(*Uma Nota: o tipo Set que OCaml fornece é implementado como arvores
AVL *)

 type 'a avl = Empty | Node of int * 'a avl * 'a * 'a avl

(*Algumas funções auxiliares úteis*)
let empty () = Empty

let isEmpty tree = tree = Empty

let rec member comp e t = 
    match t with
        Node (_,l,x,r) ->
          (match comp e x with
               -1 -> member comp e l
             | 0 -> true
             | _ -> member comp e r
      | Empty -> false

let depth tree = 
    match tree with
        Node (d, _, _, _) -> d
      | Empty -> 0

let value tree = 
    match tree with
        Node (_, _, x, _) -> x
      | Empty -> failwith "Impossible"

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