vp   np:{added/vbn value/nn products/nns}:np    pp:{such/jj as/in}:pp    np:{pizzas/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{pies/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{sandwiches/nns}:np   vp:{containing/vbg}:vp   np:{pork/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{750m/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 541   ID(stc): 884   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the latest scare amounts to a major new hammer blow to the irish economy at a time when it needs every euro of income.
   np:{the/dt latest/jjs scare/nn}:np   vp:{amounts/vbz}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt major/jj new/jj hammer/nn blow/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj economy/nn}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp    np:{a/dt time/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{needs/vbz}:vp   np:{every/dt euro/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{income/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 542   ID(stc): 885   ID(rule): 8424   COVER: 35
   between 20 and 30 countries may have received contaminated shipments according to irish officials? including the k, france, the netherlands and belgium.
   pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{20/cd and/cc 30/cd countries/nns}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb received/vbn}:vp    np:{contaminated/vbn shipments/nns}:np    vp:{according/vbg}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{irish/jj officials/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{including/vbg}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{france/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt netherlands/nns and/cc belgium/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 543   ID(stc): 886   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   taoiseach brian cowen last night insisted that pork products would be back on display as quickly as possible in a bid to boost consumer confidence.
   np:{taoiseach/dt brian/jj cowen/nn}:np   np:{last/jj night/nn}:np   vp:{insisted/vbd}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{display/nn}:np   advp:{as/rb quickly/rb}:advp   pp:{as/in}:pp   adjp:{possible/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt bid/nn}:np   vp:{to/to boost/vb}:vp   np:{consumer/nn confidence/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 544   ID(stc): 903   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   mr walshe described the pork recall as" an absolute disaster" at an important time of the year for the pig sector, but he was hopeful that pig meat free of any contamination would be back on irish shelves within a matter of days.
   np:{mr/jj walshe/nns}:np   vp:{described/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt pork/nn recall/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{an/dt absolute/jj disaster/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{an/dt important/jj time/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt year/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pig/nn sector/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{hopeful/jj}:adjp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn}:np   adjp:{free/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{any/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj shelves/nns}:np   pp:{within/in}:pp   np:{a/dt matter/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 545   ID(stc): 910   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   there would be" concerns at the adequacy of sampling procedures for ingredients in animal ration, and in particular the process of sampling imported ingredients at the first point of entry, the ports".
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{concerns/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt adequacy/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{sampling/jj procedures/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{ingredients/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn ration/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{particular/jj the/dt process/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{sampling/vbg}:vp    np:{imported/vbn ingredients/nns}:np    pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt first/jj point/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{entry/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt ports/nns}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 546   ID(stc): 913   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   since all pork products were being withdrawn - even though 90 per cent were not in any way affected - the consumer could be confident that all new product being put on the shelf" is absolutely safe".
   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd being/vbg withdrawn/vbn}:vp   undef:{-/:}:undef   sbar:{even/rb though/in}:sbar   np:{90/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{any/dt way/nn}:np   vp:{affected/vbn}:vp   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{confident/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{all/dt new/jj product/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg put/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt shelf/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{absolutely/rb safe/jj}:adjp   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 547   ID(stc): 915   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   it is impossible to predict the likely impact of the pigmeat contamination crisis on the irish food sector, which is largely driven by exports.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{impossible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to predict/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt likely/jj impact/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt pigmeat/nn contamination/nn crisis/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj food/nn sector/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz largely/rb driven/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{exports/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 548   ID(stc): 920   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   it is also a major employer, with 7,000 working in the sector, 1,200 of whom work on farms.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt major/jj employer/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{7,000/cd}:np   vp:{working/vbg}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt sector/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{1,200/cd}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{whom/wp}:np   vp:{work/vbp}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{farms/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 549   ID(stc): 924   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the sector had a very difficult year in 2007 when the oil crisis doubled the cost of pig feed, which is normally grain.
   np:{the/dt sector/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt very/rb difficult/jj year/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{2007/cd}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt oil/nn crisis/nn}:np   vp:{doubled/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt cost/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{pig/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{normally/rb grain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 550   ID(stc): 926   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   last year, the sector exported approximately 60 per cent of its output or 129,000 tonnes to over 40 overseas markets.
   np:{last/jj year/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt sector/nn}:np   vp:{exported/vbd}:vp    np:{approximately/rb 60/cd}:np    pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ output/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{129,000/cd tonnes/nns}:np   vp:{to/to}:vp   np:{over/rp 40/cd overseas/jj markets/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 551   ID(stc): 927   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the nited kingdom was our main export market, taking approximately 56 per cent of the total exports from ireland, worth? 271 million.
   np:{the/dt nited/jj kingdom/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{our/prp$ main/jj export/nn market/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{taking/vbg}:vp    np:{approximately/rb 56/cd}:np    pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt total/jj exports/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{worth/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{271/cd million/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 552   ID(stc): 929   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   there were more than 40 markets in all for irish pigmeat and 59 per cent was exported - 20 per cent was processed, 10 per cent went as bacon or ham, 6 per cent as sausages and 5 per cent as offal.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{more/jjr than/in 40/cd markets/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{all/dt}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{irish/jj pigmeat/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{59/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd exported/vbn}:vp   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{20/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd processed/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{10/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   vp:{went/vbd}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{bacon/nn or/cc ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{6/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{5/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{offal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 553   ID(stc): 931   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   all our european neighbours have been alerted to the problem through the european food safety alert system and teams of workers have been drafted in to contact customers worldwide.
   np:{all/dt our/prp$ european/jj neighbours/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn alerted/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np    pp:{through/in}:pp    np:{the/dt european/jj food/nn safety/nn alert/jj system/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{teams/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{workers/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn drafted/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{contact/nn customers/nns}:np   advp:{worldwide/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 554   ID(stc): 933   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   it held a conference with its overseas managers at the weekend to devise a strategy to cope with the expected fallout from the worldwide publicity the recall has created.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{held/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt conference/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ overseas/jj managers/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt weekend/nn}:np   vp:{to/to devise/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt strategy/nn}:np   vp:{to/to cope/vb}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt expected/vbn fallout/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt worldwide/jj publicity/nn}:np    np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz created/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 555   ID(stc): 936   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   food drink export ireland ( fdei ), part of the irish exporters association ( iea ), says it is concerned about the impact of the pigmeat recall on irish food exporters.
   np:{food/nn drink/nn export/nn ireland/nn}:np   np:{(/-lrb- fdei/fw )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj exporters/nns association/nn}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{iea/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{says/vbz}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    adjp:{concerned/vbn}:adjp    pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt impact/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pigmeat/nn recall/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj food/nn exporters/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 556   ID(stc): 940   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the fdei/iea noted 63 per cent of pig meat and added value processed pork products are exported to the k, where exporters are already under pressure due to the impact of the rapidly weakening euro.
   np:{the/dt fdei/iea/nn}:np   vp:{noted/vbd}:vp   np:{63/cd}:np   pp:{per/in}:pp   np:{cent/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   np:{value/nn processed/vbn pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exported/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{exporters/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{already/rb}:advp    pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{pressure/nn}:np   adjp:{due/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt impact/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt rapidly/rb weakening/vbg euro/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 557   ID(stc): 942   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokeswoman for the fsai said it had been advised by the environmental protection agency that there was no issue in connection with consumers disposing of pork products in their bins.
   np:{a/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn advised/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt environmental/jj protection/nn agency/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{no/dt issue/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{connection/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{disposing/vbg}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ bins/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 558   ID(stc): 945   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the fsai preference was for consumers to return all affected products to the point of purchase where they would get a refund.
   np:{the/dt fsai/jj preference/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to return/vb}:vp   np:{all/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt point/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{purchase/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{would/md get/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 559   ID(stc): 946   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   she said retailers had been asked not to put recalled products in landfill but to return them to the supply chain where they could be rendered and destroyed.
   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{retailers/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn asked/vbn}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to put/vb}:vp    np:{recalled/vbn products/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{landfill/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to return/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt supply/nn chain/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb rendered/vbn and/cc destroyed/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 560   ID(stc): 951   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   consumers are entitled to a refund from the shop if they buy a defective product? and all pork has been deemed defective.
   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt shop/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{buy/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt defective/jj product/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{all/dt pork/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn deemed/vbn}:vp   advp:{defective/jj}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 561   ID(stc): 954   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   it might be safe to eat but you still have to get rid of it.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{might/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{safe/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np    advp:{still/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp to/to get/vb}:vp   adjp:{rid/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 562   ID(stc): 962   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   all pork, bacon, rashers, pork sausages, sausage meat, gammon steaks, offal from pigs, salami, ham, sausage rolls, black and white pudding, soups and ready meals with irish pork/bacon as an ingredient have to be destroyed or returned to the point of purchase.
   np:{all/dt pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{bacon/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{rashers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{pork/nn sausages/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{gammon/jj steaks/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{offal/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{salami/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn rolls/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{black/jj and/cc white/jj pudding/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{soups/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{ready/jj meals/nns}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{irish/jj pork/bacon/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt ingredient/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp to/to be/vb destroyed/vbn or/cc returned/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt point/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{purchase/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 563   ID(stc): 966   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokeswoman for the fsai says it has been advised by the environmental protection agency that there were no issues in connection with consumers disposing of pork products as part of their normal household waste.
   np:{a/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt fsai/nn}:np   vp:{says/vbz}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn advised/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt environmental/jj protection/nn agency/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{no/dt issues/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{connection/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{disposing/vbg}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ normal/jj household/nn waste/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 564   ID(stc): 968   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   for their part, retailers have been asked not to put recalled products in landfill but to return them to the supply chain where they could be rendered as part of normal animal waste disposal programmes.
   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ part/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{retailers/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn asked/vbn}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to put/vb}:vp    np:{recalled/vbn products/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{landfill/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to return/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt supply/nn chain/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb rendered/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{normal/jj animal/nn waste/nn disposal/nn programmes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 565   ID(stc): 973   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in addition, under consumer law, you are also entitled to a refund from the shop if you buy a defective product - and all pork currently on irish shelves has been deemed defective.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{addition/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{consumer/nn law/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp also/rb entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt shop/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{buy/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt defective/jj product/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{all/dt pork/nn}:np   advp:{currently/rb}:advp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj shelves/nns}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn deemed/vbn}:vp   advp:{defective/jj}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 566   ID(stc): 976   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   when a similar dioxin contamination occurred in belgium nearly 10 years ago, the government there picked up the tab but when mary harney was asked on saturday night if the government might do likewise here, she said no.
   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{a/dt similar/jj dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   vp:{occurred/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{belgium/nn}:np   np:{nearly/rb 10/cd years/nns}:np   advp:{ago/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np    advp:{there/rb}:advp    vp:{picked/vbd}:vp   advp:{up/rp}:advp   np:{the/dt tab/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{mary/jj harney/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd asked/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn night/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{might/md do/vb}:vp   advp:{likewise/rb here/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{no/dt}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 567   ID(stc): 985   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   what about the beef sector, was n't the feed sent to a number of beef farms and is it safe to eat?
   np:{what/wp}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt beef/nn sector/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    np:{the/dt feed/nn}:np   vp:{sent/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{beef/nn farms/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   adjp:{safe/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 568   ID(stc): 988   ID(rule): 8953   COVER: 36
   response in e rope: the e ropean commission has called a meeting of food safety experts from ireland and other affected e states tomorrow to co-ordinate a response to the contamination of irish pork products.
   np:{response/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{e/nn rope/nn}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{the/dt e/nn ropean/nn commission/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz called/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt meeting/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{food/nn safety/nn experts/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj affected/jj e/nn states/nns}:np    adjp:{tomorrow/nn}:adjp    pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{co-ordinate/nn}:np   np:{a/dt response/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 569   ID(stc): 989   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   it will also continue to monitor the situation and provide regular updates to the public on the incident, the e executive said yesterday.? the commission is closely following up this contamination incident and the actions taken to withdraw any potentially contaminated pork meat and pork meat products from the market ensuring consumer health protection?, the statement said.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md also/rb continue/vb to/to monitor/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{provide/vb}:vp   np:{regular/jj updates/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt public/nn}:np    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt incident/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt e/nn executive/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz closely/rb following/vbg}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{this/dt contamination/nn incident/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt actions/nns}:np   vp:{taken/vbn}:vp   vp:{to/to withdraw/vb}:vp   np:{any/dt potentially/rb contaminated/vbn pork/nn meat/nn and/cc pork/nn meat/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   vp:{ensuring/vbg}:vp   np:{consumer/nn health/nn protection/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 570   ID(stc): 991   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   a commission spokesman later said the meeting would take place tomorrow.
   np:{a/dt commission/nn spokesman/nn}:np    advp:{later/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt meeting/nn}:np   vp:{would/md take/vb}:vp   np:{place/nn tomorrow/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 571   ID(stc): 994   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesman for the commission said yesterday the initial response from the government seemed to have been adequate because it had ordered the withdrawal of all pork products in a timely manner.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   np:{the/dt initial/jj response/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{seemed/vbd to/to have/vb been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{adequate/jj}:adjp   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd ordered/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt withdrawal/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt timely/jj manner/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 572   ID(stc): 995   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ? ireland is calling back all the pig meat from september 1st.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{ireland/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz calling/vbg}:vp   prt:{back/rp}:prt   np:{all/dt the/dt pig/nn meat/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{september/nn 1st/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 573   ID(stc): 998   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in that case health inspectors reported a problem with dioxin contamination in january 1999 yet action was only taken by the government when the media revealed the contamination in may.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{that/dt case/nn health/nn inspectors/nns}:np   vp:{reported/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt problem/nn}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{january/jj 1999/cd}:np   undef:{yet/cc}:undef   np:{action/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd only/rb taken/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt media/nns}:np   vp:{revealed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{may/md}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 574   ID(stc): 1004   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   estimates of the cost of this crisis range from? 625 million to? 1 billion.
   np:{estimates/nns}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt cost/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt crisis/nn range/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{?/.

 625/cd million/cd to/to ?/.

 1/cd billion/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 575   ID(stc): 1006   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   it also noted that the belgian authorities had not been informed about the dioxin contamination ahead of the announcement by the media.
   np:{it/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{noted/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt belgian/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd not/rb been/vbn informed/vbn}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   advp:{ahead/rb}:advp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt announcement/nn}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt media/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 576   ID(stc): 1009   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   households have been advised not to eat pork products produced on either side of the border.
   np:{households/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn advised/vbn}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{either/dt side/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt border/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 577   ID(stc): 1012   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   ? from the information that we have at this time, we do not believe there is significant risk to k consumers as adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods?, it said.
   np:{?/.}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt information/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{significant/jj risk/nn}:np   vp:{to/to k/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 578   ID(stc): 1013   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   the agency 's chief executive alan reilly said the levels of contaminant in the feed were very high.? the levels in the pork itself were in the region of about 80 to 200 times above the safe limits?, he said.
   np:{the/dt agency/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos chief/jj executive/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{reilly/rb}:advp    vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt feed/nn}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   adjp:{very/rb high/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{the/dt levels/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pork/nn}:np   np:{itself/prp}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt region/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{about/rb 80/cd to/to 200/cd times/nns}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   np:{the/dt safe/jj limits/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 579   ID(stc): 1016   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   ? there is obviously a large amount of north-south movement of these products in ireland and we need to carefully consider the way ahead?, she said.
   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{obviously/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt large/jj amount/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{north-south/jj movement/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{these/dt products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{need/vbp to/to carefully/rb consider/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   advp:{ahead/rb}:advp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 580   ID(stc): 1018   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   traces were first discovered late on friday, the minister said.
   np:{traces/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd first/jj discovered/vbn}:vp    advp:{late/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{friday/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt minister/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 581   ID(stc): 1021   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   that confirmation from the english labs only came through on saturday.
   np:{that/wdt confirmation/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt english/jj labs/nns}:np    advp:{only/rb}:advp    vp:{came/vbd}:vp   prt:{through/in}:prt   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 582   ID(stc): 1022   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   mr sargent said the incident pointed to the need for a dioxin facility here, and this would have to happen soon.
   np:{mr/nn sargent/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt incident/nn}:np   vp:{pointed/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt need/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt dioxin/nn facility/nn}:np   advp:{here/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb to/to happen/vb}:vp   advp:{soon/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 583   ID(stc): 1023   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " while we will have dioxin monitoring facilities in ireland, at long last, we do n't at present, which means that it does take the time to send samples to england and nearly a week to get the results back," he said on rt? radio yesterday.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md have/vb}:vp   np:{dioxin/nn monitoring/nn facilities/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{long/jj last/jj}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    pp:{at/in}:pp   adjp:{present/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{means/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz take/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt time/nn}:np   vp:{to/to send/vb}:vp   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{to/to england/vb}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{nearly/rb}:advp   np:{a/dt week/nn}:np   vp:{to/to get/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt results/nns}:np   advp:{back/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{rt/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{radio/nn}:np   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 584   ID(stc): 1030   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   he said the source of the contamination was a feed manufacturer producing a crumb? a recycled bread and dough mix? that was supplied as an ingredient to farms mixing their own feed.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt feed/nn manufacturer/nn}:np   vp:{producing/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt crumb/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{a/dt recycled/jj bread/nn and/cc dough/nn mix/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd supplied/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt ingredient/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{farms/nns}:np   vp:{mixing/vbg}:vp   np:{their/prp$ own/jj feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 585   ID(stc): 1042   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   the dutch food safety authority hears about the alert and contacts the fsai to say they too have detected dioxins.
   np:{the/dt dutch/jj food/nn safety/nn authority/nn}:np   vp:{hears/vbz}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt alert/jj}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{contacts/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt fsai/nn}:np   vp:{to/to say/vb}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np    advp:{too/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp detected/vbn}:vp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 586   ID(stc): 1043   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   belgian authorities said they had noticed increasing levels of pcbs and dioxins in september and french authorities also indicate concern.
   np:{belgian/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd noticed/vbn increasing/vbg}:vp   np:{levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pcbs/nns and/cc dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{september/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{french/jj authorities/nns}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{indicate/vbp}:vp   np:{concern/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 587   ID(stc): 1045   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   7.30pm: a press conference is held announcing the recall from the market of all irish pork products produced from pigs slaughtered in the state.
   np:{7.30pm/nnp}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   np:{a/dt press/nn conference/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz held/vbn announcing/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt market/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   vp:{slaughtered/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt state/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 588   ID(stc): 1048   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   department of agriculture officials meet with retailers.
   np:{department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn officials/nns}:np   vp:{meet/vbp}:vp    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{retailers/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 589   ID(stc): 1052   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " i think it 's important that we did so in the interest of the consumer and in the interest of public health.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{important/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd}:vp    advp:{so/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   pp:{and/cc}:pp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{public/jj health/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 590   ID(stc): 1054   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the appropriate action in that respect was taken and we move on now," he said.
   np:{the/dt appropriate/jj action/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{that/dt respect/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd taken/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{move/vbp}:vp   advp:{on/in now/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 591   ID(stc): 1055   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the taoiseach said he had returned to dublin from his laois-offaly constituency on saturday and was in the department of agriculture head office when the laboratory confirmation of contamination was confirmed.
   np:{the/dt taoiseach/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd returned/vbn to/to dublin/vb}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{his/prp$ laois-offaly/jj constituency/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{agriculture/nn head/nn office/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt laboratory/nn confirmation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd confirmed/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 592   ID(stc): 1060   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the discovery of the contamination, he said, underlined the effectiveness of procedures in place.
   np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{underlined/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt effectiveness/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{procedures/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{place/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 593   ID(stc): 1065   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " i think it 's important that we do that in the interest of the consumer and in the interest of public health," he said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{important/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   pp:{and/cc}:pp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{public/jj health/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 594   ID(stc): 1068   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   fine gael mep mairead mcguinness, said:" while the identification of the problem in pig meat products may indicate that the monitoring systems are robust, nonetheless, given that the e rules had been tightened in relation to animal feed production following the 1999 belgian dioxin scare, it is difficult to understand, at this stage, how dioxin-like pcbs got into the animal feed system and ultimately into the human food chain."
   np:{fine/jj gael/nn mep/nn mairead/nn mcguinness/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{"/``}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt identification/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{may/md indicate/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt monitoring/nn systems/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{robust/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{nonetheless/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{given/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt e/nn rules/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn tightened/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{relation/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn production/nn}:np   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt 1999/cd belgian/jj dioxin/nn scare/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{difficult/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to understand/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{this/dt stage/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{dioxin-like/jj pcbs/nns}:np   vp:{got/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt animal/nn feed/nn system/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{ultimately/rb}:advp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{the/dt human/jj food/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 595   ID(stc): 1075   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " it appears that pig producers are totally blameless in that they adhered to all licensing rules.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{appears/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{pig/nn producers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{totally/rb blameless/jj}:adjp    pp:{in/in}:pp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{adhered/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{all/dt licensing/nn rules/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 596   ID(stc): 1080   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the group had a meeting yesterday with minister for agriculture brendan smith and mr denihan said afterwards:? it 's very much in the hands of the fsai and the minister? how quickly irish pork is back for sale in retail outlets.
   np:{the/dt group/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt meeting/nn}:np   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{minister/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn brendan/nn smith/nn and/cc mr/nn}:np   undef:{denihan/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{afterwards/rb}:np   undef:{:/:}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp    adjp:{very/rb much/jj}:adjp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt hands/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt minister/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{quickly/rb irish/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{sale/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{retail/jj outlets/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 597   ID(stc): 1081   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   if it was done quickly it would limit the impact from the controversy.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd done/vbn}:vp   advp:{quickly/rb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md limit/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt impact/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt controversy/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 598   ID(stc): 1084   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   non-irish pork was still for sale but? irish consumers want nothing more than to tuck into irish pork?.
   np:{non-irish/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    advp:{still/rb}:advp    pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{sale/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{?/.}:vp   np:{irish/jj consumers/nns}:np   vp:{want/vbp}:vp   np:{nothing/nn}:np   adjp:{more/jjr}:adjp   pp:{than/in}:pp   vp:{to/to tuck/vb}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 599   ID(stc): 1107   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   have terrible desire for a sausage.
   vp:{have/vb}:vp   np:{terrible/jj desire/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt sausage/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 600   ID(stc): 1111   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   today both members of the catering committee are looking pretty pleased with themselves.
   np:{today/nn}:np   np:{both/dt members/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt catering/nn committee/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp looking/vbg}:vp    adjp:{pretty/rb pleased/jj}:adjp    pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{themselves/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 601   ID(stc): 1120   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   there are times, after a couple of glasses of wine in a foreign country, that we might drunkenly say" irish ham is the finest in the world" but these statements are embarrassing and made from a position of total ignorance, shortly before we burst into our version of spancil hill and cry about emigrating, even though we never have.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{glasses/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{wine/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt foreign/jj country/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{that/in}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{might/md drunkenly/rb say/vb}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{irish/jj ham/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt finest/jjs}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt world/nn}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{these/dt statements/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{embarrassing/jj and/cc made/vbn}:adjp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{a/dt position/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{total/jj ignorance/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{shortly/rb}:advp   sbar:{before/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{burst/vbd}:vp   pp:{into/in}:pp   np:{our/prp$ version/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{spancil/nn hill/nn and/cc cry/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   vp:{emigrating/vbg}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{even/rb though/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{never/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 602   ID(stc): 1121   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   what your average consumer does know, though, is that food has become a sort of social bomb, which can explode at the most unfortunate moments; and surely no moment can be more unfortunate than the weeks coming up to christmas.
   np:{what/wp}:np   np:{your/prp$ average/jj consumer/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz know/vb}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{though/in}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{food/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz become/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt sort/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{social/jj bomb/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{can/md explode/vb}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt most/jjs unfortunate/jj moments/nns}:np   undef:{;/:}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{surely/rb}:advp   np:{no/dt moment/nn}:np   vp:{can/md be/vb}:vp    adjp:{more/rbr unfortunate/jj}:adjp    pp:{than/in}:pp   np:{the/dt weeks/nns}:np   vp:{coming/vbg}:vp   advp:{up/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{christmas/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 603   ID(stc): 1125   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   to non-farmers these outbreaks were mysteries; we still do n't know exactly how or why they started or finished.
   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{non-farmers/nns}:np   np:{these/dt outbreaks/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{mysteries/nns}:np   undef:{;/:}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np    advp:{still/rb}:advp    vp:{do/vbp n't/rb know/vb}:vp   np:{exactly/rb how/wrb}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   advp:{why/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{started/vbd or/cc finished/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 604   ID(stc): 1127   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   this makes farmers understandably furious; but even they might admit that consumers only hear about farmers and farming when things go disastrously wrong.
   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{makes/vbz}:vp   np:{farmers/nns}:np   adjp:{understandably/rb furious/jj}:adjp   undef:{;/:}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   advp:{even/rb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{might/md admit/vb}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np    advp:{only/rb}:advp    vp:{hear/vbp}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{farmers/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{farming/vbg}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{things/nns}:np   vp:{go/vbp}:vp   adjp:{disastrously/rb wrong/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 605   ID(stc): 1130   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   then there is the whole organic movement, which is founded on suspicion, and a sure-fire method to guarantee that food became even more of a class indicator than it already was.
   undef:{then/rb}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt whole/jj organic/jj movement/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz founded/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{suspicion/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{a/dt sure-fire/jj method/nn}:np   vp:{to/to guarantee/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{food/nn}:np   vp:{became/vbd}:vp    adjp:{even/rb more/jjr}:adjp    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt class/nn indicator/nn}:np   sbar:{than/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   advp:{already/rb}:advp   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 606   ID(stc): 1132   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a scare like this one over pork products only reinforces this food apartheid.
   np:{a/dt scare/nn}:np    pp:{like/in}:pp    np:{this/dt one/nn}:np   pp:{over/rp}:pp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   np:{only/rb reinforces/nns}:np   np:{this/dt food/nn apartheid/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 607   ID(stc): 1135   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   it will go some way to restoring consumer confidence in the safety of irish produced food, and the consumer might be recaptured sooner than we think.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{will/md go/vb}:vp   np:{some/dt way/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   vp:{restoring/vbg}:vp   np:{consumer/nn confidence/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt safety/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj produced/vbn food/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   vp:{might/md be/vb recaptured/vbn}:vp    advp:{sooner/rbr}:advp    sbar:{than/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 608   ID(stc): 1136   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   an expert group has been put together by the government to help tackle the ongoing controversy over contaminated pork.
   np:{an/dt expert/jj group/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn put/vbn}:vp    advp:{together/rb}:advp    pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{to/to help/vb tackle/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt ongoing/jj controversy/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{contaminated/jj pork/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 609   ID(stc): 1140   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   the situation here is being compared to a similar contamination in belgium in 1999.
   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np    advp:{here/rb}:advp    vp:{is/vbz being/vbg compared/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt similar/jj contamination/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{belgium/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{1999/cd}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 610   ID(stc): 1147   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   although safety agencies in both the k and the irish republic issued assurances that any risk to health was minimal, they also warned consumers not to eat irish pork, and advised shops and restaurants not to sell it.
   sbar:{although/in}:sbar   np:{safety/nn agencies/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{both/dt}:np   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt irish/jj republic/nn}:np   vp:{issued/vbn}:vp   np:{assurances/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{any/dt risk/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{health/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{minimal/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{they/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{warned/vbd}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{advised/vbd}:vp   np:{shops/nns and/cc restaurants/nns}:np   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to sell/vb}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 611   ID(stc): 1149   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   supermarkets across england, scotland and wales have withdrawn from sale" the very small proportion" of irish pork they stock, the british retail consortium said today.
   np:{supermarkets/nns}:np   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{england/nn ,/, scotland/nn and/cc wales/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp withdrawn/vbn}:vp    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{sale/nn}:np   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt very/rb small/jj proportion/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   np:{stock/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt british/jj retail/jj consortium/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{today/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 612   ID(stc): 1150   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokesman for the industry body said 80 % of fresh pork joints sold in mainland britain are produced there, and that the majority of imports come from holland and denmark.
   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt industry/nn body/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{80/cd %/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{fresh/jj pork/nn joints/nns}:np   vp:{sold/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{mainland/nn britain/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp produced/vbn}:vp   advp:{there/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt majority/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{imports/nns}:np   vp:{come/vbp}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{holland/nn and/cc denmark/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 613   ID(stc): 1155   ID(rule): 9033   COVER: 258
   yesterday the british food standards agency advised consumers not to eat pork or pork products such as sausages, bacon, salami and ham, which are labelled as being from the irish republic or northern ireland.
   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   np:{the/dt british/jj food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{advised/vbd}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to eat/vb}:vp   np:{pork/nn or/cc pork/nn products/nns}:np    pp:{such/jj as/in}:pp    np:{sausages/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{bacon/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{salami/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp labelled/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   vp:{being/vbg}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj republic/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{northern/jj ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 614   ID(stc): 1157   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   the agency said it did not believe there was significant risk to k consumers, since adverse health effects were only likely if people are exposed to high levels of the contaminant for long periods.
   np:{the/dt agency/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{did/vbd not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{significant/jj risk/nn}:np   vp:{to/to k/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 615   ID(stc): 1159   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the european commission reacted by saying ireland acted well and quickly, an official saying the commission had the impression that the irish authorities were taking the right measures.
   np:{the/dt european/jj commission/nn}:np   vp:{reacted/vbd}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{acted/vbd}:vp   advp:{well/rb and/cc quickly/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{an/dt official/nn}:np   vp:{saying/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt impression/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt irish/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd taking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt right/jj measures/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 616   ID(stc): 1160   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   the development is regarded as a major emergency for an important sector of irish agriculture which traditionally looks forward to high christmas sales.
   np:{the/dt development/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz regarded/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt major/jj emergency/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{an/dt important/jj sector/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj agriculture/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{traditionally/rb}:advp    vp:{looks/vbz}:vp   advp:{forward/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{high/jj christmas/nn sales/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 617   ID(stc): 1163   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   although the level of dioxin identified is not described as dangerous, it was nonetheless between 80 and 200 times above the legal limits.
   pp:{although/in}:pp   np:{the/dt level/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxin/nn}:np   vp:{identified/vbn}:vp   vp:{is/vbz not/rb described/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   adjp:{dangerous/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    advp:{nonetheless/rb}:advp    pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{80/cd and/cc 200/cd times/nns}:np   pp:{above/in}:pp   np:{the/dt legal/jj limits/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 618   ID(stc): 1164   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   it thus set alarm bells ringing when it was confirmed last week.
   np:{it/prp}:np    advp:{thus/rb}:advp    vp:{set/vbd}:vp   np:{alarm/nn bells/nns}:np   vp:{ringing/vbg}:vp   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd confirmed/vbn}:vp   np:{last/jj week/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 619   ID(stc): 1168   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   both the organisation and farmers said however they expected new stocks of safe pork to be back in the shops by christmas.
   undef:{both/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt organisation/nn and/cc farmers/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   advp:{however/rb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{expected/vbd}:vp   np:{new/jj stocks/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{safe/jj pork/nn}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt shops/nns}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{christmas/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 620   ID(stc): 1170   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   meanwhile minister for food trevor sargent has said identifying the source of contamination would have been achieved more quickly if testing equipment had been available in ireland.
   advp:{meanwhile/rb}:advp   vp:{minister/nn}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{food/nn trevor/nn sargent/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbn identifying/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb been/vbn achieved/vbn}:vp    advp:{more/rbr quickly/rb}:advp    pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{testing/nn equipment/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{available/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 621   ID(stc): 1171   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   samples had to be sent to england for testing.
   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd to/to be/vb sent/vbn}:vp   vp:{to/to england/vb}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{testing/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 622   ID(stc): 1173   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   it would be important to say that there is n't any health danger on the basis of the current exposure, because it would be in line with what would be out there naturally."
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{important/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to say/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    undef:{n't/rb}:undef    np:{any/dt health/nn danger/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt basis/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt current/jj exposure/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{because/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{line/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{what/wp}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb}:vp   prt:{out/in}:prt   advp:{there/rb naturally/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 623   ID(stc): 1174   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   there are suspicions that oil used during the preparation of feed was not of a food grade, as is required.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   np:{suspicions/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{during/in}:pp   np:{the/dt preparation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt food/nn grade/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   vp:{is/vbz required/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 624   ID(stc): 1179   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the move follows the withdrawal of all pork products sold and exported from the republic after a toxic substance was identified in a feed which was supplied to 10 pig farms in the south of the country.
   np:{the/dt move/nn}:np   vp:{follows/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt withdrawal/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{sold/vbn and/cc exported/vbn}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   pp:{after/in}:pp   np:{a/dt toxic/jj substance/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd identified/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt feed/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd supplied/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{10/cd pig/nn farms/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt south/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 625   ID(stc): 1186   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   " there is obviously a large amount of north south movement of these products in ireland and we need to carefully consider the way ahead."
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{obviously/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt large/jj amount/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{north/nn south/jj movement/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{these/dt products/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{need/vbp to/to carefully/rb consider/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt way/nn}:np   advp:{ahead/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 626   ID(stc): 1188   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " i want to ensure the health minister is fully briefed so that decisions can be taken and consumers can be kept informed," she added.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{want/vbp to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt health/nn minister/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz fully/rb briefed/vbn}:vp    advp:{so/rb}:advp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{decisions/nns}:np   vp:{can/md be/vb taken/vbn}:vp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{can/md be/vb kept/vbn}:vp   adjp:{informed/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 627   ID(stc): 1193   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   " from the information that we have at this time, we do not believe there is significant risk to k consumers as adverse health effects from eating the affected products are only likely if people are exposed to relatively high levels of this contaminant for long periods."
   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt information/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{this/dt time/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp not/rb believe/vb}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{significant/jj risk/nn}:np   vp:{to/to k/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{adverse/jj health/nn effects/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{people/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{relatively/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{this/dt contaminant/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{long/jj periods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 628   ID(stc): 1206   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the contamination has been traced back to an ingredient in an animal feed which was used by one supplier in more than 40 farms.
   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn traced/vbn}:vp   advp:{back/rb}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{an/dt ingredient/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{an/dt animal/nn feed/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{was/vbd used/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{one/cd supplier/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{more/jjr than/in 40/cd farms/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 629   ID(stc): 1212   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   once you have logged in and you have tracked a story, by clicking on the red icon the updates will display in the highlighted panel.
   advp:{once/rb}:advp   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp logged/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp tracked/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt story/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{clicking/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{the/dt red/jj icon/nn}:np    np:{the/dt updates/nns}:np   vp:{will/md display/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt highlighted/jj panel/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 630   ID(stc): 1213   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the weather servers are currently busy, please try again in a couple of minutes.
   np:{the/dt weather/nn servers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{currently/rb busy/jj}:adjp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{please/vb try/vb}:vp    advp:{again/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt couple/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{minutes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 631   ID(stc): 1222   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   shops throughout the country have been removing pork products from their shelves and long queues have been forming at service desks in supermarkets as consumers return pork products and get refunds.
   np:{shops/nns}:np    pp:{throughout/in}:pp    np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn removing/vbg}:vp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ shelves/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{long/jj queues/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn forming/vbg}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{service/nn desks/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{supermarkets/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{return/vbp}:vp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{get/vb}:vp   np:{refunds/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 632   ID(stc): 1227   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a statement issued on behalf of the retail chain earlier this afternoon said its beef was free of any risk from the dioxin contamination, as the company had confirmed through its traceability system that none of its beef suppliers had contact with contaminated feed or animals.
   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{issued/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{behalf/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt retail/jj chain/nn}:np   advp:{earlier/rb}:advp   np:{this/dt afternoon/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{its/prp$ beef/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{free/jj}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{any/dt risk/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt dioxin/nn contamination/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt company/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd confirmed/vbn}:vp   pp:{through/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ traceability/nn system/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{none/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{its/prp$ beef/nn suppliers/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{contact/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{contaminated/vbn feed/nn or/cc animals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 633   ID(stc): 1232   ID(rule): 8953   COVER: 36
   the department of agriculture is meeting retailers today to discuss the recall and he said it was" vital that the interests of the consumer be fully taken on board".
   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz meeting/vbg}:vp   np:{retailers/nns}:np    np:{today/nn}:np    vp:{to/to discuss/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   adjp:{vital/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt interests/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt consumer/nn}:np   vp:{be/vb fully/rb taken/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{board/nn}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 634   ID(stc): 1235   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   fine gael spokesman on agriculture, michael creed, said irish householders should be encouraged to seek a refund from retailers rather than binning the products.? this morning in the media irish householders were being encouraged to dispose of all pork and bacon products they may have in their homes due to the fact that they may be contaminated with potentially harmful dioxin-like pcbs," he said.
   np:{fine/jj gael/nn spokesman/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{michael/nn}:np   vp:{creed/vbd}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{irish/jj householders/nns}:np   vp:{should/md be/vb encouraged/vbn to/to seek/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{retailers/nns}:np   pp:{rather/rb than/in}:pp   vp:{binning/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{this/dt morning/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt media/nns irish/jj householders/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd being/vbg encouraged/vbn to/to dispose/vb}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{all/dt pork/nn and/cc bacon/nn products/nns}:np   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ homes/nns}:np   adjp:{due/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt fact/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{may/md be/vb contaminated/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{potentially/rb harmful/jj dioxin-like/jj pcbs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 635   ID(stc): 1240   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in the case of pork meat or other food products containing pork, consumers are entitled to a refund as a repair or replacement does not apply in this instant," said chief executive of the national consumer agency, anne fitzgerald.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt case/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{pork/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj food/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{containing/vbg}:vp   np:{pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt repair/nn or/cc replacement/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb apply/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt instant/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{chief/jj executive/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt national/jj consumer/nn agency/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{anne/dt fitzgerald/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 636   ID(stc): 1242   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   a spokeswoman for the fsai said it had been advised by the environmental protection agency that? there is no issue? in connection with consumers disposing of the pork products as part of a regular refuse collection.
   np:{a/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn advised/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt environmental/jj protection/nn agency/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{?/.}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{no/dt issue/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{connection/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{disposing/vbg}:vp   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt regular/jj refuse/nn collection/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 637   ID(stc): 1244   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   the spokeswoman did say that the fsai preference was for consumers to return all affected products to the point of purchase where they could get a refund.
   np:{the/dt spokeswoman/nn}:np   vp:{did/vbd say/vb}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt fsai/jj preference/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{to/to return/vb}:vp   np:{all/dt affected/jj products/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt point/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{purchase/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md get/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 638   ID(stc): 1245   ID(rule): 8247   COVER: 34
   she said retailers had been asked not to put recalled products in landfill but to return them to the supply chain where they could be rendered as part of the normal animal waste disposal programmes.
   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{retailers/nns}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn asked/vbn}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   vp:{to/to put/vb}:vp    np:{recalled/vbn products/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{landfill/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to return/vb}:vp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt supply/nn chain/nn}:np   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb rendered/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt normal/jj animal/nn waste/nn disposal/nn programmes/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 639   ID(stc): 1250   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   iraqi police acting on tips also found the remains of 27 people in two mass graves saturday in separate areas.
   np:{iraqi/vbn police/nn}:np   vp:{acting/vbg}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{tips/nns}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{found/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt remains/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{27/cd people/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{two/cd mass/nn graves/nns saturday/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{separate/jj areas/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 640   ID(stc): 1259   ID(rule): 8913   COVER: 28
   special report six videos and scores of photos capture the sorrows and hopes of the boys of christ child house.
   np:{special/jj report/nn}:np   np:{six/cd videos/nns and/cc scores/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{photos/nns}:np    vp:{capture/nn}:vp   np:{the/dt sorrows/nns and/cc hopes/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt boys/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{christ/jj child/nn house/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 641   ID(stc): 1268   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   consumers in the k worried about the latest scare about dioxins in irish pig meat products should check the labels of any pork, bacon or ham in their fridge or freezer.
   np:{consumers/nns}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   vp:{worried/vbn}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{the/dt latest/jjs scare/nn}:np   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pig/nn meat/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{should/md check/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt labels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{any/dt pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn or/cc ham/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{their/prp$ fridge/nn or/cc freezer/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 642   ID(stc): 1269   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the alert is also over sausages, ham used on pizza toppings, gammon, salamis, sausage rolls, pig offal, black and white pudding and any ready meal using irish pig meat.
   np:{the/dt alert/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{sausages/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ham/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{pizza/nn toppings/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{gammon/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{salamis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn rolls/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{pig/nn offal/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{black/jj and/cc white/jj pudding/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{any/dt ready/jj meal/nn}:np   vp:{using/vbg}:vp   np:{irish/jj pig/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 643   ID(stc): 1274   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   dioxins which are linked to cancer are only a risk to human health if a person is exposed to them over a long period of time - many months if not years.
   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp linked/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{cancer/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    advp:{only/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt risk/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{human/jj health/nn}:np   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{a/dt person/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz exposed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{them/prp}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp   np:{a/dt long/jj period/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{time/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   np:{many/jj months/nns}:np   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{not/rb years/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 644   ID(stc): 1275   ID(rule): 9317   COVER: 62
   scientific experts at the food standards agency have made clear that even if someone has been eating some contaminated product over the past three months the risk to an individual eating a balanced diet will be very low.
   np:{scientific/jj experts/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt food/nn standards/nns agency/nn}:np   vp:{have/vbp made/vbn}:vp   adjp:{clear/jj}:adjp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   advp:{even/rb}:advp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{someone/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn eating/vbg}:vp   np:{some/dt contaminated/vbn product/nn}:np   pp:{over/in}:pp    np:{the/dt past/jj three/cd months/nns}:np    np:{the/dt risk/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{an/dt individual/nn}:np   vp:{eating/vbg}:vp   np:{a/dt balanced/jj diet/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{very/rb low/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 645   ID(stc): 1276   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   the incident is clearly a massive problem for irish farmers especially as the food alert coincides just before the festive season when sales of pork, bacon and ham are popular.
   np:{the/dt incident/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{clearly/rb}:advp    np:{a/dt massive/jj problem/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj farmers/nns}:np   advp:{especially/rb}:advp   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt food/nn alert/nn}:np   vp:{coincides/vbz}:vp   advp:{just/rb}:advp   pp:{before/in}:pp   np:{the/dt festive/jj season/nn}:np   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{sales/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn and/cc ham/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{popular/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 646   ID(stc): 1279   ID(rule): 8620   COVER: 27
   but farmers here have been unable to compete on price with the cheap imports of pork, bacon and ham, mainly from denmark, belgium and the netherlands, where welfare standards are lower.
   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{farmers/nns}:np    advp:{here/rb}:advp    vp:{have/vbp been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{unable/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to compete/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{price/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt cheap/jj imports/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn ,/, bacon/nn and/cc ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{mainly/rb}:advp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{denmark/nn ,/, belgium/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt netherlands/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{where/wrb}:advp   np:{welfare/nn standards/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{lower/jjr}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 647   ID(stc): 1280   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the k pig sector has halved in a decade - from 800,000 breeding sows to 400,000 today - and the future viability of the industry is the subject of a new parliamentary inquiry.
   np:{the/dt k/nn pig/nn sector/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz halved/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt decade/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{800,000/cd}:np   vp:{breeding/vbg}:vp   np:{sows/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{400,000/cd today/nn}:np   undef:{-/:}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt future/jj viability/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt subject/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt new/jj parliamentary/jj inquiry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 648   ID(stc): 1281   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   jamie oliver has already decided to champion the plight of the k pig farmer in a channel 4 series being launched in the new year.
   np:{jamie/nn oliver/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz already/rb decided/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{champion/nn}:np   np:{the/dt plight/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn pig/nn farmer/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt channel/nn 4/cd series/nn}:np   vp:{being/vbg launched/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt new/jj year/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 649   ID(stc): 1284   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   keep loving ireland you britishers, but if you do n't want to eat irish pork for a while that 's fair enough.
   vp:{keep/vb loving/vbg}:vp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   np:{you/prp britishers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{do/vbp n't/rb want/vb to/to eat/vb}:vp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{a/dt while/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{'s/vbz}:vp   adjp:{fair/jj enough/rb}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 650   ID(stc): 1288   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   of course we use ireland, that is the name of the country.
   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{course/nn}:np   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{use/vbp}:vp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt name/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 651   ID(stc): 1298   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   please read our. to inquire about a licence to reproduce material from times online, the times or the sunday times, click. this website is published by a member of the news international group.
   vp:{please/vb read/vb}:vp   np:{our/prp$ ./.}:np   vp:{to/to inquire/vb}:vp   pp:{about/in}:pp   np:{a/dt licence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to reproduce/vb}:vp   np:{material/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{times/nns}:np   advp:{online/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt times/nns}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt sunday/nn times/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{click/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   np:{this/dt website/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz published/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{a/dt member/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt news/nn international/jj group/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 652   ID(stc): 1311   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ' in the case of pork meat or other food products containing pork, consumers are entitled to a refund as a repair or replacement does not apply in this instant.
   undef:{'/''}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt case/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{pork/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{or/cc}:undef   np:{other/jj food/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{containing/vbg}:vp   np:{pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt repair/nn or/cc replacement/nn}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb apply/vb}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{this/dt instant/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 653   ID(stc): 1316   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   tesco has said customers can get a full refund for tesco pork products with or without receipt.
   np:{tesco/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbn}:vp   np:{customers/nns}:np   vp:{can/md get/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt full/jj refund/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{tesco/nn pork/nn products/nns}:np   pp:{with/in or/cc}:pp   pp:{without/in}:pp   np:{receipt/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 654   ID(stc): 1327   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   as all irish pigs are slaughtered and processed at the same processing plants, it is impossible to differentiate between products that have tested positive and those that have not.
   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{all/dt irish/jj pigs/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp slaughtered/vbn and/cc processed/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt same/jj processing/nn plants/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{impossible/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to differentiate/vb}:vp    pp:{between/in}:pp    np:{products/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp tested/vbn}:vp   adjp:{positive/jj}:adjp   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{those/dt}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{have/vbp}:vp   undef:{not/rb}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 655   ID(stc): 1328   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in the interest of consumer safety, all pork and pork products have therefore been recalled.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt interest/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{consumer/nn safety/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{all/dt pork/nn and/cc pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp therefore/rb been/vbn recalled/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 656   ID(stc): 1334   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   animal feed, from one source, which recently tested positive for dioxins, was distributed to a number of pig farms and fed to the pigs.
   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{one/cd source/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np    advp:{recently/rb}:advp    vp:{tested/vbd}:vp   adjp:{positive/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{was/vbd distributed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn farms/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{fed/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt pigs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 657   ID(stc): 1339   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   there is evidence to suggest that exposure to dioxins at very high levels ( following industrial accidents ) has been associated with an increase in the incidence of cancer in humans.
   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{evidence/nn}:np   vp:{to/to suggest/vb}:vp    sbar:{that/in}:sbar    np:{exposure/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{very/rb high/jj levels/nns}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   vp:{following/vbg}:vp   np:{industrial/jj accidents/nns}:np   undef:{)/-rrb-}:undef   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn associated/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{an/dt increase/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt incidence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{cancer/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{humans/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 658   ID(stc): 1341   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   maximum levels ( mls ) for dioxins are set by commission regulation no 1881/2006, the framework e legislation which sets maximum levels for chemical contaminants in foodstuffs.
   np:{maximum/jj levels/nns}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   np:{mls/nns}:np   vp:{)/-rrb-}:vp    sbar:{for/in}:sbar    np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp set/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{commission/nn regulation/nn}:np   np:{no/dt 1881/2006/cd}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt framework/nn e/nn legislation/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{sets/vbz}:vp   np:{maximum/jj levels/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{chemical/nn contaminants/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{foodstuffs/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 659   ID(stc): 1342   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   mls are set at a very low level ( as low as reasonably achievable for the particular foodstuff in question ), in order to ensure that consumers' health is not affected by consuming these products.
   np:{mls/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp set/vbn}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{a/dt very/rb low/jj level/nn}:np   undef:{(/-lrb-}:undef   adjp:{as/rb low/jj}:adjp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{reasonably/rb achievable/jj}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt particular/jj foodstuff/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{question/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{in/in}:sbar   undef:{order/nn}:undef   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{consumers/nns}:np   np:{'/pos health/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz not/rb affected/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   vp:{consuming/vbg}:vp   np:{these/dt products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 660   ID(stc): 1344   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   separate legislation applies to levels of dioxins and pcbs in animal feeds, since this is another important source of contamination of the human food chain.
   np:{separate/jj legislation/nn}:np   vp:{applies/vbz}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{levels/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns and/cc pcbs/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn}:np   vp:{feeds/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{since/in}:sbar   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{another/dt important/jj source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt human/jj food/nn chain/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 661   ID(stc): 1349   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   samples were sent to a laboratory in the k for further analysis to determine if there were dioxins present.
   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd sent/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt laboratory/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{further/jj analysis/nn}:np   vp:{to/to determine/vb}:vp   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   advp:{present/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 662   ID(stc): 1351   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   is any routine sampling carried out or was this found by accident?
   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{any/dt routine/jj sampling/nn}:np   vp:{carried/vbd}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   undef:{or/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{found/vbn}:vp    pp:{by/in}:pp    np:{accident/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 663   ID(stc): 1354   ID(rule): 8594   COVER: 84
   previously, the results of these checks have shown that the levels in irish food are generally low compared with other industrialised countries.
   advp:{previously/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt results/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{these/dt checks/nns}:np   vp:{have/vbp shown/vbn}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt levels/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj food/nn}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{generally/rb low/jj}:adjp    pp:{compared/vbn}:pp   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{other/jj industrialised/jj countries/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 664   ID(stc): 1363   ID(rule): 8594   COVER: 84
   to ensure consumers are fully protected, this maximum intake level also incorporates very large safety margins compared to any level that might cause effects in experimental animals.
   vp:{to/to ensure/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp fully/rb protected/vbn}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{this/dt maximum/nn intake/nn level/nn}:np   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{incorporates/vbz}:vp    np:{very/rb large/jj safety/nn margins/nns}:np    vp:{compared/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{any/dt level/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{might/md cause/vb}:vp   np:{effects/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{experimental/jj animals/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 665   ID(stc): 1371   ID(rule): 8551   COVER: 28
   it is also illegal in foods.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{also/rb}:advp    adjp:{illegal/jj}:adjp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{foods/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 666   ID(stc): 1380   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   ' investigations involving the department of agriculture, fisheries and food ( daff ) and the fsai are continuing to determine the extent of the contamination and to identify the processors and products involved.
   np:{'/pos investigations/nns}:np   vp:{involving/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp continuing/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt processors/nns and/cc products/nns}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 667   ID(stc): 1392   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   samples sent to the k for analysis came back on saturday afternoon and confirmed the presence of up to 200 times the legal limit for dioxins in some meat samples.
   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{sent/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{analysis/nn}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{saturday/nn afternoon/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt presence/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{up/rb to/to 200/cd times/nns}:np   np:{the/dt legal/jj limit/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{some/dt meat/nn samples/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 668   ID(stc): 1400   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the source of the contamination is animal feed from an identified supplier.
   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{animal/jj feed/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{an/dt identified/vbn supplier/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 669   ID(stc): 1415   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the onus is always on manufacturers and their distributors to sell products which are safe.
   np:{the/dt onus/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{always/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{manufacturers/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{their/prp$ distributors/nns}:np   vp:{to/to sell/vb}:vp   np:{products/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp   adjp:{safe/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 670   ID(stc): 1417   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   in addition, under consumer law, you are also entitled to a refund from the shop if you buy a defective product? and all pork currently on irish shelves has been deemed defective.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{addition/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{under/in}:pp   np:{consumer/nn law/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{are/vbp also/rb entitled/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{a/dt refund/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{the/dt shop/nn}:np   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{you/prp}:np   vp:{buy/vbp}:vp   np:{a/dt defective/jj product/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   undef:{all/dt}:undef   vp:{pork/nn}:vp    advp:{currently/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj shelves/nns}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn deemed/vbn}:vp   advp:{defective/jj}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 671   ID(stc): 1429   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the fsai said all pork, bacon, rashers, pork sausages, sausage meat, gammon steaks, offal from pigs, salami, ham, sausage rolls, black and white pudding, and ready meals with irish pork/bacon as an ingredient would have to be destroyed.
   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{all/dt pork/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{bacon/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{rashers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{pork/nn sausages/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn meat/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{gammon/jj steaks/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{offal/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{pigs/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{salami/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{ham/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{sausage/nn rolls/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{black/jj and/cc white/jj pudding/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{ready/jj meals/nns}:np    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{irish/jj pork/bacon/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{an/dt ingredient/nn}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb to/to be/vb destroyed/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 672   ID(stc): 1430   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   this afternoon the fsai said a contaminated ingredient added to pork feed had been identified as the source of the scare, and said it was now considered that the profile of dioxins found is similar to those found in electronic transformer oils.
   np:{this/dt afternoon/nn}:np   np:{the/dt fsai/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt contaminated/jj ingredient/nn}:np   vp:{added/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{pork/nn feed/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn identified/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt scare/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{was/vbd now/rb considered/vbn}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt profile/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{found/vbn}:vp   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{similar/jj}:adjp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{those/dt}:np   vp:{found/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{electronic/jj transformer/nn oils/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 673   ID(stc): 1436   ID(rule): 8525   COVER: 28
   the fsai ceo dr alan reilly has said only prolonged high level exposure could give cause for concern and said the total recall was precautionary.
   np:{the/dt fsai/jj ceo/nn dr/nn alan/nn}:np    advp:{reilly/rb}:advp    vp:{has/vbz said/vbn}:vp   np:{only/rb prolonged/vbn high/jj level/nn exposure/nn}:np   vp:{could/md give/vb}:vp   np:{cause/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{concern/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt total/jj recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{precautionary/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 674   ID(stc): 1441   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   1890336677 and has added further information about the recall and the potential consequences to its website, www.fsai .ie.
   np:{1890336677/cd}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{has/vbz added/vbn}:vp   np:{further/jj information/nn}:np    pp:{about/in}:pp    np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt potential/jj consequences/nns}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{its/prp$ website/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{www.fsai/nnp .ie/nnp}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 675   ID(stc): 1443   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the discovery of dioxins in irish pigs has been described as the biggest crisis to hit the agri-sector since the foot and mouth outbreak or bse.
   np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pigs/nns}:np   vp:{has/vbz been/vbn described/vbn}:vp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{the/dt biggest/jjs crisis/nn}:np   vp:{to/to hit/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt agri-sector/nn}:np    sbar:{since/in}:sbar    np:{the/dt foot/nn and/cc mouth/nn outbreak/nn or/cc bse/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 676   ID(stc): 1444   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   the president of the irish farmers?
   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt irish/jj farmers/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef

ID: 677   ID(stc): 1445   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   association ( ifa ), padraig walshe described the pork recall as? an absolute disaster? at an important time of the year for the pig sector but expressed the hope that pig meat free from any contamination could be back on irish shelves within a matter of days.
   np:{association/nn (/-lrb- ifa/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{padraig/nn}:np   vp:{walshe/vbd described/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt pork/nn recall/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{?/.

 an/dt absolute/jj disaster/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{an/dt important/jj time/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt year/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pig/nn sector/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{expressed/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt hope/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meat/nn}:np   vp:{free/jj}:vp   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{any/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj shelves/nns}:np   pp:{within/in}:pp   np:{a/dt matter/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 678   ID(stc): 1449   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   an iapp spokesman said processors recognised the intention of the full recall was to move quickly to reassure consumers that the limited amount of product in the overall system that may have contamination was thoroughly dealt with.
   np:{an/dt iapp/nn spokesman/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{processors/nns}:np   vp:{recognised/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt intention/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt full/jj recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd to/to move/vb}:vp   advp:{quickly/rb}:advp   vp:{to/to reassure/vb}:vp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt limited/jj amount/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{product/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt overall/jj system/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb}:vp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd thoroughly/rb dealt/vbn}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 679   ID(stc): 1450   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the labour party said the discovery of the contamination in pig carcasses was a cause of concern for consumers, producers and everyone involved in the irish food industry.
   np:{the/dt labour/nn party/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt discovery/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn carcasses/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt cause/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{concern/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{consumers/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{producers/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{everyone/nn}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj food/nn industry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 680   ID(stc): 1452   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   however, while he said consumer health and welfare was the priority in this matter, he called on the government to try to save the seasonal ham and pork market.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   sbar:{while/in}:sbar   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{consumer/nn health/nn and/cc welfare/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt priority/nn}:np    pp:{in/in}:pp    np:{this/dt matter/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{called/vbd}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{the/dt government/nn}:np   vp:{to/to try/vb to/to save/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt seasonal/jj ham/nn and/cc pork/nn market/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 681   ID(stc): 1453   ID(rule): 8574   COVER: 25
   " we will now find out if irish food is indeed as traceable as they have been telling us it is.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{will/md now/rb find/vb}:vp   prt:{out/rp}:prt   np:{if/in irish/jj food/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp    advp:{indeed/rb}:advp    adjp:{as/rb traceable/jj}:adjp   sbar:{as/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn telling/vbg}:vp   np:{us/prp}:np   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 682   ID(stc): 1454   ID(rule): 8590   COVER: 54
   if it is, we should be a position to establish precisely which producers processed this contaminated meat, and therefore should be able to contain the problem, on that basis, at least to some extent." he said.
   sbar:{if/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{should/md be/vb}:vp   np:{a/dt position/nn}:np   vp:{to/to establish/vb}:vp    np:{precisely/rb which/wdt producers/nns}:np    vp:{processed/vbd}:vp   np:{this/dt contaminated/jj meat/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   advp:{therefore/rb}:advp   vp:{should/md be/vb}:vp   adjp:{able/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to contain/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt problem/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{that/dt basis/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{at/in least/jjs}:advp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{some/dt extent/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 683   ID(stc): 1457   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   he also called for an explanation as to how the contamination came about, and said an independent investigation was necessary to restore confidence in the industry.
   np:{he/prp}:np    advp:{also/rb}:advp    vp:{called/vbd}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{an/dt explanation/nn}:np   pp:{as/in}:pp   pp:{to/to}:pp   advp:{how/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   advp:{about/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{an/dt independent/jj investigation/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{necessary/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to restore/vb}:vp   np:{confidence/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt industry/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 684   ID(stc): 1458   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   " it appears that pig producers are totally blameless in that they adhered to all licensing rules.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{appears/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{pig/nn producers/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp}:vp    adjp:{totally/rb blameless/jj}:adjp    pp:{in/in}:pp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{adhered/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{all/dt licensing/nn rules/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 685   ID(stc): 1461   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   fine gael 's deputy spokesman on agriculture, andrew doyle, said the recall highlighted" significant inadequacies" in the system.? there is no disputing the fact that traceability of food in ireland has improved considerably in recent years.
   np:{fine/jj gael/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos deputy/nn spokesman/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{andrew/cc}:undef   np:{doyle/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   vp:{highlighted/vbd}:vp   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{significant/jj inadequacies/nns}:np   undef:{"/''}:undef   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt system/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{no/dt disputing/vbg}:np   np:{the/dt fact/nn}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{traceability/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{food/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz improved/vbn}:vp    advp:{considerably/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{recent/jj years/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 686   ID(stc): 1465   ID(rule): 8594   COVER: 84
   however, food & drink export ireland ( fdei ), which is part of the irish exporters association ( iea ), said it is? extremely concerned?, and warned that it could extend beyond the direct pig meat export market.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{food/nn &/cc drink/nn export/nn ireland/nn}:np   np:{(/-lrb- fdei/fw )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   np:{part/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt irish/jj exporters/nns association/nn}:np   pp:{(/-lrb-}:pp   np:{iea/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz ?/.}:vp    undef:{extremely/rb}:undef    vp:{concerned/vbn}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{warned/vbd}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{could/md extend/vb}:vp   pp:{beyond/in}:pp   np:{the/dt direct/jj pig/nn meat/nn export/nn market/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 687   ID(stc): 1469   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   millstream power recycling limited is located just outside fenagh, co carlow.
   np:{millstream/vb power/nn recycling/nn limited/jj}:np   vp:{is/vbz located/vbn}:vp    advp:{just/rb}:advp    pp:{outside/in}:pp   np:{fenagh/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{co/nn carlow/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 688   ID(stc): 1470   ID(rule): 8587   COVER: 29
   it is understood that all production at the plant was stopped earlier this week, when the possibility of a link between it and the contaminated feed was first made.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz understood/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{all/dt production/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{the/dt plant/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd stopped/vbn}:vp    advp:{earlier/rbr}:advp    np:{this/dt week/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   advp:{when/wrb}:advp   np:{the/dt possibility/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt link/nn}:np   pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{it/prp}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt contaminated/vbn feed/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd first/rb made/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 689   ID(stc): 1471   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   millstream power recycling ltd confirmed tonight that it is working with department of agriculture and food officials to identify the source of pcbs found in pig meal.
   np:{millstream/vb power/nn recycling/nn ltd/nn}:np   vp:{confirmed/vbd}:vp   np:{tonight/nn}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz working/vbg}:vp    pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn and/cc food/nn officials/nns}:np   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pcbs/nns}:np   vp:{found/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn meal/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 690   ID(stc): 1474   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   mr curtin said oil is used to power the machinery that processes the food stuff, but he does not know yet if this could be the source of the contamination.
   np:{mr/nn curtin/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz used/vbn}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{power/nn}:np   np:{the/dt machinery/nn}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{processes/vbz}:vp   np:{the/dt food/nn stuff/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{but/cc}:undef   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{does/vbz not/rb know/vb}:vp    advp:{yet/rb}:advp    pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{this/dt}:np   vp:{could/md be/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 691   ID(stc): 1475   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   meanwhile, the taoiseach has indicated that pork products that are not affected by contamination will be back on supermarket shelves around the country within days.
   advp:{meanwhile/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{the/dt taoiseach/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz indicated/vbn}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   np:{that/wdt}:np   vp:{are/vbp not/rb affected/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{will/md be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{supermarket/nn shelves/nns}:np   pp:{around/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np   pp:{within/in}:pp   np:{days/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 692   ID(stc): 1479   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   minister for food trevor sargent has said identifying the source of contamination of irish pork with a chemical dioxin would have been quicker if dioxin monitoring equipment had been available here instead of having to send samples to england for testing.
   np:{minister/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{food/nn trevor/nn sargent/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbn identifying/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt source/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{irish/jj pork/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{a/dt chemical/nn dioxin/nn}:np   vp:{would/md have/vb been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{quicker/jjr}:adjp   pp:{if/in}:pp   np:{dioxin/nn monitoring/nn equipment/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{available/jj here/rb instead/rb}:adjp   pp:{of/in}:pp   vp:{having/vbg to/to send/vb}:vp   np:{samples/nns}:np   vp:{to/to england/vb}:vp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{testing/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 693   ID(stc): 1481   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he said there were suspicions that oil used in the preparation of animal feed at one licensed mill was not of a food grade and may have been responsible for the contamination of pork.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   np:{suspicions/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{oil/nn}:np   vp:{used/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt preparation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{animal/nn feed/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{one/cd}:np   vp:{licensed/vbd}:vp   np:{mill/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp    undef:{not/rb}:undef    pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{a/dt food/nn grade/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{may/md have/vb been/vbn}:vp   adjp:{responsible/jj}:adjp   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 694   ID(stc): 1482   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   aidan cotter, chief executive of bord bia, said he had full confidence in the authorities and recovery would be helped by the speed with which the authorities reacted.
   np:{aidan/nn cotter/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{chief/jj executive/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{bord/nn bia/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{full/jj confidence/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt authorities/nns and/cc recovery/nn}:np   vp:{would/md be/vb helped/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{the/dt speed/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{which/wdt}:np   np:{the/dt authorities/nns}:np   vp:{reacted/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 695   ID(stc): 1487   ID(rule): 9176   COVER: 39
   speaking on rt? radio this morning, fsa deputy chief executive alan reilly the total recall was necessary as a precautionary measure to remove all pork products.
   vp:{speaking/vbg}:vp    pp:{on/in}:pp    np:{rt/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   vp:{radio/nn}:vp   np:{this/dt morning/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fsa/nn deputy/nn chief/nn executive/nn alan/nn}:np   advp:{reilly/rb}:advp   np:{the/dt total/jj recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   adjp:{necessary/jj}:adjp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{a/dt precautionary/jj measure/nn}:np   vp:{to/to remove/vb}:vp   np:{all/dt pork/nn products/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 696   ID(stc): 1488   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   he said he expected pork products to be back in the shops by christmas.
   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{he/prp}:np   vp:{expected/vbd}:vp   np:{pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp    advp:{back/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt shops/nns}:np   pp:{by/in}:pp   np:{christmas/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 697   ID(stc): 1496   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   however, a major operation lies ahead in locating and destroying the pig meat which is in circulation at present.
   advp:{however/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt major/jj operation/nn}:np   vp:{lies/vbz}:vp    advp:{ahead/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{locating/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{destroying/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt pig/nn meat/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{circulation/nn}:np   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{present/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 698   ID(stc): 1497   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the european commission has said ireland acted well and quickly in response to the situation.
   np:{the/dt european/jj commission/nn}:np   vp:{has/vbz said/vbd}:vp   np:{ireland/nn}:np   vp:{acted/vbd}:vp    advp:{well/rb and/cc quickly/rb}:advp    pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{response/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt situation/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 699   ID(stc): 1498   ID(rule): 9206   COVER: 31
   an official said the commission had the impression that the irish authorities were taking the right measures.
   np:{an/dt official/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt commission/nn}:np   vp:{had/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt impression/nn}:np    pp:{that/in}:pp    np:{the/dt irish/jj authorities/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd taking/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt right/jj measures/nns}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 700   ID(stc): 1500   ID(rule): 8913   COVER: 28
   in a statement issued tonight, defra said it is in close contact with the fsa and understands that the authority is meeting with industry representatives tomorrow to continue its evaluation of the potential implications for britain and trace any farms which may have used contaminated feed.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{issued/vbd}:vp   advp:{tonight/rb}:advp   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{defra/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{close/jj contact/nn}:np   pp:{with/in}:pp   np:{the/dt fsa/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{understands/vbz}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt authority/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz meeting/vbg}:vp   pp:{with/in}:pp    np:{industry/nn representatives/nns}:np    adjp:{tomorrow/nn}:adjp   vp:{to/to continue/vb}:vp   np:{its/prp$ evaluation/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt potential/jj implications/nns}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{britain/jj}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{trace/vb}:vp   np:{any/dt farms/nns}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{may/md have/vb used/vbn contaminated/vbn}:vp   np:{feed/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 701   ID(stc): 1503   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the european commission says e veterinary experts will meet on tuesday and wednesday to assess the fallout from the dioxin scare.
   np:{the/dt european/jj commission/nn}:np   vp:{says/vbz}:vp   np:{e/nn veterinary/jj experts/nns}:np   vp:{will/md meet/vb}:vp   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{tuesday/jj and/cc wednesday/nnp}:np   vp:{to/to assess/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt fallout/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt dioxin/nn scare/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 702   ID(stc): 1506   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the e also set up a rapid alert system so that member states would informed immediately there was a problem of contamination discovered anywhere within europe.
   np:{the/dt e/nn}:np   advp:{also/rb}:advp   vp:{set/vbd}:vp   prt:{up/rp}:prt   np:{a/dt rapid/jj alert/jj system/nn}:np   pp:{so/in}:pp   np:{that/dt member/nn states/nns}:np   vp:{would/md informed/vbn}:vp   advp:{immediately/rb}:advp   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt problem/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{contamination/nn}:np   vp:{discovered/vbn}:vp    advp:{anywhere/rb}:advp    pp:{within/in}:pp   np:{europe/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 703   ID(stc): 1512   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the authority made the recall announcement after pig meat on a number of farms was found to have had between 80 and 200 times more dioxins that the recognised safety limit.
   np:{the/dt authority/nn}:np   vp:{made/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn announcement/nn}:np    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{pig/nn meat/nn}:np   pp:{on/in}:pp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{farms/nns}:np   vp:{was/vbd found/vbn to/to have/vb had/vbn}:vp   pp:{between/in}:pp   np:{80/cd and/cc 200/cd times/nns more/jjr dioxins/nns}:np   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt recognised/jj safety/nn limit/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 704   ID(stc): 1515   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   the recall in the republic affects all products produced since september 1st and will have very severe repercussions for the state 's pork industry which is worth close to half a billion euro annually.
   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt republic/nn}:np   vp:{affects/vbz}:vp   np:{all/dt products/nns}:np   vp:{produced/vbn}:vp   pp:{since/in}:pp   np:{september/nn 1st/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{will/md have/vb}:vp    np:{very/rb severe/jj repercussions/nns}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt state/nn}:np   np:{'s/pos pork/nn industry/nn}:np   np:{which/wdt}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{worth/jj}:adjp   np:{close/rb to/to half/pdt a/dt billion/cd euro/nn}:np   advp:{annually/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 705   ID(stc): 1518   ID(rule): 8913   COVER: 28
   the contamination first came to light last monday but was only confirmed by government officials yesterday afternoon.
   np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   advp:{first/rb}:advp   vp:{came/vbd}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{light/nn last/jj monday/nn}:np   undef:{but/cc}:undef   vp:{was/vbd only/rb confirmed/vbn}:vp   pp:{by/in}:pp    np:{government/nn officials/nns}:np    np:{yesterday/nn afternoon/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 706   ID(stc): 1523   ID(rule): 8618   COVER: 58
   we 've outlined the actions that we 're taking on recall of pork and bacon following the receipt of the laboratory results ealier [ yesterday ] evening.
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp outlined/vbn}:vp   np:{the/dt actions/nns}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'re/vbp taking/vbg}:vp   np:{on/rp recall/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{pork/nn and/cc bacon/nn}:np   pp:{following/vbg}:pp   np:{the/dt receipt/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt laboratory/nn results/nns}:np    advp:{ealier/rb}:advp    vp:{[/vbd}:vp   np:{yesterday/nn}:np   vp:{]/vbd}:vp   np:{evening/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 707   ID(stc): 1524   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " the issue of beef involvement is very different.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{the/dt issue/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{beef/nn involvement/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{very/rb different/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 708   ID(stc): 1536   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   rod evans, a spokesman for the fsai told that the health risks were likely to be? very small? and said a short period? of higher level exposure to the dioxins is unlikely to have any health consequences?.
   np:{rod/nn evans/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{a/dt spokesman/nn}:np    pp:{for/in}:pp    np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{told/vbd}:vp   np:{}:np   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{the/dt health/nn risks/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd}:vp   adjp:{likely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to be/vb}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{very/rb}:undef   adjp:{small/jj}:adjp   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{a/dt short/jj period/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{higher/jjr level/nn exposure/nn}:np   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt dioxins/nns}:np   vp:{is/vbz}:vp   adjp:{unlikely/jj}:adjp   vp:{to/to have/vb}:vp   np:{any/dt health/nn consequences/nns}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 709   ID(stc): 1538   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   " i think we 've acted in a timely fashion given that the confirmation happened at 3.40 this afternoon from the laboratories in york in the k," she said.
   undef:{"/``}:undef   np:{i/prp}:np   vp:{think/vbp}:vp   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{'ve/vbp acted/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{a/dt timely/jj fashion/nn}:np   vp:{given/vbn}:vp   pp:{that/in}:pp   np:{the/dt confirmation/nn}:np   vp:{happened/vbd}:vp   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{3.40/cd}:np   np:{this/dt afternoon/nn}:np    pp:{from/in}:pp    np:{the/dt laboratories/nns}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{york/nn}:np   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{the/dt k/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef   np:{she/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 710   ID(stc): 1541   ID(rule): 8586   COVER: 54
   we hope that that can happen as quickly as possible provided they operate to the highest possible standards as far as public health is concerned."
   np:{we/prp}:np   vp:{hope/vbp}:vp   sbar:{that/in}:sbar   np:{that/dt}:np   vp:{can/md happen/vb}:vp    advp:{as/rb quickly/rb}:advp    pp:{as/in}:pp   adjp:{possible/jj}:adjp   vp:{provided/vbn}:vp   np:{they/prp}:np   vp:{operate/vbp}:vp   pp:{to/to}:pp   np:{the/dt highest/jjs possible/jj standards/nns}:np   advp:{as/rb far/rb}:advp   pp:{as/in}:pp   np:{public/jj health/nn}:np   vp:{is/vbz concerned/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef   undef:{"/''}:undef

ID: 711   ID(stc): 1542   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the president of the ifa padraig walshe said the recall was? an absolute disaster? at an? important time of the year for the pig sector?.
   np:{the/dt president/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt ifa/nn padraig/nn}:np   undef:{walshe/,}:undef   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{the/dt recall/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd}:vp   undef:{?/.}:undef   np:{an/dt absolute/jj disaster/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   pp:{at/in}:pp   np:{an/dt ?/.

 important/jj time/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{the/dt year/nn}:np   pp:{for/in}:pp   np:{the/dt pig/nn sector/nn}:np   undef:{?/.}:undef   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 712   ID(stc): 1545   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   the statement said investigations involving the department of agriculture, fisheries and food ( daff ) and the fsai were continuing to determine the extent of the contamination and to identify the processors and products involved.
   np:{the/dt statement/nn}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{investigations/nns}:np   vp:{involving/vbg}:vp   np:{the/dt department/nn}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{agriculture/nn}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{fisheries/nns}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{food/nn (/-lrb- daff/nn )/-rrb-}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   np:{the/dt fsai/nns}:np   vp:{were/vbd continuing/vbg to/to determine/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt contamination/nn}:np   undef:{and/cc}:undef   vp:{to/to identify/vb}:vp   np:{the/dt processors/nns and/cc products/nns}:np   vp:{involved/vbn}:vp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 713   ID(stc): 1546   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   it said updates the extent of the risk from human consumption would also be made available.
   np:{it/prp}:np   vp:{said/vbd}:vp   np:{updates/nns}:np   np:{the/dt extent/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{the/dt risk/nn}:np   pp:{from/in}:pp   np:{human/jj consumption/nn}:np   vp:{would/md also/rb be/vb made/vbn}:vp   adjp:{available/jj}:adjp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 714   ID(stc): 1547   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   in recent years, there have been a number of dioxin contamination incidents of food worldwide.
   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{recent/jj years/nns}:np   undef:{,/,}:undef   np:{there/ex}:np   vp:{have/vbp been/vbn}:vp   np:{a/dt number/nn}:np    pp:{of/in}:pp    np:{dioxin/nn contamination/nn incidents/nns}:np   pp:{of/in}:pp   np:{food/nn}:np   advp:{worldwide/rb}:advp   undef:{./.}:undef

ID: 715   ID(stc): 1551   ID(rule): 9204   COVER: 46
   all irish pork products are continuing to be recalled across the country after a toxin was found in pig food.
   np:{all/dt irish/jj pork/nn products/nns}:np   vp:{are/vbp continuing/vbg to/to be/vb recalled/vbn}:vp   pp:{across/in}:pp   np:{the/dt country/nn}:np    pp:{after/in}:pp    np:{a/dt toxin/nn}:np   vp:{was/vbd found/vbn}:vp   pp:{in/in}:pp   np:{pig/nn food/nn}:np   undef:{./.}:undef

Context color Target color MINIMUM RULE COVER:............... 20 TOTAL NUMBER OF MATCH:............ 715 (24.84 %) TOTAL PROCESSED SENTENCES:........ 2878